
The bottom line here is delivering the goods, Personally I've only heard one other posters equipment do this.Prehaps a put up or shut session is order.
Nothing to do with best this and that, its about cohesion and rightness of sound thats been generated by careful selection of partnering equipment.
Its not obtainable with pmc or atc's in the raw form period. Valves and horns can't, you may wish to think again, cd players can't cut it with uber TT's:D Its all preconceptual B/S
Its time I heard the bbv sound for myself, I'm in London next Thursday for a technical conference. I'll make some time. what do you say then nick?
brizonbiovizier said:
I have heard systems based on bryston and pmc sound sterile too


£100 fine to be sent to your favourite charity (that is apart from you). You broke the thread rule

wadia-miester said:
The bottom line here is delivering the goods, I've only heard one other posters equipment do this.
Prehaps a put up or shut session is order.

I'd definitely be up for that.

Heard lots of kit, builts lots of speakers and know what I like. I'm confident what I have can be appreciated by a wide audience and over a wide range of material.

Where do you lot live?
wadia-miester said:
The bottom line here is delivering the goods, Personally I've only heard one other posters equipment do this.Prehaps a put up or shut session is order.
Nothing to do with best this and that, its about cohesion and rightness of sound thats been generated by careful selection of partnering equipment.
Its not obtainable with pmc or atc's in the raw form period. Valves and horns can't, you may wish to think again, cd players can't cut it with uber TT's:D Its all preconceptual B/S
Its time I heard the bbv sound for myself, I'm in London next Thursday for a technical conference. I'll make some time. what do you say then nick?

I'll be game soon enough haha :D

If musical this that and the other is the aim, who is the judge? You are hardly qualified to tell Nick his system is not musical and vice-versa. If you are going to pop over Nicks I'd love to be there! Mind if I come along Nick, Tony? ...assuming I can make it.
wadia-miester said:
I'll come to you and listen in their true enviroment, Maybe Murray would like to particpate as well. Interesting twists on designs are always a welcome change

I'm up North in Chesterfield which is a stones throw from Sheffield and about 20 minutes from junction 29 on the M1.

Always happy to demo the system. Cake, tea, biscuits etc FOC, I charge for the larger though :D

When were you thinking about all this happening?
OK lets drop out of our blinkers for a minute. Why is hi-fi not subject to the same judgement criteria as with any other subject.

How do you choose a fridge? - it performs a physical function and it has to be reliable - there are no real subjective criteria apart from what it looks like, the choice is entirely objective and cost and size based.

How do you select the music to play on your hi-fi - objectivity plays a part in the choice of medium but not in the choice of music, that is entirely subjective, as it provides energetic stimulation to listen to it.

So which area does hi fi fall into music or fridge?

Other functions have similar choices - How do you choose a picture to hang on your wall? - it performs a subjective function, it provides energetic stimulation to be in its company.

How do you choose a car? this is more balanced but variable as to the individual. BUT the industry knows that 90% of the time it is an emotional (subjective) decision.

Addiction to objective values just gives a facile existence based on an illusionary certainty. But my objective nature points this out to me

Sadly I am going to Shanghai on Thursday! I finish my current job on Tuesday so I fancied a holiday.

It seems I had a lucky escape!

Anytime after that is fine I will be at home - the new job involves 80% home working so I can entertain any time.

Will give me some time to finish the loading on the stepups and disable the servos on the phono.

Why dont you bring the belles with you WM?

Tenson - can you help me rejig the crossovers now I have the xbds in place? Using that gating thingy? I wouldnt want to give less than 100%. I will even whip the tweeter grills off!
I merely wish to hear the nick system as he discribes it nothing more. I'm very obviously missing the boat on a big scale.
I wish to be educated :) as I have a very open mind.
Now Simon is making assumptions, I've been intreaged by nick's ramblings ever since the day he first posted.
So its time I found out for myself just how complete his package is.
I do get frequent your neck of the woods from time to time I'm sure we can arrange a mutually convient date.
Can you just run throught the rest of your system for me please
Many people are intrigued about my package sloppie - but I never thought to hear those words pass your lips.
No problems I can find time on Monday to make a special trip.
That will give you time to let Simon loose on your X/overs.
I can be there for 9.30 max I'll bring me own tea/scones
and music.
Monday? This monday? I will be at work. I dont finish until Tuesday. Or did you mean monday after when I get back?
Richard Dunn said:
OK lets drop out of our blinkers for a minute. Why is hi-fi not subject to the same judgement criteria as with any other subject.

How do you choose a fridge? - it performs a physical function and it has to be reliable - there are no real subjective criteria apart from what it looks like, the choice is entirely objective and cost and size based.

How do you select the music to play on your hi-fi - objectivity plays a part in the choice of medium but not in the choice of music, that is entirely subjective, as it provides energetic stimulation to listen to it.

So which area does hi fi fall into music or fridge?

Other functions have similar choices - How do you choose a picture to hang on your wall? - it performs a subjective function, it provides energetic stimulation to be in its company.

How do you choose a car? this is more balanced but variable as to the individual. BUT the industry knows that 90% of the time it is an emotional (subjective) decision.

Addiction to objective values just gives a facile existence based on an illusionary certainty. But my objective nature points this out to me


So how would you mate these two qualities; the engineering and the final sound? How would you do it?

There isn't an answer just more subjectives, the only thing that stays constant is the objectives. Forgive me for wanting less confusion. I design and build loudspeaker for the love of it, this forces you into an objective stance. Good measured or objective performance is the foundation for me to work from.
brizonbiovizier said:
Sadly I am going to Shanghai on Thursday! I finish my current job on Tuesday so I fancied a holiday.

You want to go to Shanghai for pleasure !!

Have you been before?

I have to go at least once a year, it is a Bai-Shi obligation. I definitely would not go unless I had to, especially at the height of Summer. Do you like mosquitos?

I have been to china several times before - most recently 3 weeks hiking in mountains of yunnan. I have a friend working in shanghai at the moment so I am visiting her for a week.

bai shi?
Don't hold your breath Tony - I don't think BBV has listened to a record since joining the forums. That's certainly the impression one gets.

Shin, you have a point about horn loaded speakers and high energy music - after all, I bet you've never been to a gig or club and seen something as antiquated as a horn or compression driver have you.

Indeed it's merely an urban myth that the truly high end studios use large format monitors comprising paper cones and compression drivers in preference to cones and domes.

Now what I can't understand is that having spent a perfectly good friday evening sat in front of your PC's pontificating about the individual's perception of soundwaves and their reproduction, you all start jumping up and down like excited schoolchildren at the thought of someone actually coming over to hear your systems. This despite the fact that you have already proved that their opinion is of zero use to you (unless we are talking ego and not hifi)

Do carry on.
Actually I have been listening all evening to bonnie prince billy.

Will you be bringing scones too S&M?
ShinOBIWAN said:
So how would you mate these two qualities; the engineering and the final sound? How would you do it?.

Objective criteria give you the format / the parameters, subjective criteria give you the essence and the reality. You have to oscillate between them depending on what you wish to achieve. One cannot exist without the other as that is human nature, which is what makes this argument so laughable.

ShinOBIWAN said:
There isn't an answer just more subjectives, the only thing that stays constant is the objectives. Forgive me for wanting less confusion. I design and build loudspeaker for the love of it, this forces you into an objective stance. Good measured or objective performance is the foundation for me to work from.

What! you don't listen to them? so what do you make them for?

What about saturday 19th August after I get back. Tenson can come early to help me tweak the crossovers ;)

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