Eyes down for a full house...
Prices were when new [some of its knocking on now...]
Meridian 506.24 - £1200
Audio Synthesis Passion - £1200
Mark Levinson No.334 - £5500
Wilson Benesch Discoveries - £5500
Nordost Valhalla's 0.3m & 0.5m on silver Eichmann's - £1900 approx
Nordost SPM Ref 1.5m pair [silver Audio Note spades and bananas biwired at both ends] - £1400 approx
Yamaha DSP-A5 - £300
Mission M7C1 centre - £100
Wharfdale flatpanel rears - £300
Soundstyle X105 - £320
Ixos Gamma 1m - £35
Pace OnDigital for radio - £80
PS2 used for a DVD player - £150
Grand total.... £17985 on the road!
Thats not including the rather substantial amount of software I have too!!!
When I see all that I feel rather numb. Stupid idea this thread
