merlin said:Sorry Antonio but you are paying for the finish with Sonus Faber.
Yesterday afternoon, I had the opportunity to sit and listen to the Stradivari, along with the Amati & Guarneri.
Firstly, they do look utterly gorgeous - more a work of art than a speaker. Sadly on listening, they were just not right to my ears, basically missing out quite a bit of information to present a beautiful sound.
Inflections, ambient clues and low level details were all missing from a £22K speaker. These reappeared when we hooked up a £5K pair of french floorstanders - but admittedly they looked like cheap Argos furniture
Paying for the finish is fine, you do that when you buy a good car too...
Of those SFs you mention, I would only consider the Stradivari soundwise, but they depend a lot of the associated gear and room, maybe those french speakers where more adequated to the kit and room...
Still, I dont like the looks of the Homage series very much, too flashy, on the other hand, I love the classic simpler finish and looks of both the EAII and Signum...