Wow, didn't know my fans out there were watching my work!
I had guessed they would go for £1200 so very happy. There were nearly 150 "watchers" and I was getting about 50 page views a minute towards the end!
I recommend listing your item within the week as this seems a good time for eBay sellers (sort of in between Xmas and holiday time so people have some ££££).
I think the key to eBay is good photos. I made sure I took mine outside under natural light. It's also worth overexposing them a little bit as they stand out more in the ad. Must admit that when I saw the finished ad with the shiny ATC midrange I was wondering if I was doing the right thing selling them. I think it also helps to initially put in a Reserve price and then half way thru the auction take it off as bidders get excited about that.
Anyway, I must be doing something right as I sold a 7 year old pair of Tannoy M2's (not 2.5's) for £72 + postage a few weeks ago. I only paid about £100 for them new and every other pair I have seen rarely exceeds £30.
Oh yeah, I also sold my SPA2-150 for £1250 to a guy who saw it mentioned in the SCM35 advert. It arrived at his door this morning
So my Bryston 4b sst and OB1's should be here later next week.
p.s. back home in Oz we sell our houses by auction out in the street, now that's brown pants time let me tell you...eBay's child play compared to that