I think some of you guys are missing the point, by comparing TVCs against preamps costing several times more. To me the attraction of passive pres and TVCs is the value for money.
Yup, I have to agree. VFM means getting the best (for you) for your money. Seems absolutely crucial !
I've had loads of pre-amps over the years, active & passive (including a TVC). They all sound different! You've just got to find one that suits your current system and current musical tastes.
IMO passives (even TVC) do take away drive and dynamics a little (sometimes a lot) and can even sound grainy (although I strongly suspect this is a system interaction problem, not inherent to a particular pre. I had an Audiosynthesis pre that I bought to drive Jadis JA80 valve monoblocks - sounded awfully grainy there, which it didn't so much into other power amps. Go figure!!). Generally, passives have very good clarity and detail, though.
I've owned Audio Research SP11/2 valve, BAT VK3i valve, Concordant Exquisite valve, MF F22 valve, Django TVC passive, AudioSynthesis passive, Creek passive, MF 308 solid state, LFD LS2 solid state, ... and I'm sure some others that slip my mind at the moment
I guess my least fave was the AudioSynthesis and my best faves have been the BAT, the LFD and the Django TVC. (I currently use an integrated amp). IME valve pres are good for what I think of as 'dynamic detail', but generally do sound a bit coloured. Passive pres lack drive, and active pres fall in-between!
Nothings perfect, you've just got to find one that works for you. (As always).