Personally, I hope there is a crash of equal or higher nastiness to the 89 one - it'd serve greedy sods right. Unfortunately, it would also hit a hell of a lot of more down-to-earth people who want a house to, err, call a "home" (strange idea I know) where it hurts, so I'll feel guilty either way. The fact is, in Exeter, I'm in the top 15% of earners, and can't afford even a badly converted studio flat. Something has to give. If holiday homes/buy to let were made MUCH LESS attractive, it would solve many of the problems in one fell swoop. All that said, I was in Liverpool this weekend (don't ask - there'll be a thread about my Virmin Crossc untry train journey from hell later) and the amount of boarded up, yet probably easily do-upable accommodation was criminal. I bet if ALL the boarded up, empty houses that are capable of being renovated WERE renovated, you'd have a lot less problems with the property market, since many of these places are slap bang in the middle of perfectly serviceable terraces - they just sit there like rotten teeth. Odd...