I've a small, soft walled room with a 2m ceiling, and the Audiophysic setup method works smashingly. 1.5m from back and sidewalls, speakers about 2m apart and 1.5m from the listeing seat, chair seat right up against the wall with a foam mattress behind it.
A pretty close setup, but sound just seems to slosh aimlessly around the room otherwise. It gives a very dark and beefy sound though, which might irk if you like a bit of sweet and nice.
Regarding toe in, a good rule of thumb is to adjust the speakers so that the inner side of the speaker can't be seen from the listening position.
A pretty close setup, but sound just seems to slosh aimlessly around the room otherwise. It gives a very dark and beefy sound though, which might irk if you like a bit of sweet and nice.
Regarding toe in, a good rule of thumb is to adjust the speakers so that the inner side of the speaker can't be seen from the listening position.
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