[Review] Getting animated

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by zanash, May 11, 2007.

  1. zanash

    Tenson Moderator

    Nov 12, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Kent, UK
    Hey, my system DOES sound better when I turn it on! I don’t care what you say, it does.
    Tenson, May 14, 2007
  2. zanash

    felix part-time Horta

    Dec 13, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Bottleneck - my German isn't up to a proper translation, but that article does infer more than 3000 'Hifi-Freaks' have bought one!

    (and it supposedly improves DVD images, too...)
    felix, May 14, 2007
  3. zanash

    Tenson Moderator

    Nov 12, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Kent, UK
    ... it looks a bit like a razor blade for chopping coke to me. It probably does improve the image ;)
    Tenson, May 14, 2007
  4. zanash


    Jun 20, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Getting back on topic ........

    I took the unit over to a friends house

    his room is huge 10m x 20m ish with the arc's firing down the short side feed by a 21a [new one] and a squeeze box..via a modded src2496

    inital sound of his sb a little flat and a little thin ...though quite acceptable over all ....

    the blue light was switched on ....it took far longer for the unit to deliver ....as the air volume is four times my room volume, this suggested that the explanation regarding the air holds [some] water.

    it took about four minutes to sound its best, you could hear the clarity and separation improve. This was very much along the lines of how an amp sounds from cold ...[in this case the amp had been on for over an hour] The effect once the room was animated ...was again to bring the music too life .....

    I was clear that after I'd replaced the plugs on one of his TT's [thorens 145? origin live arm denon cart] the blue light was having an effect here too.

    I'm hoping my mate will post his impressions.....plus what happens to the sound when the unit was removed .....
    zanash, May 15, 2007
  5. zanash

    bottleneck talks a load of rubbish

    Jun 19, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Is it a de-humidifier then Pete?

    could you get your hands on one for a borrow?

    certainly cheaper than 750 notes..
    bottleneck, May 15, 2007
  6. zanash


    Jan 1, 2005
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    Another one for the hi-fi crazieees.
    mosfet, May 15, 2007
  7. zanash


    Jun 20, 2003
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    I'm as perplexed as the rest ......it does seem to effect the air .as a drafty room negates the effect .....also operation of a mobile phone close to the unit . I can only comment on the effects I've perceived.....

    but it does have an effect thats sonically beneficial..that is consistently repeateable ...in my estimation its equivalent to a speaker upgrade [in my case it would cost in excess of £3000 to provide a similar improvement]

    I've only got the loan unit for a couple more days ....

    but if you contact uberphon I'm certain you'd be able to get a demo ....
    zanash, May 15, 2007
  8. zanash


    Jun 20, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Oh dear Mosfet

    ......but you'd never ever try it, just to see what effect it may or may not have ... would you !

    is it because its too challenging ....and god forbid if it worked, your cozy little dogmatic world would fall apart?

    So we get just more ridicule and negative comment [par for the course I suppose].

    So what of all the people who have heard the effect over the last week ....are they all deluded or crazies too ?

    Sorry they can't all be wrong .....

    The effects are consistent over four different systems and eight listeners .....all agree something clearly happened. Not everyone felt it was positive the whole time, but all heard the change.

    I suggest you get yourself a demo....then you can comment.
    zanash, May 15, 2007
  9. zanash

    Uncle Ants In Recordeo Speramus

    Dec 5, 2003
    Likes Received:
    East Midlands
    It was certainly interesting and I'd love to know what it really does. I kinda doubt it works the way the manufacturer claims, as the claims just sound like so much pseudo scientific guff. However it certainly did appear to do something ... placebo effect or the power of suggestion ... well they can't be discounted, but as I say it did sound like it was doing something.

    As to breaking it open to see, I couldn't actually see any way into it without breaking or damaging it. The smoke effect was real - its easier to believe your eyes than your ears, so it does something, though what that has to do with sound or hearing I really don't know, it may be completely unrelated.

    PS. It did occur to me that if it really does something and whatever it does was relatively cheap to reproduce, the makers might cover the reality with some nonsense explanation ... but then they would probably do that of it did nix.
    Uncle Ants, May 15, 2007
  10. zanash


    Jun 20, 2003
    Likes Received:
    can't disagree ......

