RRP value of your system?

RRP of your hifi system?

  • Less than £1,000

    Votes: 3 2.5%
  • £1,000 - £2,499

    Votes: 12 10.1%
  • £2,500 - £4,999

    Votes: 25 21.0%
  • £5,000 - £9,999

    Votes: 34 28.6%
  • £10,000 or more

    Votes: 45 37.8%

  • Total voters
The estimated RRP of transport/dac/amp/speakers/cabling/stand/ used for music (which forms part of system also geared to AV) is £6,300. I paid £2,700 for kit that includes Dax Decade, and a Mana 4 tier.

This does not include 'upgrade' costs - the out of pocket expense of upgraditis is something else again!

I think the cost may soon go up due to impending purchase of power amp.

£45k including my projector. It's a combined home cinema\ music system so that's probably fair.
wolfgang said:
Wow. The below £2000 group is so under represented for those who poll...
the over 10.000 group are under-represented in listing what they have. Maybe they don't want to be robbed
Bradders said:
To gauge the full horror of the cost of our systems, it might be interesting to look back at your hifi's evolution. Current value may be £8K, but how did you get here?

Might be interesting to admit the many blind turns we'd taken/mistakes made/money squandered to get to this point we're now at.

Might be quite sobering anyway.

I think the only big mistake I made was right at the beginning reading What HiFi and buying a basic system that they recommended and was discounted rather than finding a decent dealer and buying a matched set of components. I also bought a turntable much later than I should have.

Then I got on the Naim ladder, got about half way up, which was cost effective for me because I enjoyed making my own power supplies.

Finally achieving a full upper end Pear Audio system (Well Tempered / Dynavector / Shahinian) over the last 4 or 5 years is a sort of final place for me, at least I can't see an obvious major change of direction that would bring me more. I guess I can try to reach the full monty Pear system but I would need lots more money becuase my house is the real limiting factor now.


What-Hifi was also my biggest mistake... I bought on their reviews (number of stars) then put it together and it was all rubbish.

Cable Talk 3 was my biggest mistake for an individual piece of kit... worst stuff in the world.

Best purchase were my Mirage M1's had these for years, having changed everything else that's pretty supprising.... anyone got anything out that that does a bigger stereo image?

ReJoyce said:
Finally achieving a full upper end Pear Audio system (Well Tempered / Dynavector / Shahinian) over the last 4 or 5 years is a sort of final place for me.

Interesting system, Jason, sounds like it wasn't too painful getting there.

I started my system 2nd hand & I think I pretty much started outside the What Hifi realms of accepted wisdom, so I made a different set of mistakes. When I started out, finances forced me to tweak/mod & fix stuff. I think if any mistakes have been made it was in trying to take this too far & not giving up the ghost as far as some components of my hifi was concerned & so I ended up changing the system around, hanging on to something I was sure wasn't the limiting factor.

That if anything has been my greatest expense, hanging onto crap bits of hifi because I was fond of it & thought I could squeeze more out of it.
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I really wish that this question had not been asked, or that I had not been bothered to add it all up.

Main System £44,500

Theatre System - £11,000 + £2500 for cabinet work.

In the main system only two items were new when purchased.

All of the Theatre items were new or demo's.

I will call the insurance company very soon.

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Bradders said:
Not me; the lions share of my money goes on fancy clothes and designer drugs.

I like yer style :D

To be honest though, I admit I used to be baffled how people could spend so much on music, but clearly the people who do really love listening to music above all else (or even playing around with gadgets), so fair play to them I say.
Cd player- £1800
Amp- £1500
Speakers- £1200
Subwoofer- £900
Centre speaker- £250
Rear speakers- £180
Rear centre speaker- £90
Power amplifier for rear centre speaker - £260

tv- £500
tv rack/hifi stand - £150
av amp- £650
dvd-a/sacd player- £900
dvd recorder- £450
vcr- £180
freeview- £100
speaker stands- £100
interconnects- £600 + £260 + £80 + £90 + £65 + £80
speaker wire- £300

