Pro Audio PA Amps - Bargains to Be Had?

Andy, Isn't Opus the stuff Rich was praising on Lansing?
I like the style of their amps-very Battlestar Galactica.
Andy, Isn't Opus the stuff Rich was praising on Lansing?

Yes, they are.

Just got this reply from the seller.

"Its been used in a small club environment for the last 3 years. Bought new for £3,200 3.5 yrs ago. Not used for the last six months because of noise complaints so had to down size our system! we still run the same amps and Id say they give out little if any running noise at all. Not too sure about actual wattage but do feel free to come and have a look. We have two spare for sale."

I don't doubt the price they paid as these things are not your usual pro amp. I'm sure some subtle enquiries to Opus direct would show how noisy they are. I know they are capable of relatively large airflow capacity as they design their gear to run cool even at max. loads. I suspect for "domestic" use, the fan will be just ticking over.
Darth Vader would happily use it in his system, especially a black version. Wouldn't last long if the fans were too noisy, mind.
It's out of this bar in Exeter.

It's probably had an easy life. From the model code I suspect it is fitted with a 500W and 1250W amp module (i.e. asymmetric design to bi-amp a mid-high cabinet). You'd need to get hold of the second one they're selling, swap the amp modules around and keep either the 500/500W or the 1250/1250W amp :eek:
It's out of this bar in Exeter.

It's probably had an easy life. From the model code I suspect it is fitted with a 500W and 1250W amp module (i.e. asymmetric design to bi-amp a mid-high cabinet). You'd need to get hold of the second one they're selling, swap the amp modules around and keep either the 500/500W or the 1250/1250W amp :eek:

well you would be completely buggered if you won one of them and not the other then :). Maybe it would be kind and sensible to tell the vendor, so as to eliminate the risk of two people buying chocolate teapots.
Yes, Opus Audio confirmed today that it has 1250W module on Ch1 and 500W module on Ch2. It's a standard configuration they use to power their mid-high boxes. The seller has no idea about the technical details so is not trying to hide anything.

If I was setting up a small music venue, I would have been over there like a shot with £800 in my hands to take the pair off him (I wreckon he wants shot of them). Because the guy has only used the term "Opus" and not "Opus Audio" in the auction title, many people, including Opus has probably missed the auction. Opus may buy them back off him at that price.
And wheres the best place to look?

ebay .. but in the musical instruments section and the pro audio section as they often don't get listed in the HiFi section.

I went for an MC2 after recommends from here and have to say I've been delighted. Had to do some "fan"nying about (pardon the pun) to get the fans silent, but they are now and Its a stayer. I've stopped fretting.

I'm sure others will have further manufacturers to suggest.
I have no idea what you mean Dev...quote from advert...

"Monitors | Speakers : Quested VS3208 These are crap and need to go!!!. £1250."

Has this guy just been made redundant from MC2 or Quested as he's got serious issues??? I'm gonna contact him for the laugh!
I have no idea what you mean Dev...quote from advert...

"Monitors | Speakers : Quested VS3208 These are crap and need to go!!!. £1250."

Has this guy just been made redundant from MC2 or Quested as he's got serious issues??? I'm gonna contact him for the laugh!

It would be interesting to know how you get on. If the guy is serious then there's some bargains to be had. Those monitors are something like £3k each and from reviews I've read apparently pretty damn good.

I dunno, I'm fairly familiar with the innards of my MC750, having had to strip it down and clean out many years of nightclub fug inside and the thing is built like a tank and completely modular, so pretty easy to fix. So far as I know mine was a good 8 years old when I got it and the evenness of the crust inside it suggested it hadn't been tampered with in that time. It suggests a certain degree of no nonsense reliability. MC2 also seem very helpful and straighforward in there dealings. The chances of 60 duff MC1250 seems vanishingly small to me.
I'm looking for some small actives for the new bedroom so Quested S6's would be nice...

Although, there's something fishy going on here with the seller I suspect.
Well the close relationship between MC2 and Quested and this sellers bile would suggest he has issues.My MC1250 and MC650 are damn solidly built and so overspecced as to be unburstable.
I doubt he has any amps to sell- you'd have to be a bit daft to say they were unreliable crap-in this climate no one has money to just chuck away either that or he posted when very drunk.
Just reviving this thread.

I wonder what these would be like at home...300W @ 8ohm.

They are essentially convection cooled with a small fan that would not get out of low gear with domestic use. They include DSP for use with d&b's own speakers so that might cock things up for domestic use. Although I think they have a LINEAR setting that taskes ther DSP out of the signal path. The DSP could be handy for using these to power subs in an active system.

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Where can these £150.00 Alesis monoblocks be seen / purchased?

These Alesis RA500 amps were £137 from DV last week or so, not sure why they have went back up by £63 quid (probably all the Fora Chat). I keep thinking of buying them for a cinema set up, I will probably continue to not bother for the foreseeable future at such prices.

These are definitely mono blocks? The illustration seems to show a couple of volume controls typical of a stereo amp plus no mention of them being mono blocks
Just reviving this thread.

I wonder what these would be like at home...300W @ 8ohm.

They are essentially convection cooled with a small fan that would not get out of low gear with domestic use. They include DSP for use with d&b's own speakers so that might cock things up for domestic use. Although I think they have a LINEAR setting that taskes ther DSP out of the signal path. The DSP could be handy for using these to power subs in an active system.


The manual for these can be found here:

But there is a big caution on page 3:

"Only use loudspeakers in the C and E-Series with the P1200A
mainframe fitted with the correct controller modules or with a
correctly configured E-PAC. The contoller monitors cone excursion
and voice coil temperature of the drivers. When loudspeakers are
operated without the correct controller, in addition to losses in
tone, there is a risk of damage to the components. Any defects
arising from operation other than those specified in this manual
will be excluded from any warranty claims."

So I wouldn't go there.... :)