    Though we may have lost something in the german to english translation...can anyone offer a better translation than google ?

    Um Schall hörbar zu machen bedarf es eines Medium welches den Schall transportiert.

    Allgemeinen wird zwischen Körperschall und Luftschall unterschieden.

    Die Geschwindigkeit von Schallwellen ist vom Medium abhängig, in dem sich diese fortbewegen.

    Die Geschwindigkeit von Schallwellen in der Luft beträgt 343,8 m/s bei +20° Celsius Temperatur.

    Die Geschwindigkeit von Schallwellen in festen Körpern ist beträchtlich höher.

    In Eisen beträgt die Schallgeschwindigkeit bei 0° Celsius 5000 m/s.

    Die Frequenz der Schallwellen hat auf deren Ausbreitungsgeschwindigkeit keinen Einfluss.

    Je eindeutiger und dichter die Molekularstruktur, also der innere Zusammenhang von fester Materie und Gasen,

    desto schneller, gleichmässiger und energiereicher die Ausbreitung von Schallwellen in der Materie.

    Der Raum-Audio-Animator verfügt über eine komplett neuartige Technologie welche die Struktur

    In Materie und Luft (Luft ist ebenfalls Materie) eine eindeutige Ordnung, in Form eines Informationsmusters


    Da also auch Luft ein Körper ist, wenn auch gasförmig, so gilt auch für die Luft das gleiche,

    nämlich, je eindeutiger (geordneter) die Struktur der in der Luft befindlichen Materie ist

    umso schneller, gleichmässiger und wirkungsvoller die Ausbreitung von Schall (verbesserte Schall-Leitfähigkeit).

    In der Praxis bedeutet dies, eine wesentliche Optimierung der Schallausbreitung in jeden Raum und stellt somit eine hörbare Optimierung von Klangereignissen dar.

    Ich denke das jeden der sich mit Audio-Technik und Schallausbreitung beschäftigt bewusst ist welchen Vorteil diese

    Technologie bei der Wiedergabe von Musik zu bieten hat.

    Der artkustik QUARZ Raum-audio-Animator
    arbeitet auf der Basis einer vollkommen neuen und bahnbrechenden Technologie.

    Das Wissen um diese Technologie und die
    Entwicklung des Raum-Audio-Animator ist mein geistiges Eigentum, welches ich aus begreiflichen Gründen nicht öffentlich
    preisgeben will.

    Aus diesem Grund biete ich allen Interessenten
    die dem Produkt skeptisch gegenüberstehen an, ein solches Gerät
    Kostenfrei und unverbindlich für eine Woche
    probeweise zur Verfügung zu stellen.

    Ãœberzeugen Sie sich selbst von der Wirkung
    des Raum-Audio-Animator und urteilen Sie selbst.

    Sie werden den Unterschied hören - und staunen!

    taken from


    Raum - Audio - Animator ©
    Sehr geehrter Kunde, wir danken Ihnen für den Kauf dieses

