I think a proper mc step up transformer is the [U]only[/U] way to load an mc. However Borbely makes active stages so he's bound to favour those. If you've heard the bass you want from the TT and tranformer via any other phono stage then you know its there to be had. Without looking very carefully at the schematic for the phono stage you have I couldn't tell whether that was likely to be the cause. Have you ever heard this phono stage delivering the bass you want even from a different front end? You do seem to be loading the cartridge quite heavily though. Was the loading the same when the bass sounded ok with the WAD pre? Which turns ratio are you using in the step up transformers? I'm not sure I'd agree that every ported loudspeaker has inaccurate bass but I'd accept that many do. However some IB bass systems are compromised dynamically aswell.