Pro Audio PA Amps - Bargains to Be Had?

When you opened your MC1250 did not you notice any voltage switch inside? I wonder whether the transformer has 2 primary windings so that it can be easily switched from 120 to 220(230/240 vac. If this is the case there should be either a switch/selector or additional wires come out of the transformer. Have you seen something like this inside the amp?
Thanks, Alexey.
To Cooky and other MC2 experts, is there a preference between the T and MC series ? For example the MC650 and T1000?

The MC series was released before the T series but I don't think the T-series necessarily supersceded the MC series.

I would probably try to buy a mint MC-series - just ofr the looks!

If you see anything, get the serial no. and email it to MC2's Service Dept (in Devon) and they will give you the amps history and any issues to watch out for.
To Cooky and other MC2 experts, is there a preference between the T and MC series ? For example the MC650 and T1000?


Only on looks.Andyoz is spot on, the T series are mingers!
T series are for permanent installs and lack the digital control of the MC range.
Amps sound more or less the same though the big MC's have better(deeper grippier) bass than the lower powered ones bridged up.
They are the bargain we all claim them to be.
Whats the digital control for ?
Would I need to factor in a recap, say if I bought a MC650 or similar, it'd be 5-8 years old and I bet theres loads of uF in the thing. Decent caps aren't cheap.

Also what sort of preamp are you guys using ?
Would a passive one be suitable ?
Is it worthwhile sticking with the balanced inputs ? Source to amp distance won't be much.
Hi, you are on the end of a very comprehensive thread with all the links and info you need.

I use a Benchmark Dac1 as preamp in balanced mode. A passive may struggle but better brains than me can help you there.

The caps should be ok as high quality ones are used-however I have recapped a T1500 so just look under the hood for any rogue leakage.

The digital control is for gain and limiters etc-these are kept out of the audio chain-check out the MC2 website.
Thanks Cooky, I have read all the thread, but I start forgetting things after 5-6 pages ! Your reply has answered my Q well enough, Cheers.
I use a MC2 650 for midrange duties in my active system couldnt be happier with it.If you are single sourced then you can do without a pre-amp,I run mine balanced from an Ashly XR2001 crossover.
When you opened your MC1250 did not you notice any voltage switch inside? I wonder whether the transformer has 2 primary windings so that it can be easily switched from 120 to 220(230/240 vac. If this is the case there should be either a switch/selector or additional wires come out of the transformer. Have you seen something like this inside the amp?
Thanks, Alexey.

Unfortunately I did not check this yet. Next time when I open it I will check.
Unfortunately I did not check this yet. Next time when I open it I will check.

endust4237, thanks! But as I have just learnt from a US guy it does not seem to be a 120/220 V switch inside.

Moreover I found better to search the UK or our local market for a mc2 (no voltage problems, easier to find, reasonable prices).

Another question to all mc2 gurus (especially mc1250 owners):

As mc2 claims in the specification 1250 consumes max 20 A * 220 V = 4,4 kW - qiute a lot. The 1250's power cord is really impressing - like a finger in diameter.. Has anyone measured power actually consumed by mc1250 at the 8 - 10h level? Has anyone experienced any electrical mains problems with mc1250?
endust4237, thanks! But as I have just learnt from a US guy it does not seem to be a 120/220 V switch inside.

Moreover I found better to search the UK or our local market for a mc2 (no voltage problems, easier to find, reasonable prices).

Another question to all mc2 gurus (especially mc1250 owners):

As mc2 claims in the specification 1250 consumes max 20 A * 220 V = 4,4 kW - qiute a lot. The 1250's power cord is really impressing - like a finger in diameter.. Has anyone measured power actually consumed by mc1250 at the 8 - 10h level? Has anyone experienced any electrical mains problems with mc1250?
Those power consumption figures are maximum-more useful to PA companies who have to plan for racks of them possibly running close to maximum output driving huge bass stacks., under idle or normal domestic use you will be using no more than 100-200w.
Another happy 1250 owner

Just got one of these from GDS sound, first one was duff but replacement is magic. I have had soooo many amps and this really is the business. Absolutely no background noise in speakers , just the music.
Speaking of noise, yup the fans are noisy and i read all the thread about replacements, one question I have is that there is some mention of the fans coming on at different speeds, mine seem to be either on or off, is that normal?, if it is then i presume i could replace with one of the ones mentioned in this thread. Also i have connected it to my revox cd player direct, no pre amp, wondering what others have done?

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