Scandal in audio Asylum...

Indeed I too am jesting.

The trouble with forums is that they are opinion based, otherwise it wouldn't be a place where people talk.

You don't like naim, thats fine, I think your mad.

I have never heard any of your kit, which is precisely why I think naim is so good, you buy it you slot it in, you enjoy music.
Analogue kid

Whats this schloererererer alpha antistatic stacking thing out of curiousity?

Got any web-links. I likes reading about new things in audio :)
Certainly Bottleneck

I wanted focus 72 in stainless steel with 20 mm glass and backlit shelves, but misses prefers alphastatic so have that with 10mm glass and backlit shelves looks stunning! Unlike wire I didn't notice much difference between racks as long as they are pretty stable then i can live with any difference in sonics for the aesthetic quality.

Another one i souced but never investigated further was soundations parent company

not sure were to buy in uk though Schroers on the other hand can be got from about three retailers in uk I got mine from Jack at the Audio Salon (I live near Glasgow) cant remember other 2 reatil price for Alphastatic in silver grey with clear glass and backlighting is £844 (lights alone are £209 so alot cheaper without)you may be able to get something off this I did the only drawback is about 6 weeks wait, worth it though.

Yet another long post Garyi if you can't be arsed just click on web links.
dev looking at you sig just out of interest i have pair of xa50's Im about to put on ebay 4 1/2 years old would sound great with your 200s and xa as pre also have 5 year old xray going. Just in case you or anyone else is interreted have all boxes etc.
Thanks mate, but I'm already biamping with X/A2 and X/A200s. If I change at all it'll be for a powerful integrated such as the ATC SIA - 150 or AVI Lab Series, provided they drove the Tannoys well.

I did put my amps for sale but changed my mind due to lack of interest here. I've never used eBay, so I don't have any feedback and figured that because of that I wouldn't have much luck. :cry:
I think you should keep the 200s and get a better pre like ATC etc xa 200s are absolutely fantastic and I don't think the integrateds you mention would come close.
I think you are right. I was happy with my gear until about 2 weeks ago when I heard an ancient/battered pro amp driving a pair of JBLs. The bass was something else and now I could be tempted if......bollox I'll just cut up my credit card, much easier:D
Lack of bass could be down to your cdp, I have heard a system consisting of Xpre Xa50s and Xa200s with IIRC xray or a3 cdp bass was deep and punchy with with no boom or overhang with wide open 3d soundsatage 50s work v well with 200s in my opinion pre amp in xa integrateds is not as good as poweramp section 50s going for over £400 on epay atm if someone on the borards wants them I'm looking for £300 plus delivery.

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