please explain this Mana product to me

Originally posted by titian
You will certainly become a rackist if you see the Pagode Master Reference.

Titian morning,

You have been to Cheltenham you know ;) I have recently accquired a rack just for the music gear, I did try a Pagode M/Ref too, I think Merlin has had one also, great seperation and staging qualities, however it really killed the groove/flow in my system, which was shame, because the quality is superb, so I plumped for one of these........

Build quality on these is also top notch & they weigh as much as a small elephant!!
Between the 2, the Couplare has more 'weight' and body & life to the sound, were as the Pagode has the staging/seperation.
Nice upgrade further enhanced by use of the stillpoints (which surprised me).
Plus now my living room looks less like a BP oil rig refurb dept :D
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Yes they can also be used as a bookself or for putting on flower vases or Swarowski cristals and many other stuff. Any wife would find thousands of ways to use this piece of furniture. :rolleyes: :p
Originally posted by wadia-miester
Between the 2, the Couplare has more 'weight' and body & life to the sound, were as the Pagode has the staging/seperation.
You bought the Copulare! Handsome piece of kit, so long as you don't go for some of the wackier finish options!
I've been recommending them to folks for years, which is a bit daft as I bought the Pagode...
However, I mainly bought the Pagode wot with it being on special, and me having lived in Yorkshire for quite a while means I can't refuse a bargain :D

To tell the truth, though, neither isolates quite as well as damped shelves attached to a solid stone wall!
Originally posted by The Devil
....well I'll leave you to work it out, since you seem to know....?
Actually, I really don't know and I'm trying to get a handle on it.

If your speaker cabinets have considerable vibration, do you spike them to the floor and risk vibrating the floor or decouple them and live with the consequences?

If they don't vibrate noticeably, what then?

Even concrete floors vibrate. Is it more important to decouple the equipment from the floor to prevent the vibrations getting to the equipment or are the vibrations within the equipment itself so detrimental that the most important thing is to couple the equipment to the floor?

Should efforts be made to stop the floor vibrating? Do you brace your wooden floorboards (increase the frequencies of the vibrations) or make the floor more 'massy'. What if your listening room is on the top floor, how much mass can the floor take?

I honestly believe that there are so many variables that the only satisfactory answer is to suck it and see. I don't believe that there is any 'one size fits all' solution.

So believe me, I wasn't trying to be funny. I was genuinely interested in what Mana's approach is when the floor is vibrated substantially by the speakers.

All music is vibration. How do I keep those good vibrations a-happening to me?
please........just stop:eek: :confused: :( I started off as a rackist, I am now becoming a housist.
Originally posted by Saab
please........just stop:eek: :confused: :( I started off as a rackist, I am now becoming a housist.

Oh, I don't know, a few folk have made a lot of money out of racketeering :D
Originally posted by 7_V

If your speaker cabinets have considerable vibration, do you spike them to the floor and risk vibrating the floor or decouple them and live with the consequences?
Neither. You (well, I) couple them to a big stack of Mana which

a) Reduces cabinet vibration, and
b) Attenuates it so that floor excitation is minimal

Instead of postulating, try it.
Regarding the mana type forums, I took a look at some.

It seems that buying Mana products sometimes has the side effect of turning normal people into anal-retentive windbags.

Never seen such schoolboy chest beating in all my life, most embarrasing. :rolleyes:

Some of the folk there seemed to have kept some sense of perspective, but not many.

Put me off buying!
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Originally posted by The Devil
Instead of postulating, try it.
Well, I don't need the stuff for my home system (and can't afford it anyway). However, my fine horned friend, I promise that when I open my swanky new showroom, I'll give Mana a try - as long as it won't turn me into an anal-retentive windbag (and no comments please from those who already consider me to be one).
Originally posted by 7_V
anal-retentive windbag
Now I would like to know what this is:D :D
My english is not so good and this forum will help it. :D :D
I have a feeling that this is something I must know. :D
I assume he means me. Which is fine ... this is an anal-retentive hobby if ever there was one, and if you choose to post nonsense on the internet, like I do, then you become a windbag, too. Very apt.
Originally posted by titian
Now I would like to know what this is:D :D
My english is not so good and this forum will help it. :D :D
I have a feeling that this is something I must know. :D
anal-retentive = full of sh*t

windbag = talks too much


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