    Der Raum-Audio-Animator arbeitet
    nach den Gesetzmäßigkeiten der Physik (geordnete Bewegung der Elektronen in Materie).
    und beinhaltet ausschließlich reine Naturwerkstoffe.
    Der Raum-Audio-Animator ist für Mensch und Tier absolut unschädlich.
    Stellen Sie den Artkustik Raum-Animator am besten auf den Fußboden Ihres Hörraum.
    Beachten Sie das die eingebaute LED (Leuchtdiode) nicht von irgendwelchen Gegenständen verdeckt wird.
    Verwenden Sie aus Gründen der Sicherheit nur das Original Netzgerät welches im Lieferumfang des Raum-Animator enthalten
    ist. Stellen Sie das Netzgerät auf eine Spannung zwischen 6-12 Volt
    (Werkseitig ist das Netzgerät auf eine Spannung von 12 Volt DC eingestellt, Polaritätschalter in jene Stellung bringen in der
    die blaue Diode am Raumanimator aktiv ist )
    Betreiben Sie den Raumanimator keinesfalls mit höheren Spannungen als 12 Volt DC (Gleichspannung)
    Der Raum Animator darf keinesfalls direkt mit Netzspannung in Betrieb genommen werden LEBENSGEFAHR !!!
    Öffnen Sie keinesfalls den Raum Animator er beinhaltet auch im nicht angeschlossenen Zustand Energie
    Der ARTKUSTIK Raum-Audio-Animator optimiert die Schall-Leitfähigkeit in jeden Raum in dem Sie den
    Animator verwenden.
    Um Schall zu leiten bedarf es Materie (Körperschall) oder Luft ( Luftschall) jedes mal wenn wir Musik mit
    unseren Hi Fi - Anlagen hören benötigen wir die Luft in unserem Hörraum als Schallleiter.
    Je besser und geordneter (gleichmäßiger) die Schallleitfähigkeit der Luft um so besser der Klang von Musikwiedergabe.
    In der Praxis bedeutet dies: maximale Dynamik, hohe Auflösung , mehr Details und verbesserte räumliche
    Abbildung, natürliche Klangfarben, brillanter Hochtonbereich, exakte Basswiedergabe, mehr Lebendigkeit der
    Ausreichend für Räume bis 60 m² und einer Höhe bis 4 Meter = 240m³, geöffnete Fenster und Türen beinträchtigen die
    Wirkungdes Raum-Animator nicht, wenn dieser permanent eingeschaltet ist.
    Die maximale Wirkung stellt sich nach 2 bis 6 Stunden ein.
    Nach ausschalten des Gerätes baut sich die Wirkung langsam ab und ist nach 20 bis 30 Minuten gleich null.
    Um die maximale Wirkung des Gerätes zu erhalten, empfehlen wir, den Raum-Audio-Animator einmal im Monat für einige
    Stunden (am besten über Nacht) im Kühlschrank zu lagern ( optimale Temperatur + 3° bis +8° Celsius ) Legen Sie den Raum-
    Animator keinesfalls in kaltes Wasser.
    Achtung: setzten Sie den Raum-Audio-Animator niemals Temperaturen unter 0°Celsius aus. Öffnen Sie keinesfalls
    Ihren Raum-Animator, siehe Garantiebestimmungen !
    Bei öffnung des Raum – Animator geht die im Gerät gespeicherte Informationsenergie verlohren.
    Das wiederaufladen kann ausschliesslich bei uns im Werk erfolgen, und wird mit 300.- uro, plus Porto verrechnet.
    Zur Reinigung des Raum-Audio-Animator verwenden Sie ein leicht angefeuchtetes Tuch.
    Die Firma

    gewährt auf den Raum-Audio-Animator 10 Jahre Garantie bei sachgemäßer Anwendung.
    Bei Öffnen des Raum-Audio-Animator oder bei unzweckmäßiger
    Anwendung erlischt jeglicher Anspruch auf Garantieleistung.
    Für Folgeschäden übernehmen wir keine Haftung !
    Bei Unklarheiten, welche die Anwendung und die Pflege des Produktes betreffen, wenden Sie sich telefonisch oder
    schriftlich an uns.

    Othmar Spitaler
    Allgemeinen wird zwischen Körperschall und Luftschall unterschieden.

    Die Geschwindigkeit von Schallwellen ist vom Medium abhängig, in dem sich diese fortbewegen.

    Die Geschwindigkeit von Schallwellen in der Luft beträgt 343,8 m/s bei +20° Celsius Temperatur.

    Die Geschwindigkeit von Schallwellen in festen Körpern ist beträchtlich höher.

    In Eisen beträgt die Schallgeschwindigkeit bei 0° Celsius 5000 m/s.

    Die Frequenz der Schallwellen hat auf deren Ausbreitungsgeschwindigkeit keinen Einfluss.

    Je eindeutiger und dichter die Molekularstruktur, also der innere Zusammenhang von fester Materie und Gasen,

    desto schneller, gleichmässiger und energiereicher die Ausbreitung von Schallwellen in der Materie.