£10585 in RRP.

yikes. thats kinda scared me.
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SteveC said:
the over 10.000 group are under-represented in listing what they have. Maybe they don't want to be robbed

Sony SCD-1 (RRP circa 3K)
2 * Technics SL1210Mk3 + Ortofon Nighclub carts (c. 500 each)
Allen & Heath Xone:62 (c. 800)

Krell KAV-300i (c. 2750)
Lavardin IS Ref (w Phono Stage) (c. 2800)
Cyrus 7 (+ PSX-R) (c. 1050)

Kef Model 107/2 (c. 4800)
Ruark Epilogue R (c. 450 (due to Yew finish))

2 * Soudstyle 5 shelf (c. 300 each)
Epilogue R s/stands (c. 160)

Townshend Isolda s/cables (c. 400)
2 runs of Chord Co. Rumour II (c. 110 each)
3 * Ecosse Maestro Ref (c. 95)
2 * Eupen pwr (50 each)
2 * BlueMax Merlino's (20 each)

Trichord Powerblock 500 (c. 300)
M-Audio Audiosport Quattro (c. 250)
Beyerdynamic DT770

= 18,805

Though is pretty much two systems really.
Seems weird when written down. Any optimistic burglars would leave either with regrets or in an ambulance. Thats a promise.
as another of the over 10k peeps a break down would be
naim nac 82 2500
naim nap 250 2000
naim hicap x 2 800 each (1600)
A/S dax 2 2200
B&W cdm7nt 1250
Server PC 1200 (cutting edge at time of purchase)
squeezebox 200
hard drives + controller 300
i/c + mains cables 300
Isotek minisub 500
Isolda speaker cable 450 (ish)
Alphason stands 500
total for audio £13,000

ht setup
Yamaha DSP e800 350
Limit dvd 200
Mico dvd 250
Mission rears 350
B&W cdm cnt 450
speaker cable 100
panasonic tv 500 (? a big guess)
panasonic vcr 200 (? another guess)
ntl box 100 (? cost if not part of offer i guess)
tv sender 100
upstairs tv/ vcr combo 150

total for ht £2,750

grand total £15,750

greg, have you compared your ecosse cables to anything else? how did they measure up?

I've probably at least broken even on cables over the years, but the big expense is the QS Ref stand – I bought that new for about 600 quid, and I'd previously made a 100 quid loss on owning a Mana amp rack and Ref Table,

Accept my apologies once again for that Tony.

It's a long story - or rather an old one...
If its a list you want ...

Well Tempered Reference Turntable and
Well Tempered reference Arm : £6350
Dynavector TeKaitora cartridge £1750
Dynavector P300 Phono-stage £750 inside a ...
Dynavector L300 Pre-amplifier: £4000
Dynavector HX1.2 Power Aplifier: £4500
Shahinian Obelisks: £4000
Micromega Pro transport and Pro DAC: £2750 replacement cost

Tables : £1000
Wire: £500

you can add it up if you're interested enough.


i reckon about

TT/phono stage etc - 4k
amp 2.5k
sp 2.5 k
cd 1.5k
cables/mains cond o.75K
hpones .5K

good grief what have I done
Here is my list..........taking panadeine before I add it up.

Turntable: Linn LP-12/Lingo/ARO/Arkiv AUD$12700.00
CD Player: Theta Miles CD Player (on test) AUD$6000.00
Pre Amp: Home made passive AUD$120.00
Power Amp: Cymer SET 4 paralleled 300B AUD$12000.00
Speakers: Quad ESL-63 X 3 AUD$21000.00
Cables: AUD$1000.00

Total: AUD$52820.00

Plus Subwoofer never used: REL Stentor II AUD$11000.00

Total Bits: AUD$63820.00

United Kingdom Pounds 26198.00

Heart stoping...............
Paid about 50% retail value.
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