please explain this Mana product to me

Originally posted by The Devil
I assume he means me. Which is fine ... this is an anal-retentive hobby if ever there was one, and if you choose to post nonsense on the internet, like I do, then you become a windbag, too. Very apt.

I think he was referring to Pumamans post,but you might be one as well;)
Originally posted by The Devil
I assume he means me. Which is fine ... this is an anal-retentive hobby if ever there was one, and if you choose to post nonsense on the internet, like I do, then you become a windbag, too. Very apt.
From his posting I didn't get that PumaMan meant you in particular.
No, anal-retentive means fastidious to the point of ennui.
This is certainly a hobby for perfectionists. We should be fastidious but not, obviously, to the point of ennui.

BTW. What's 'ennui'?
Originally posted by 7_V
BTW. What's 'ennui'?
Frog for "boredom"

Just came across this interesting page in a book I'm reading ATM.

...humankind could be divided into aristocrats and commoners. Aristocrats had more mana - ...and the authority that accompanied it - than did commoners. That mana was to a large extent inherited and, if those who posessed it led socially resonsible lives or accomplished memorable deeds, it was enlarged. The qualities of mana...were regarded as manifest more intensely in those aristocrats who posessed the status of 'paramount aristocrats'. Such leaders...most often 'presided' as focal points for community identity and loyalty rather than actively leading their people in war or peace. Their words would be influential in determining tribal strategies, however, for they were seen as potential intermediaries between deities and humankind and between ancestors and descendants.

These categories too were flexible rather than immutable....Some members of artistocrat families lost their status as a result of disregarding community responsibilties or severe social offending - mana was as easily diminished as it was aggregated. Defeated and captured aristocrats became slaves, but they could regain their former status if they succeeded in escaping from thir captors....On the other hand some who lost mana became so dispirited that they declined physically and psychically and died.
So very true!

(It's actually from "The Penguin History of New Zealand" by Michael King, and "mana" is the Maori concept of "ancestral efficacy" or spiritual worth. The only editing above was to use English rather than Maori words and remove similar references to "tapu" - personal sacredness or "untouchability" )
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I would like to unreservedly apologise for starting this thread,and my sincere condolences to those that have actually read it.I have punished myself by listening to kenny G
Or even better:

Ma-na-ma-na coo-la-re-we
Ma-na-ma-na coo-la ra
Ma-na-ma-na coo-la ra-we a-ka-la

Ma-na-ma-na coo-la ra-we a-ka-la.
Ma-na-ma-na coo-la ra-we a-ka-la.
A-ya doo a-ya
A-ya doo a-ya.

(mutatis mutandis)

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