Ian You AIN'T my girlfriend, regardless of your fantasies
There's no need for that merlin . MO was only dishing out some of your own medicine, albeit in much reduced strength - seems like it didn't agree with you though Regarding the word "imagine" I don't find it insulting or condescending. However, as the subject is bound to come up again, which word would you prefer was used to describe differences that can be heard when the identity of the kit is known but mysteriously disappear when it isn't? Err...yes, there are. Like this one for example: Since you were clearly referring to Tones and WM, yes I'm sure they, like all of us, hear things differently but I'd wager that under blind test conditions the "Goldeness" of their ears would be remarkably similar. Michael.
"Mysteriously disappear" is also insulting or condescending, you are assuming that as a fact without any evidence, how do you know if it will disappear, what do you think you know that we dont... :newbie:
Oh Michael.....do give it a rest. Try Humour, it is know to prolong your life. Check out Kevin Bloody Wilson, smoke some herb, pour water over your neighbour. I won't even bother responding to your paranoid analysis, but I will give you a clue We don't ALL take this thing quite that seriously you know
Did see that though Sadly you are wrong on both counts amigo but then as you keep saying, imagination is a powerful thing
Oh please - I'm not saying that the differences will necessarily disappear, I'm saying that I think they probably will. You're saying you think they probably won't. I could just as easily say that you're assuming it as fact without any evidence. There is however plenty of evidence of people only hearing differences when they know what they're listening to. There's nothing wrong with that, it's happened to me too. Do we have to repeat this thread for the third time? Try it yourself . It was noticably absent from your response to MO earlier. Michael.
I personally found it funny Michael , certainly more entertaining than MO's comments. Still humour, like everything is of course subjective.
OK Michael, could we try this.... If I stated on this forum that you were an idiot I would rightfully be banned. If I were to imagine that you were a idiot then I guess that would not be a problem What if I were to state that I imagine you are a idiot?
It is good to see the forum has regain the wonderful sense of humour. Hope I am not delusional and just imagine this. :rds2:
Then it would be clear that you hadn't evaluated my intelligence under double blind test conditions Michael.
When you are next over, if you fancy trying out the restaurants around Windsor under DBT conditions, I would be only too happy to pick up the tab
I think you've miss read (perhaps down to the way I worded it), what I said. At the point of my post, you'd made only 2 posts. One a short ref to the music section... "A great way of telling us to focus on the music James if i may say so" And then another one which I was refering to only for the (as I said, genuinely funny) comment about.... "what may be non existant to say a Linn owner in his latter years, may be only to obvious to say a Bel Canto owner in his 30's." "predictable and shite attempts at kicking things off again" wasn't aimed at you. And I'd have appologised (possibly), if the way I worded it had seemed like it was. But then you went and made a bit of a tit of yourself. Do you still want PM?
Yeah, go on Mo! I'm only listening to music at the MOment - humour me! I collect them you see. I take it you're a breast man?
I always listen in 5.1, if it is stereo I use DPLII... :MILD: This DVD has PCM and DD 5.1 tracks, the later sounds better, clearer and livelier, but with many DVDs I prefer the stereo PCM + DPLII...