REL Quake

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joel said:
That isn't the mono I'm talking about. You have just proven you don't know what you're talking about. Case closed.

Who cares about yor ****ing mono, I am the one that talked about my mono, and you came in with uninteligible moans about some other kind of mono, leave me alone... :bub:
lowrider said:
Who cares about yor ****ing mono, I am the one that talked about my mono,

Which of those numerous mono setups you have heard would that be Antonio :confused:
merlin said:
Which of those numerous mono setups you have heard would that be Antonio :confused:

Your monochordic, repetive, ridiculous vennon... :SLEEP:
Or blue leds, or brushed aluminum, or champagne...

I do use some pro gear, but the kind that is out of sight, powers and cables...

Yet another fine example of our friend talking about something without any knowledge whatsoever - brought over here to free up the forum :rolleyes:
Don't know about the brushed aluminium, but champagne, well only for well to do rock groups, and blue leds sounds like LSD or exstacy, I'm sure rther would be alot of other drugs in a studio, come to think of it I'm sure Antonio is on mind altering drugs too, from the arguments he tries to come up with, although his are probably prescribed. :)
You are sick tug, the big woofer up your ass makes you bitter, go see an exorcist... :chunder:
Big Woofer up my ass :confused: Damn I thought I'd bought the negatives!

Every time you post something like that Lowrider, you ride lower in my estimation. You must stop posting something, that when shown to be wrong, leads you to insults rather than a logical counter point. It's kind of boring.

To the original point, if you visit studios, you will find all maner of quality gear from the likes of Avalon, Z Systems, TC Electronic and Bryston sporting brushed aluminum (sic) fascias, along with an enormous number of LEDs of varoius colours and vu meters.

What you won't find is a pair of monitors finsihed in leather & walnut, displaying a highly tailored frequency response that veers away from neutrality. But simply because you own a pair of speakers that fit that description, you feel the need to respond with yet another factually incorrect post, and follow that up with rather gross personal insults.

The long and short of it all is if you are going to post an opinion, be prepared to back it up with some facts if asked. If you can't, then don't post or admit you are wrong. It really isn't that hard amigo ;)
It is quite sad, every day the tug ridicules your systems, WM's bass, Analogkid's xover at 100hz, Bub's mana, to name a few, still you gang with him attacking each other, do you think he will get off your back, no, chicken shit only attack after pretending to be friends, he his a sick, sneaky little worm who cannot get good sound in his sad little home, redardless of buying new expensive kit almost every day, and is envious of those who can... :(

If you didnt support his constant ridicule attemps of protagonism, maybe he would try to learn before experimenting, and one day even have a good system... :rolleyes:
Antonio, you're being wound up... And, like it or not, Merlin has very good sound in his home.

-- Ian

For goodness sake, give it a rest man. The only thing you are succeding in doing is making yourself look foolish.
What is someone that almost every post, every thread, makes a ridicule attack to my speakers, my subwoofers, my arguments, even my nationality, what a sad little life... :newbie:

In an attempt to raise the general level of discussion on this forum from its current low level (something that other posters are now commenting on), I am now going to finally put this thread out of its misery.

In retrospect, it is something we should have done a long time ago.
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