brizonbiovizier said:If its purely in the digital chain it should be ok - but outside that it has definate limitations as is.
Stereo Mic said:Much like your attitude with Bub and ATC's then...
Let's remember, I didn't start the arrogant insults here.
With regards to the DEQX crossover, do you have an impulse response of the low pass taken using just the crossover frequency and nothing else?
wadia-miester said:Shin,
Have heard the DEQX in a couple of applications, I believe some of the Apogee boys quite like them (Hence the Oz connection).
Derek (who is a nice chap and I've had dealings with) had a pair x/overs modifed by Graham Folwer back in 05 (Trichord). I did spot the special psu that was made for it in a what looks like a delphini box? on one of the websites last nite
Well a I've yet to hear any digital x/over sound good to my ears, and in one form or another been engauged with them for over 14 years, technology has moved on for sure, but the for us the problem still remains mechanical sound.
I heard (recently) one of the lesser models being honest it sounded none shabby so a good base to which to work from (I would take them over the hypex modules for sure).
It would be nice to hear how you feel you have managed to over come this issue Shin.
KUB3 said:'Smack my Bitch Up' into MG Acoustics...
Superb, lol.![]()
Richard Dunn said:Lets start with the premis (dangerous) that hi-fi is for listening to music...
Given this what are the principles involved in creating a system to reproduce music, and is it the same root for those pursuing fidelity in sound to those pursuing fidelity to the music / composer / orchestra / band / singer etc. Are they the same?
eisenach said:I've been following this with interest, although some of its by-ways are a bit too obscure for non-technical me.
It seems to me, that in the end, the HiFi system one ends up with is, just like the music, a reflection of the kind of person one is. Anyway, music is too wide a parameter, there are many kinds of music, and in most cases a system will suit one or another but not all. My own set up sounds great with small-scale well-recorded baroque music on original instruments, but as that's what I'm mainly into, it would be surprising if it didn't. Pop music (sorry to use the all-embracing equivalent of "Classical music") sounds ok, if sometimes too strident, but it doesn't get 19th Century romantic music at all, but then neither do I. Now is that really the system, or just me? Me and the system, or me & the music? or both?
In fact, the system is more like me than maybe is good for me. I tend to be a bit cool and unemotional, and my taste in music reflects that, and so does my system. I sometimes wish I were a warmer-hearted more heart-on-the-sleeve type of chap, so dream of lush valves and elctrostatics, but know(?) it would all end in tears.
Sometimes the system sounds great, sometimes the music sounds great, and sometimes I'm crap, it depends on my mood. Titian asks how often any of us sit down and solely listen to music? I've always felt guilty: it's usually combined with something else, usually reading a book. In the system's latest incarnation, though, more and more I find myself letting the book drop and being brought into the music. Reading's taking a lot longer! Is the system more involving? Is the music more involving? Or am I just turning into an agèd brain-addled wino who can't do two things at once anymore?
Who cares!
Whether in the pursuit of great HiFi / musical experience, there really are two differentiated paths (music / equipment), I don't know, but in the end I suspect the one is unavoidably compromised by the other, and it all ends up being a reflection of: - you.
Richard Dunn said:When a system is technically correct but musically uninvolving then it stimulates the frontal lobe and you intellectualise the experience and you wish to intellectualise it with others, either because you are unhappy or that you wish to impose your happiness on others - human nature! Ultimately facile as it is illusion and it will change week by week and you get more confused or more beligerent depending on your personality. This it seems is the modus operandi of this group.
If however it is emotionally involving then you feel it, the mind goes quiet and peace or elation is the result, both just the yin and yang of the process. Both make you *tingle* and you don't (in fact, cannot) do anything else at the same time, as you are drawn *into* the music like a suction pulling you in. Time has no meaning, true meditation.
ShinOBIWAN said:This is a forum, our only form of communication is words and pictures. Discussing audio using subjectives is fine but its entirely down to individual interpretation. Being objective in nature whilst discussing matters here is the lesser of two evils IMO. We've already seen that people can derive emotion from very differing methods of system makeup and musicality is misnomer that can't be broadly pinned down in that case.
When I sit to listen I stop being objective and then the experience is an entirely subjective one, I don't play back a passage I measured and compare my subjective opinons to any form of data.
I use objectivity to reach my goals and then enjoy the results
What your trying to get to the bottom of is both the beginning and the end and your very likely to end up going around in circles.
brizonbiovizier said:If soemthing is uninvolving it is technically incorrect - however the narrow range of specs used may be correct.
Easinach is repeating what I have said already - and is entirely correct. People like different music and are prepared to accept different compromises.
Richard Dunn said:I believe you have the process the wrong way around, get something to involve you even if it fries within 10 seconds. Then discover how to make that not fry and live in the real world, as little compromise as possible.
Richard Dunn said:Then you are playing lottery, a musically correct system will make every form of music correct - er. Not perfect technically or even necessarily an exact sound reproduction of the original, but music. Enjoyable, appealing, satisfying to the nature not the intellect.
ShinOBIWAN said:Hence my system does home theater, music, TV, gaming and I love every minute of it. I'm satisfied! Which is what I've been saying all along.
ShinOBIWAN said:I'm satisfied! Which is what I've been saying all along.
Richard Dunn said:A jack of all trades is a master of none.