If we take the *rules* as per standard methods and theoristic practices that many run to, then by this our 'Least sonicaly challenged

' signal transference device, should be way down low on the cap/con/res scale as in good as gets , if the revelent theories are appliable, I will say these are not the lowest, or indeed the *best* as in *on paper* specs, but does this make them the worst ?,

In our opinion no, and in the case of other cables too (other makers cables), the answer is no as well.
The use also of no usual suspect materials also, throws into the mix, other variables, which you can take in account as pure math therum, without question, but can it predict the exact 'sonic charactoristic' change, and or frequency hike/dive etc?.
I also am in the opinion, of a lot of the differenices are very small for sure, and that larger Jaw dropping cliams Very rarely happen, hype is a problem, and that I feel gets every ones goat up.
Now, back to cables, I wish to ask you a question first Adam, what is your stance here, all wire sounds the same (given the same insulation & and jacketing/shielding etc), they can only be very miniscule differenices, or I just don't hear a difference regauardless (and some people don't, I do believe that also)
Because, the long and short of it for me is this, It is music/sounds you are listening too, not worrying if No. 2 fuel injector, solenoid is going to jam on engine number 3 @ 40,000 Ft.
The main tests are done by 2 of us, listening, and deciding how/what/why we feel the tested cable preforms in relation to a known reference point, we indendify the strenghts and weekinesses, and make (or try to) *adjustments* to give the desired results, sometimes it doesn't happen, others it does.
In essence Adam we use a mixture of Basic scientific principles, quality materials, our own experiance in relation to cables sounds, and various treatment methods and unique wire blends, oh and that most important ingredient our ears. I can't be anymore open than that. Could if be we've found a brand new type of super conductor

answers on a post card
