The subjectivist moderate description is the closet fit for me, but I also agree in part to the other options presented with the absolute exception of objectivist hardcore. I'm also a believer of the philsophy that if we can't measure it, it's only because we haven't found a way of measuring it yet.
I'm a (theoretical?) believer in the idea of blind listening test, but in practice find the reality of doing it properly to be far too much hard work, not to mention impractical. It'd turn this fun hobby into a chore for me. The thing is though, I do let the external physical build quality of a piece of kit to be a very large deciding factor in my final buying decision, I'm not so bothered about aesthetics just that I'd probably choose a metal clad box over a lighter weight plastic one.
Also, I think the anicdote from 7_V about the statement from the guy behind Nottingham Analgoue is an excellent one i.e. that the better piece of kit may at first not sound immediately better or different than its less extravagently endowed stable mate, but the better piece of kit is the one that allows you to listen longer without fatigue. Hence why I'm also an advocate of extended home listening trials.
Cables, racks, mains conditioning and more esoteric tweaks are just as important as the actual components for a fully satisfying system.
This statement I really identify with, at least from my experience, but I also concur with what GrahamN said about his system being less sensitive to after market tweaks because some of the components in his system have been engineered or design sufficiently well in the first place.
Originally posted by 7_V
It seems that the balance is further towards the objectivists here compared to Pink Fish.
I've not been over there to have a look, but it doesn't surprise me. After all, the listening requirements and criteria by which the PF audience would use to judge whether a piece of kit makes the grade or not are going to be predominantly subjective i.e. access to musical appreciation first before measurements.
One thing I must say about the idea of using cables as tone controls. If that were the case then I would be using straight forward tone controls instead of cables. Cables (and all kit) have effects in the time domain, a point often missed I feel, as everyone talks about linear effects on tonal balance rather than time domain smearing, etc. I'm sure this point wouldn't be missed by most flat earthers though as they listen in a different way.