Poor old Norah

Originally posted by Philip King
But then again if everybody drove Audi's and listened to decent music we'd just have to find another outlet for our pretentious/elitist snobbery :D

Absolutely. One couldn't be different if there weren't something to be different to :) Although the problem with the Norahs and Didos and Davids of this world is that it fools the tasteless into believing they have taste. Full on bad taste like Aqua is something I rather like myself :rolleyes:. Its a bit like magnolia painted anaglypta (Sp??) wallpaper versus some bad taste but vibrant swirly seventies stuff.

Still don't understand it though. Of all the cars in the world what on earth would possess someone to buy a Vauxhall?? :confused: Especially a new one (apologies to any vauxhall owners out there - I am (half) joking ;) ). Like driving a four wheeled bowl of porridge.

Heard a David Grey interview where he bemoaned the fact that his audience now consisted of accountants/middle managers where as before he'd get 20 odd 'cool kids' in a half empty dive. But then when you sell so many albums the stats would indicate that a fair majority of fans would in fact be said accountants/middle managers (and those stats indicate that a fair majority would drive Vauxhalls) :eek:

And there in is the dilemma. Can you be popular and still maintain that element of cool that enabled you to become popular in the first place? :confused:
Originally posted by Philip King

And there in is the dilemma. Can you be popular and still maintain that element of cool that enabled you to become popular in the first place? :confused:

Probably - the White Stripes seem to have managed - mind you not playing bland, tasteless (as in having no taste or flavour to it rather than bad taste) pappy lift music might help.

The Guardian article was spot on if you ask me.

re David Gray - mark my words David Kitt'll go the same way :rolleyes:
Originally posted by cookiemonster
I believe i have 5 David Gray albums, 1 Norah Jones and 1 Dido, and yet i am cooler than a penguin sporting shades.

No, you just believe you are ;)

PS. You don't drive a vauxhall, do you?

PPS. Of course you don't actually state whether you listen to them or worse even like them :JPS:
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I haven't bought Norah Jones' first album for fear it would put me in a coma. Dido is a totally different story though so please stop lumping her together with snorah :mad: :D.
I know i'm cool.

You inhabit a world with a fixed amount of cool, with not enough to go round. In which case, you should be glad of Vauxhall drivers and keep quiet, lest your coolness is drained away by a new breed of Audi drivers. Its the survival of the coolest.

Taste, beyond the immediate realm of the pallette, is a complex fusion of metaphysical paradigms which would require a lengthy discourse to resolve to your satisfaction.

Needless to say, i have impeccable taste.

P.S. No.

P.P.S Haven't listened to them in a long time, and the Dido belongs to my wife.

:cool: :cool:
I dont understand it, but David Grays albums up to and including white ladder were interesting and involving.

His more recent release (post sudden massive public interest) is crap IMHO.

Success made him shite? possibly. It worked for radiohead.
Just listened to the 2nd Norah album again last night and I have to say, it's even growing on me. I really do like it, perhaps even more than the first :eek:

I don't think it's fair to call it bland, unless by "bland" you mean "mellow". It won't get you bopping that's for sure but then it's not supposed to. Funnily enough, the 2nd album is very like k.d. lang - who's albums I haven't heard for ages but I must get them out today for a listen :)

Well Nora must be cool - Sunrise (first track on the new album) was on "Q" last night - a bit of a wierd vid and as a result I'm sure it will help sales and Noras image among you trendies:cool: Anyone else see it?
Didn't see it. I was listening to the album again yesterday and it really is a grower. Track 9 "Humble Me" is my current stand out favourite :)

Originally posted by Donut
Well Nora must be cool - Sunrise (first track on the new album) was on "Q" last night - a bit of a wierd vid and as a result I'm sure it will help sales and Noras image among you trendies:cool: Anyone else see it?

Does she get her tits out then?
Ravi Shankar I'd like to thank.
Your daughter makes me want to w*nk.
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Originally posted by Uncle Ants
Its a bit like magnolia painted anaglypta (Sp??) wallpaper versus some bad taste but vibrant swirly seventies stuff.
Christ, I must have stripped hundreds of miles of magnolia and "cream" anaglytpa back the 80s.
Don't tell me it's back in fasion in the blighteed isle... :rolleyes:
From today's "New York Times"

Norah Jones is a lovely young woman with a lovely young voice who sings jazz-inflected songs of romance in a manner that can only be called consoling. Her first album, "Come Away With Me," earned her a double armful of Grammys last year and the attention of the entire music industry. Her second album, "Feels Like Home," has just been released. It made its debut at No. 1 and sold more than a million copies in its first week, proving that politeness does have its rewards. The sound of Ms. Jones's piano is amiability itself, and in her voice there lurks a plaintive contentment. It feels churlish to speak even that critically of a woman whose music is so palpably pleasing. Who knew so many people needed so much consolation?

As it happens, Ms. Jones's big week coincided with a big week for music sales in general. But then any week when a newly released album sells a million copies is going to look good by recent industry standards, especially if it also happens to overlap with Valentine's Day. Ms. Jones's numbers ââ'¬â€ and the fact that she's selling mainly to grown-ups ââ'¬â€ make record executives hopeful that a recovery in their troubled business is just around the corner. They are going to need to keep hoping. Their business seems to be structured against steady, long-term success. The psychology of the recording industry, like that of book publishing, is now so dependent on blockbuster sales that the idea of profitability based on modest sales across a diverse catalog has nearly vanished. The business depends on the hundred-year flood, not a steady rain.

There is no begrudging Ms. Jones her success. Part of her attraction is that she seems to be pursuing the art as it appeals to her, without pandering to her audience. But what's curious about her career so far is that she is essentially a midlist artist who broke into the big time. Her first album was rolled out in a way that suggested modest expectations ââ'¬â€ and on such modest, artful expectations, once upon a time, a gratifying career might have been based. But her niche is now the whole world. The industry will no longer be talking about Norah Jones; it will be talking about "a Norah Jones" or "the next Norah Jones," who comes out of nowhere to rescue the bottom line once again.
Does she have any so to do?

If you read back to the beginning, Gary, you'll find that I find Norah an excellent substitute for "Valium" - "Snorah" as somebody nicely put it. I was merely quoting the NYT to show that disapproval is far from universal. And, well, each to his or her own.
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Originally posted by Bumboy
yes yes yes...

but would you shag her tones?

I dunno about him, but I know *I* would - I bet she goes off like a rocket :) Or something. Very cute either way, and I'd not mind snorah snoring in my bed after a good vigorous workout...


Ahem! Got my mindset off of work now - d'oh!

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