wadia-miester said:
Interesting Shin, Dereks (overkill Audios') modded deq's may I believe been 'worked on' by some one else possibly? namely Trichord????
No, the modding is done by Kim, Paul and the team over at DEQX in Australia, there's specific changes to the digital input/out and the DA stages are moved outboard. Maybe other 3rd party work but it wasn't discussed and I doubt it to be honest.
You know Derek then? Extremely nice bloke and makes some very nice looking boxes, unfortunately I haven't heard them. Simon will also like them I suspect.
Do you not feel that digital x/overs whilst producing exceptional imaging and staging, detract from the musical expression, intimacy, tonality and realistic flow of the music whilst giving that mechanical contrived sound ie manipulated feeling (genuine question, not a dig?)
I personally don't feel that at all, its engaging but not in overtly over the top manner that I'd attribute to what I've built before or heard at shows and demo's. I'd say unforced, dynamic, cohesive and formed were the words I used if asked to describe the music, overall its natural.
If you drop in you can give me your own thoughts and see if its different to system you've heard before that implement this sort of setup. I also don't mind if you dislike it
The only other DEQX based setup I've heard is the NHT sub sat system and that seemed to display more of what your saying, polite would be the word. A nice background music system but not 'live' enough for my liking.
People talk of the ATC's as rough sounding maybe the DEQX was just what they needed
Having heard those xovers with the ovations? (and the passives versions, which to me were far more engauging and real)
Tonality and timbre seems to elude these types of sets ups for me. Are are you not also planning to use the new class 'd' designs soon?. personally I find the hypex stuff, powerful and in control, but lacking that soul and passion in the performance? although I feel the 180 is by far the best musically, though the 400 being the best trade off? 700 just full of bluster and wow, nothing more imo your thoughts here Shin.
I was going for the new NewClass D NCD1 modules but Lars(the designer and company boss) has put the release date back even further because of supply problems. I was getting impatient, so I've gone with a designer whom I've had good experiences with before - Hugh Dean. I've become quite good email chums with him despite selling my old AKSA 55N+ some months ago now, he mentioned he was releasing a limited availability special edition of the 55N+ called the Lifeforce and I got a chance to try it(at a price of course) so took it. Very simple but clever design, compact signal paths and chocked full of audio spec'd components.
The AKSA seems to be held in high esteem by the musicality crowd and compliments the system very well I think.
Take a look:
I'm using a pair of 55w modules for the tweeter and mid and the bass has the 100w version. I initially had reservation as to whether they had the chock to wind the drivers up but that thought soon dissappeared a few seconds after playing them.
I've only had them playing for around 50 hours so they're still running in at present.