Muper Soderator
from what i understand the squeezebox's jitter performance is quite good at under 150psec iirc. however as some can hear differences between transports and digital interconnects there are bound to be percieved differences.
one thing i have noticed is this:
my dax 2 has 2 methods of locking on to the digital signal, one for low quality / high jitter signals and one for high quality / low jitter signals. the latter illuminating a little 'crystal lock' l.e.d. on the front of the dax.
Now with flacs the crystal lock light stays off HOWEVER with MP3's the crystal lock light comes on! so there is something going on in there somewhere and definately room for improvement with flacs. i'm going to try a jitter reducer in the near future so we'll see.as ever with hi-fi nothing is ever simple.
that said even without 'crystal locking' flacs are noticably better than mp3's - well 128mbps mp3s anyway.
one of the big 'naimisms' is the belief that putting the dac chip as close to the transport as possible is a crucial part of the naim sound so a seperate naim dac is unlikely - unfortunately.
for me though dac technology peaked in the mid 90's with the last of the proper multibit dac chips. nowadays dac's are designed to decode dvd and sacd bitrates which unfortunately means that the data stream has to be 'upsampled' or sample rate converted which to my ears does nasty things to the music. give me a good 16, 20 or 24 bit datapath, multibit converter with 8, 16 or 256 times oversampling any time. unfortunately these are either very specialist and therefore expensive (jvc k2) or new old stock (tda1541 double crown etc.) which are not replaceable if they go pop. i just pray my dax 2 lasts.
one thing i have noticed is this:
my dax 2 has 2 methods of locking on to the digital signal, one for low quality / high jitter signals and one for high quality / low jitter signals. the latter illuminating a little 'crystal lock' l.e.d. on the front of the dax.
Now with flacs the crystal lock light stays off HOWEVER with MP3's the crystal lock light comes on! so there is something going on in there somewhere and definately room for improvement with flacs. i'm going to try a jitter reducer in the near future so we'll see.as ever with hi-fi nothing is ever simple.
that said even without 'crystal locking' flacs are noticably better than mp3's - well 128mbps mp3s anyway.
one of the big 'naimisms' is the belief that putting the dac chip as close to the transport as possible is a crucial part of the naim sound so a seperate naim dac is unlikely - unfortunately.
for me though dac technology peaked in the mid 90's with the last of the proper multibit dac chips. nowadays dac's are designed to decode dvd and sacd bitrates which unfortunately means that the data stream has to be 'upsampled' or sample rate converted which to my ears does nasty things to the music. give me a good 16, 20 or 24 bit datapath, multibit converter with 8, 16 or 256 times oversampling any time. unfortunately these are either very specialist and therefore expensive (jvc k2) or new old stock (tda1541 double crown etc.) which are not replaceable if they go pop. i just pray my dax 2 lasts.