    Der Raum-Audio-Animator verfügt über eine komplett neuartige Technologie welche die Struktur

    In Materie und Luft (Luft ist ebenfalls Materie) eine eindeutige Ordnung, in Form eines Informationsmusters


    Da also auch Luft ein Körper ist, wenn auch gasförmig, so gilt auch für die Luft das gleiche,

    nämlich, je eindeutiger (geordneter) die Struktur der in der Luft befindlichen Materie ist

    umso schneller, gleichmässiger und wirkungsvoller die Ausbreitung von Schall (verbesserte Schall-Leitfähigkeit).

    In der Praxis bedeutet dies, eine wesentliche Optimierung der Schallausbreitung in jeden Raum und stellt somit eine hörbare Optimierung von Klangereignissen dar.

    Ich denke das jeden der sich mit Audio-Technik und Schallausbreitung beschäftigt bewusst ist welchen Vorteil diese

    Technologie bei der Wiedergabe von Musik zu bieten hat.

    Der artkustik QUARZ Raum-audio-Animator
    arbeitet auf der Basis einer vollkommen neuen und bahnbrechenden Technologie.

    Das Wissen um diese Technologie und die
    Entwicklung des Raum-Audio-Animator ist mein geistiges Eigentum, welches ich aus begreiflichen Gründen nicht öffentlich
    preisgeben will.

    Aus diesem Grund biete ich allen Interessenten
    die dem Produkt skeptisch gegenüberstehen an, ein solches Gerät
    Kostenfrei und unverbindlich für eine Woche
    probeweise zur Verfügung zu stellen.

    Ãœberzeugen Sie sich selbst von der Wirkung
    des Raum-Audio-Animator und urteilen Sie selbst.

    Sie werden den Unterschied hören - und staunen!
    zanash, May 15, 2007
  11. zanash

    sideshowbob Trisha

    Jun 20, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Das ist Schlangeöl

    -- Ian
    sideshowbob, May 15, 2007
  12. zanash

    STELLABAGPUSS Happy Chappy

    Dec 4, 2004
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    Stourport On Severn,Worcestershire
    I wouldn't right it off as total rubbish,although it's not totally connected, a lot of musicians including myself would notice a change in the sound of there instruments during a thunderstorm.

    My drum kit would sound change, of course we don't get that many thunderstorms in Wales, but the sound would change enough for other musicians to comment on it, my only worry would be, if the product is a PLUS in a set-up, would be one of a health-issue.
    It does make you wonder if a Dehumidfier / Ozone Generator would effect things?
    Anyway top marks Zanash, yet another interesting thread!
    STELLABAGPUSS, May 15, 2007
  13. zanash

    sq225917 Exposer of Foo

    Jan 11, 2007
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    am i right in thinking it plugs into the hifi and not the mains..

    and if it does claim to make ions,then at some point it will run out of donor substrate.
    sq225917, May 15, 2007
  14. zanash

    sideshowbob Trisha

    Jun 20, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Das ist des Pudels Kern.

    -- Ian
    sideshowbob, May 15, 2007
  15. zanash


    Jun 20, 2003
    Likes Received:
    just into the mains ....

    an interseting point ...as I visited a musician friend this afternoon...

    with the blue light on the decay of a plucked guitar string lasted [remained audible] for 15-20% longer than he was used to ....

    Also his widget that he uses to tune his guitar was behaving oddly ...in that it would show tuned ...then as the note decayed it seemed to oscilate ...something that he had not seen before.

    It also provided a jaw drop moment on his hifi .....may be the biggest change so far ....

    my mate was sat off axis and rather close to one speaker ...normally in this position he would hear just the closest channel with little to no stereo effect ....on this occasion he was getting a full stereo image but forshortened.

    His system ...quad 99 cd pre 909 via zanash designed transmission lines [base on the visaton cheap trick 145]

    We tried a few things ...there is no magnetic field given off by the blue light ...checked with a silva compass, but the transformer clear has a deviation.

    it was impossible to reset the unit ...via mobile phone as mine would not ring out... opening doors and windows did reduce the effect sufficiently that it was possible to detect the "field" as it reestablished.

    I'm still at a loss .....as to the how and why....but it still does!
    zanash, May 16, 2007
  16. zanash

    dehavillandrfc Enrico and The Fermions

    May 16, 2007
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    Kings Langley, UK
    Let me explain...

