To add to what Tom already said, the other thing to consider is that any "inconvenience" only happens the one time you import the CD that causes it. After that it's on the HD and you never need to worry about it again. I think anyone who is considering moving all their CDs to a HD based system would surely not mind having to make the odd adjustment to the track info. At least I know I wouldn't as I can see the huge benefits to be gleaned from the effort. That I think is the "convenience" (ie. once you have all the data loaded) most of the folks supporting the HD based system are referring to, not the ease of initially loading the HD with the data. The data load is a one time hit.garyi said:I thought however part of this whole PC based philosophy is the convenience of it, it hardly seems that way if you have to adjust every track that you import, it infact sounds like a right PITA.
But ultimately, it's to each their own for sure.