Originally posted by Steven Toy
I'd be correct in saying that someone on this forum who lives in California has spent a small fortune on hi-fi even hough he believes that his expenditure was probably wasted on purely sonic/musical grounds, and he bought a Levinson player because it "looks nice."
I can only assume your refering to me - why not name me, I've made my opinions on the 390S quite clear in another thread -
And yes, I've spent quite a bit of money on DAC's and CD players - most bought and sold used on audiogon, but it hasn't really cost me a small fortune - I sold the CDS2 for $100 less than I paid for it. The point I'm getting to is that I've had $30K's worth of DAC's and CD players pass through my hands and there is no great sonic revelation amongst them.. I might add that
ownership means that I've had considerable long-term listening to several players side by side, in level matched tests, and that is an experience that most people here are sorely lacking - particularly the level matching as it is a major nuisance variable in evaluating an system.
The Levinson is a nice toy...
... and guess what it's a lot prettier and nicer to use than a naim CDS2/XPS - which I assume remains your asprirational fantasy. I think you are going to be sorely disappointed by the reality after a few weeks of owning a CDS2 - in fact I predict that you will indulge in another round of stands and cables and maybe mains in a futile attempt to "fix" an imaginary problem.
Cut the bullshit, the pseudo science and the semantics, but let him pitch his cheap CD player (they all sound the same) through his freebie patches into his amp powerful enough (they all sound the same too, but some just have more oomph) to drive his fancy super-neutral speakers with perfect measurements via bell wire, against a well-sorted CD player via decent and well-matched (by human ear) interconnects into a synergistic amp and more modest speakers (desiged by guys using their ears to fine tune them) using good cable (again tested with those fine measuring instruments called ears in the context of the whole system) on decent performance stands and with optimised mains.
I am completely confident that my:
el cheapo DVD player - $50
Benchmarkmedia DAC1 (built in pre-amp) - $800
direct into my active ATC 50's - $12,000
factory stands for ATC's; canare $50 XLR interconnect; Radioshack 75ohm digital cable $5; dvd+dac1 on the floor (no stands)
positioning optimized by ETF (or similar) - call that a generous $2K (including laptop)
will wipe out any similarly priced source first, nordost valhalla'd/chord, QS ref'd, mains optimized, naim CD player system you care to choose and tweak by listening.
Mostly because the ATC's are such remarkably good speakers and totally dominate the "sound" of the system.
The differences between both systems above - whilst subjective, will be as subtle as the provebial sledgehammer.
Yep, and they'll be in my favour, because the chances of any recording you choose being mixed on ATC is higher than your Rega Noas, and the recording will likely be a better match for my speakers frequency response. Put as much Mana under your speakers as you like, they are never going to touch my 50's...
Maybe I should post my own poll as to which of the two systems above should sound the most satisfying.
You will win Steve... Brits love the underdog