Poor old Norah

This was the one I auditioned, MO!, and I found it sounded gorgeous, but just didn't seem to have any substance - it was like taking a mouthful of candy floss. As they say Downunder, all show and no go. Great muzak, but nothing else, as far as I'm concerned.
Originally posted by RDD
Jones sounds like Marge Simpson when she "sings"....sorry, we can't all like the same things!!

"Every Simpson dance now
Boomp boomp boom be boomp!"

Marge defo looks better with her hair down :) The worrying thing is she can actually look quite, err, OK, sometimes - like that bit on the opening credits when Maggie gets put in the shopping bag and Marge smiles...

I'd better get my coat :)
Bought the new Norah J yesterday and well...I quite like it :shame: Particularly like the last track. Whole album not hugely memorable I agree but quite pleasant all the same.

Haven't heard the first track yet as, despite the CD not being copy-protected, neither EAC nor iTunes was able to rip it :confused: . Seems like my work laptop (which is all I have when in London) has a cr@ppy CD/DVD drive which baulks on the first track of any "enhanced" CDs (ones that have a data part aswell).


cheers for the correction.

I just made an attempt at the literal sense! I'm unable to converse in other tongues.

It sort of made sense to me :D
Done in jest, Cookie! "Foutu" is the past participle of "foutre", the verb that corresponds to that four-letter English word also beginning with "f". Curiously, when the verb is conjugated, it loses much of its offence. The French equivalent of "bloody bastard" is "foutu salaud", and nearly everyone in France says "je m'en fous" (I don't give a damn). Possibly because they don't. Sacre bleu!
Back to the tread :D the Gothenburg Post gave the Norah Jones album 5 stars in its Sunday review, so there ya go.....

IMO, the first album was great until it was discovered and then played to death throughout last summer, man you couldn't get away from it. Kinda like the first Dido album really.

I haven't heard either the Dido or Jones second releases but they both seemed to get pounded by the broadsheet press yet have/probably sell by the bucket load. So go figure, either the reviewers, (who all championed their first albums) are all pretentious and out of touch or the mass consumer buying public have no tasteââ'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦.:confused:
well, from what I've heard of her album (which isn't a great deal to be honest) - I thought it was very bland...ho hum
Originally posted by michaelab
Bought the new Norah J yesterday and well...I quite like it :shame: Particularly like the last track. Whole album not hugely memorable I agree but quite pleasant all the same.

Haven't heard the first track yet as, despite the CD not being copy-protected, neither EAC nor iTunes was able to rip it :confused: . Seems like my work laptop (which is all I have when in London) has a cr@ppy CD/DVD drive which baulks on the first track of any "enhanced" CDs (ones that have a data part aswell).


Michael you really want to listen to that first track - I recon it's the best on the album. I, like others here liked the first album until it got overplayed. On first listen of the new album I was unimpressed but it does kind of grow on you (well on me anyway).
Originally posted by Philip King


Kinda like the first Dido album really.

kinda like perfumed shit then ;)

.... either the reviewers, (who all championed their first albums) are all pretentious and out of touch or the mass consumer buying public have no tasteââ'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦.:confused:

Yup - the mass consumer buying public have no taste. They like Norah and Dido as well as David "wobbly head" Gray - its also rather shocking the number of people who drive Vauxhalls - so how can they have taste. QED, I rest my case :MILD:

PS. AND reviewers are pretentious and out of touch - its not an either/or thing. They aren't mutually exclusive.
I was suckered into buying the first Dildo album - unperfumed sh!t in my humble.

A friend bought & played me Snora's first - ugh.

No way am I going anywhere near their follow-up offerings. The word 'bland' is far too bland to describe these horrors.

They are both miles better to look at than to hear.
Originally posted by Uncle Ants
kinda like perfumed shit then ;)

Yup - the mass consumer buying public have no taste. They like Norah and Dido as well as David "wobbly head" Gray - its also rather shocking the number of people who drive Vauxhalls - so how can they have taste. QED, I rest my case :MILD:

PS. AND reviewers are pretentious and out of touch - its not an either/or thing. They aren't mutually exclusive.

I make it a point not to disagree with a Grand Pooh Bar who is correct:)

But then again if everybody drove Audi's and listened to decent music we'd just have to find another outlet for our pretentious/elitist snobbery :D

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