    This is a misunderstanding of the term 'placebo'. When patients in drug trials take a placebo rather than the drug being tested a small percentage will see real improvement in their phyiscal condition even though the drug they are taking is pharmacologically inactive. How this happens is not well understand but what is clear is the improvement in the patient's condition is real and not 'imagined'.

    I presume what you are trying to say is that people who experience a difference in the reproduction of their system as a result of such a product are undergoing a subjective experience that has no physical reality, and that this difference is because they 'believe' there will be one. In this case the mechanism involved would be auto-suggestion.

    What we need is some academic psychologists to take an interest and run studies to try and show whether these experiences are real or not. In the meantime I would propose you actually listen and decide for yourself. That would be the scientific thing to do.
    dehavillandrfc, May 16, 2007
  17. zanash


    Jun 20, 2003
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    markus .....have you tried the unit ?

    if no.... you can at best be only guessing
    if yes ... you must have heard the difference the unit makes
    to form such an opinion?

    .....Whilst with uncle ants,a fruit bowl was placed over the unit, it was clear the image and depth were affected ..collapsing back towards the untreated size. As the bowl was lifted the image regained its size over the next 30 odd seconds.

    How can placing a wooden fruit bowl over the unit affect a placebo ?

    I've got a visit from sideshow bob this afternoon.....and tonight I'm taking the unit to a pinkfisher [sceptic or what!] we shall see what they make of it.

    Why can't we trust our ears ?........

    I've long been of the opinion that if two people hear the same thing in different systems for the same reason ie the same product being used ..then theres a very high probability that others will experience the same thing.

    I just can't believe that of the five systems this has been used in...none has shown this up to be an imaginery effect

    incidentally ....how many imaginary effects can be switched off by using a mobile phone ?

    I have to reiterate this is not some small effect like swapping two decent cables ...you don't need to repeatably switch back and forth its there clear on the first play by the first note ...in the same way a studio recording and a live recording may be of the same piece of music but sound different....its clear and obvious.

    I have not attempted to explain what the unit might do before trying it the various systems other than to say "my I try this"....several of the systems tested are used by people who have no interest in hifi ..but like good music.

    If as seems likely I'm going to put my money where my mouth is ...anyone who is interested and lives with in a reasonable distance [50mile round trip] of myself is welcome to pop over for a listen or I could bring it to them. Can't say fairer than that !

    I should have said earlier ..but its just occured to me I have no connection with either suplier or maker of the unit ...other than that of customer
    zanash, May 16, 2007
  18. zanash

    Markus S Trade

    Jun 20, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Nether Addlethorpe
    Yes, I've heard demos at several shows.

    I do (generally). I didn't hear a difference whatsoever.
    Markus S, May 16, 2007
  19. zanash


    Jun 20, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Was the demo conducted by phonosophie ?

    I can see that there could be difficulties at shows ....

    but the three shows I saw the unit demonstrated ..it was very obvious [for me and others in the room]....

    I always trust my ears ......may be that the difference?

    That said its plainly obvious people listen for different things ...there are a number of psycho acoustic papers that show this .

    It's definately odd that all listeners bar none were quite clear that the sound changed ...not everyone prefered it...but all heard it.

    Can all fifteen listeners be wrong ....and one person be right ?

    The fact that the effect is repeatable in the various systems tried, shows to me that somethings happening.

    As I say you don't have to believe me ..get yourself loan unit from uberphon and prove me wrong!

    or come over to my place for a listen.... now why would I offer that if it has no effect?......it would make me look more of a prat than I am .....

    in fact just posting on here ......proves I've a death wish [metaphorical] or the unit works as advertised.
    zanash, May 16, 2007
  20. zanash


    May 13, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Oh Dear it does work

    Zanash brought this around last night, unfortunatley only had a short play.

    It definately does something positive. Images more clear, bass fuller and clearer. Very nice, but I would like to try it again to be really sure.

    Also a reduction in glare. akin to a very big and expensive valve amp or even cupping your ears!

    How it works is an other matter for me. A good cause for reverse engineering!

    I am surprised to read posts declaring this cannot work. Even if the "science" is suspect it is my ears that tell me if I can hear a differance and I did!:)
    iain, May 17, 2007
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