Been lurking for a bit....reading this thread.
Well i took the plunge and bought a mc750....(prob paid to much £550...but its in ex condition....so wtf)
I am having a bit of a system shuffle so have quite a bit of kit on dem etc.
After spending a month with following amps:
Sugden a21 se
Pathos something (£2700)
s/h Musical fidelity kw500
EAR somthing power amp (2-3K?)
Naim 250/ pre something
Esotoric Audio integrtaed
I finished up liking an old Audio Analogue integrated .......Its a bit big and weighs about 60kg.....but it controls my martin logans a treat.
My source is a Krell ikid (don't knock it till youv heard it

) and a fully sorted garrard 301
So......i put the mc750 in and used the krellikid as the pre.
HaHhahahhahh.................so thats what the bass is supposed to sound like!!!!

maybe MC2 could tell martin logan how to make an amp. I ditched the £4k ml speakers with active woofers ....cause they sounded lumpy and crap in my room....these are the £3k passive version....and there is NO comparison using the mc750.
They are
very revealing though! Its really easy to tell a 320 rip against a 256 etc.
hahhahh i am still laughing...lost a bit of "hifi" air around the top end but.........
Cant wait to fix me valve pre and try it through the mc750 and i will probably mod the fans eventually.....
Might even look at some different speakers from the pro side....although me rooms only 18ft X 11ft so i have to be careful.
Any suggestions for a passive sub? low low low not boom boom boom?
good thread ....learned a lot.