Scout's Honour

Originally posted by bottleneck
Merlin - any digital pictures of your new TT? it does sound nice. I saw one at Toms house (NOS-42) but unfortunately didnt get to hear it.

The extension's nearly finished now - 2 months with no music :( and the VPI will be getting the full setup treatment upon being extracted from its box.

I'm using it with a Goldring 1042 and Gram Slee Era Gold phono stage. I have to say that it's a bit 'thin' and will be upgraded fairly soon - a trip to Walrus may well be in order.

I have also found that the cables between the TT and phono stage make a huge difference to the end result.
Hi Tom,

I would agree that it certainly doesn't strike me as euphonic, but one man's thin is another's open I guess.

It certainly carries a tune, and the combination with the Dynavector has bags of energy, at least to these inexperienced ears.

Any tips for support?


or for a TT Id reccomend a wall mount unless floors are concrete.

You could always get a Mana one to keep Bub happy! :D

Theres one at about 90 quid, I forget who by.... british ...something or other...

Or how about a chunk of rock on DIY rods? all depends I guess on whether you're prepared to drill your wall....?
Originally posted by bottleneck
Or how about a chunk of rock on DIY rods? all depends I guess on whether you're prepared to drill your wall....?
I feel offended for fellow ZeroGainers.

Is there anyone amongst us who would not happily drill a wall, knock it down if necessary, in pursuit of better sound? :banghead:
Or move house Steve ? :D

Hows that going by the way, still planning on the move & a dedicated demo room?

Originally posted by bottleneck
Or move house Steve ? :D

Hows that going by the way, still planning on the move & a dedicated demo room?
Moving in on January 2nd, Chris. Meanwhile the family is in Germany staying with my in-laws.

My wife's father is a bit of an audiophile. He's got those ionic-type speakers. They sound good too - until you pass out from the release of ozone - not really ;)

I hope that you and other ZGers will come and visit in the new year and listen to the latest incarnation of the Seventh Veil speakers with the brand-new active filter on the Little Awesomes. Mike, you'd be especially welcome - bring your selection of herbs and spices. :D :MILD:
Originally posted by merlin
Hi Tom,

I would agree that it certainly doesn't strike me as euphonic, but one man's thin is another's open I guess.

It certainly carries a tune, and the combination with the Dynavector has bags of energy, at least to these inexperienced ears.

Any tips for support?

I should have made myself clearer - the phono stage sounds a bit thin, the TT with a EAR phono stage sounded lovely ;)

As for support, I have gone with wall brackets or HNE stands due to suspended floors. Now that the extension with dedicated space for the equipment and a concrete floor has been built, I went for a Quadraspire Reference rack following a long demo.
The ZH270 is unique. it uses RF to change the voltage-crrent transfer characteristics of the output valves from their normal impedance to one suitable for driving a dynamic loudspeaker (er it says here!), without the use of a traditional output transformer.


Aren't the Berning designs based on Futterman OTL topologies? If you want to go down the OTL route, you should try Atma-sphere and GRAAF...


As far as I know, the ZH270 uses a very different design, have a look at

The Merlins are supposed to work fabulously with OTL's in general, but i don't like the idea of large numbers of valves and the attendant reliability issues, so the GM200 would be out.

The ZH270 seems to get around these issues very cleverly;)

I have to say, the weekend was spent playing endless amounts of vinyl and I have to say I do love the Scout. It's energy and gusto are highly addictive, many old albums finally sounding as I feel they should after all these years. The fact that it more than compensates for a £5K CD player to these ears speaks volumes, as does the fact that I don't feel the immediate loss of the Orbe/SME.

Next stop I feel is a valve phono stage:D
Originally posted by merlin
Next stop I feel is a valve phono stage:D
My next but last will also be a phono stage.
Mr. Nestorovic has just ordered a 'great' one:rolleyes: :eek: :confused:
It has a separate power supply unit with 16 tubes and also the main amplifier unit has 16 tubes. The size of each unit is about 50 x 50 cm and described by him more or less like the ugliest component in the world. Musically he said he never ever heard anything that can come near the quality of that phono stage. I suppose you need to by also an air conditioner with that unit. In a year I will ask him what he thinks about it and what are the negative points: then I will decide if it is for me....
Hi Titian

Did you get the chance to visit GT audio when you were over?

Graham Trickers ''personal'' phono stage is a sight (and sound!) to behold. He told me once he never made it a production model ''because it would be too expensive to sell!!!!'' :eek: Worth a visit if youre over again? :) (he's based nr heathrow)

Nice Steve:)

Sadly I think they'd need to lose a nought off the price for me to consider it at this stage! It's only a second source and the results with a basic phono stage are pleasing.

I plan on investigating the Pro-ject Tube Box, the new Dynavector 75, the Microgroove +, and possibly the Acoustec PH1P.

Those who have listened to the Pro-ject say it is ridiculously good for the money, I was amazed that they demoed it on a Goldmund/Koetsu combination and they felt it worked well.

I have seen a couple of reviews mentioning the Vpi Mana combination but it's not for me. I use a Seismic Sink on a Pagode platform, and even then there is more than enough raw energy and speed. I am looking more towards the soothing characteristics of EAR at the moment.

Interesting however to see another person using a "hybrid" support - some would turn in their graves. My own findings suggest that the Sink works very well with neutral or forward sounding kit, particularly if placed on a light and rigid platform.

I guess edge of the seat merchants will always prefer the bleeding edge of the glass and metal brigade, but to these ears, you lose to much in persuing ultimate transient snap.

Having said all that, all stands do is make differences IMO. Whether these differences are perceived as improvements is highly subjective.
Originally posted by merlin
Having said all that, all stands do is make differences IMO. Whether these differences are perceived as improvements is highly subjective.
Absolutely right and let me add :

1. the room/floor construction - mechanically as well as acoustically, is another variable in the equipment support equation

as is:

2. the way the speakers are coupled/decoupled to the floor (which effects the mechanical feedback to the equipment)

Any debate or review about the merits or demerits of this or that support mechanism that does not take these factors into account (which is just about all of them) isn't worth much more than the hyper-space it's printed on.
What impressed me Steve was the ability of the 7V satellites to really boogie as the sound pressure level in the room were increased.

Forget the nodding dog routine perfected by our friend Doug, your masterpieces really know how to "rock" Steve, with what can only be described as a fabulously bouncy bottom end;)

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