REL Quake

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i'm thanking jesus, bhuddah and allah that my ex misses DIDN'T like those thng things the mere thought of her fleshy, spotty, arse bisected by a strap makes me want to hurl. far better those big granny pants to hide the offending article.

analoguegirl teaches aerobics and has nice firm unspotted arse.

bottleneck think more like soft ripe peach with black marker line in crevice mmmmmmm.

This reminds me of that old joke.

Woman says to her husband "can I have £2k for a boob job"

He says "£2k! you can get bigger boobs for a lot less than that"

"Why not rub some nice soft tissue between your breasts"

"will that make them bigger" she asks excitedly

"Dunno" says he "but it worked for yer arse"
ahhhh, my ex sat around all day on her portable cusions eating sweets and watching tv like some sort of overweight peggy bundy.

julian2002 said:
you want to have that seen to immediately. those things can cause all sorts of problems, better to take up yoga to facilitate your self immolation.

Yoga is very good, never imagined that laying on the floor meditating would be so tiring... ;)

Really, started february and love it... :notworthy
Antonio we follow a yoga class in our gym and we refer to it as sleep aerobics as we ususally see them at the end of the class when their having a little lie down.

Yoga is actualkly very good but you need to do it everyday to be really effective.
I do Yoga twice a week, + one day Pilates + gym weight machines up to three times a week, all this since february, feeling much better as expected...

My triglicerides went down from 364 to 104 with one month diet, cholesterol from 228 to 152... :rolleyes:
in this country we measure trigs and chol in mmoles/litre chol below 4 is good more importantly the HDL/LDL ratio is kept quite high, Cholesterol made up of Low desity lipoproteins, High Density Lipoproteins and triglycerides (among others) heart attack risk reduced if th ratio of LDl to HDl remains high ie the more HDL(good cholesterol) compared to LDL the better trigs play an important part too the main thing antonio is that all yours are reduced keep it up.

lowrider said:
Yoga is very good, never imagined that laying on the floor meditating would be so tiring... ;)

Really, started february and love it... :notworthy
My mother was a famous Yoga teacher in the south of Switzerland twenty years ago (she also wrote books). I did at that time also some yoga which helped me a lot in football and my brother has done also a lot in the buddists centres before he became lama.
I would like to start doing yoga again but the day hasn't 40 hours. (same old bloody excuse).
titian said:
My mother was a famous Yoga teacher in the south of Switzerland twenty years ago (she also wrote books). I did at that time also some yoga which helped me a lot in football and my brother has done also a lot in the buddists centres before he became lama.
I would like to start doing yoga again but the day hasn't 40 hours. (same old bloody excuse).

There is an old saying:

If you dont have time to exercise now, you will need more time for illness later... :rolleyes:

The max "healthy" with our measures is 220 for cholesterol and 160 for triglicerides, so I am well in the safe region now...
A mole is a big number. If you had a mole of frozen peas and you dumped them on the United States (and why not?) you would cover the entire country to a depth of 9 miles. Somebody actually worked this out. Just thought you might like to know.

dunkyboy said:
A mole is a big number. If you had a mole of frozen peas and you dumped them on the United States (and why not?) you would cover the entire country to a depth of 9 miles. Somebody actually worked this out. Just thought you might like to know.


Yeah realise that Dunc thats why chol is measured im Milli moles per litre mmol/l hope that clears the confusion.

Do moles not have soething to do with atomic weight and avragado's number(higher chemistry?) if thats true what is th moleculare weight of a mushy pea?
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