[Review] Getting animated

Mr cat ....actually if you read the posts you will see that it will do just that .....

It improves all sounds in the room ...tv, wife, cat, doorbell,

so although said in jest your quite correct !
Why would you want me to save money, makes no sense ?

..because £750 is a lot of money. The pendant would work just as well as the animator and is a lot cheaper.

Hey ho, I've got to go and talk to my tomato plants. :cool:
I've noted your advice and will give it all the consideration it deserves.

So unless its your intention to disrupt the thread further.....which I'm certain is the last thing on your mind. I think a return to the original topic would be a rather good idea...ie the review of the device rather than my spending habits.
How am I being disruptive? I've suggested a device that will work just as well as the animator and costs a lot less. It's works in the exact same way as the animator.

Your loss if you're not even going to try one. :(
How do you know it works the same way ?

I only say this as even the distributor doesn't know how it works ......

which suggest niether do you ......and if thats the case your trying imply that neither work.

Which is exactly the point I was making about disrupting the thread.

So tell me how it works .......from your vast font of knowledge, that you so liberally splash about to everyones delight [thats sarcasm by the way].....

we are all "not" going to hold our breaths till you enlighten us with your superior intellect.

I'd imagine the distributor would also be very interested in your reasoning [for reasons previously stated ]
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How am I being disruptive? I've suggested a device that will work just as well as the animator and costs a lot less. It's works in the exact same way as the animator.

Your loss if you're not even going to try one. :(


Just read through this thread breifly......I don't know you and you don't know me.....but it seems to me your taking the ****.

it doesn't really matter to me ...but this is a hifi forum for constructive comments.......why don't you just give it a break ..... ? :)
Clearly both devices work. There are hundreds of testimonials for the QLink attesting to this. Something you attach importance to. I'm sure if you emailed the makers of the QLink they would confirm wearing the pendant would improve your listening experience.

Naturally I would say in both cases this is because of auto-suggestion. But that's entirely beside the point.

I'm not as predisposed or open to suggestion as you or others are, so it's unlikely the QLink would work for me, even if I were to try. I'm sure the QLink would work for you which is why I suggested it.
Pete, before you jump down Mosfets neck on this, that's a very interesting idea and a well reasoned argument and very likely often true (which would explain a few things). I say this as someone who is pretty sure it did something to my system but frankly doesn't want it to be so.
you know what you heard ... I know what I heard...

auto suggestion.......well thats definitely different.

but thats as far fetched as the explanation offered by the makers of the animator.

I can accept placebo ..but mass hallucination

ok .....so imagine wifey has ironing out and watching tv ..the volumes on so low that it sounds like a transistor radio ...as I pas through I switch the animator on [out of her sight].
on my return 10 minutes late I ask did you notice a difference..answer yes you turned the volume up on the way through. errr no

just one example of auto suggestion .... I think not.

Actually the auto suggestion is quite an insult to all those other no hifi people that thought the systems sounded better without knowing what had been done.
Clearly both devices work. There are hundreds of testimonials for the QLink attesting to this. Something you attach importance to. I'm sure if you emailed the makers of the QLink they would confirm wearing the pendant would improve your listening experience.

Naturally I would say in both cases this is because of auto-suggestion. But that's entirely beside the point.

I'm not as predisposed or open to suggestion as you or others are, so it's unlikely the QLink would work for me, even if I were to try. I'm sure the QLink would work for you which is why I suggested it.

..ok, so you were making a point.........apologies.......it CAN happen.

I don't think it has here though.
Here is another instance ....that indicates its not auto suggestion.
[previously mentioned]

I visited a friend who's a guitar player [amongst other things]...

after hearing the effect on his system, though pronounce no means the biggest. He suggested playing some chords on his accoustic guitar. From the first strum he was perplexed as the guitar carried on resonating far longer than he expected. To check this we left the room and tried it again in his office. The note decay was about 20% less we timed this [but I didn't note the details ] returning to the room with the animator we repeated the process...with identical results to the first. Then using the tuning widget we watch the needle fluctuate as the notes decay ...there was something odd happening in the decay as it decreased , then fluctuated before fall as you would expect.

second case of not auto suggestion .....

pics to follow...

by placing the animator in a large upturned glass mixing bowl, sealed with a towel to the work surface. A small piece of an incense stick was then inserted with it. After 1.5mins the bowl was just filled with smoke in a fog. This was repeated several times with the animator activated see pic1 and 2

Though not the best photos ever taken ....its clear to see that the smoke in the bowl has a "structure" ie has not filled the bowl like a fog. This was repeated four times with identical results for the unswitched on unit, with the unit switched on there were always laminations within the smoke but these were not identical other than that they tended to show a curve around the unit.

This has already been posted ......makes you wonder if people actual read the posts before they let fly ....with half baked theories. How do you auto suggest to smoke ?

I think that firmly puts that one to bed with a smacked bottom.
pic 1

this pic shows the curved smoke layer ....slightly lower than the centre of the pic.
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this shows the same form of curved smoke layer but you have to imagine that your looking from a point 70 degrees to the right. The curve is pointing away from the viewing position and again is just right of center.

In the interests of the thread....I will attempt this again to try and get more conclusive images.
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Ah.......... a hifi ludite

God were pulling them out the woodwork ...

just remember your calling everyone who's heard this a liar ......

testing ? theres been no testing ?

it was a suggestion raised when uncle ants had a listen .........so did a quick and dirty effort
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No one is calling them a liar. I have no doubt you all heard what you say. Hearing something and there being a physical difference is another matter though.

The smoke thing is interesting. Could you get some decent size pictures, from a birds eye view and with the unit on and off?

You have to ask yourself if they really work, why write a load of rubbish about it?
You have to ask yourself if they really work, why write a load of rubbish about it?

Assuming it does work, two quite believable reasons for writing a load of gumpf about it might be a) they don't actually know how it works or b) they know, but don't want you or anyone else to know.

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