Shock horror not hifi

I've got a 21 inch one, oo-er missus, and motion artefacts are almost non-existent, apart from on fast-scrolling text (credits, for example). It's a Philips FlatTV LCD, they do larger versions as well. Might be worth checking out, although I don't know if it gets more noticeble as you get bigger, phnaar phnaar.

-- Ian
Do you guys find that the motion artifacts effectively disappear at a certain distance?

The Sony was mighty impressive from say 10ft but any closer and I found it to be unwatchable.

The same could easily be said of the Plasma but at least you still get a decent sized image from 10 feet away.
julian2002 said:
how long until you reach for your lump hammer and blow torch then tony? :D

Awwww Shucks Ju, you old Cynic :p well It got a proper power lead yesterday :) But I won't be up to me nuts, in mud and guts this time, its got a warranty :eek: :eek: :eek: so I'm going to be a good boy :D ;)
So is it the case that large LCDs are not yet as fast as small LCDs. The spec on my 17 incher is 16 ms which is more than fast enough for video at 25 fps. What's the spec on the Tosh?
I think all of these systems are flawed sadly and as usual, owners of one try to justify their position by finding fault with the others.

For me, every LCD I have seen is pretty unwatchable on a normal digital TV broadcast, but The colour pallete looks vibrant. Plasma's don't do real blacks, although I find the motion aftifacts to be less annoying. DLP just gives me, and many others a headache. I do hope someone exposes the fatigue issue before they really catch on otherwise we'll all have to endure them. At least at the moment there is a choice of flawed technologies!
You need more than one screen really:
- Projector for watching DVDs (CRT proj best, LCD and DLP a close second allthough I prefer LCD)
- 32" widescreen CRT TV for...err...watching TV :)

I haven't seen a plasma or LCD screen that gets anywhere close to the quality of a CRT. LCD projectors OTOH are a different story, but you need a darkish room so they're not ideal for watching normal TV.

One problem is that the source (sorry to sound so flat earthy) is generally so compromised. VHS and DVD are pretty crap really, and even hidef b/casting pales somewhat in comparison to tape (although, "only" Beta SP or DVCAM for us). Also most monitors are not optimised and most rooms are far from optimal, too.
DLP is interesing and looks very good when used for rear projection (I've been demonstrated to on a few occasions). But Merlin is correct, it's flawed.
If you want to improve image quality twixt source and proj, invest in a a seamless switcher from these guys:
The perfect solution is optically printed 65mm film. Video can be good, but there's rarely the budget, time, or inclination to shoot it properly.
HD does look promising from this point of view. Although I remember the time when you had to hire refridgerated lorries as grip cars to transport HD cameras (happily, things have moved on a bit since the late eighties).
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Having just got rid of the same CRT as you, You'll be pretty surprised at how good it is.
My main reason was a space and less room filling issue, as I watch very little TV, more dvd's which it does a pretty decent job on those.
I agree comprosmises are always there, thats seems to be the nature of things, still as Ju says, I can always reach for the blow torch :D
The old CRT is hard to beat, if only they where thin and a bit larger, still only miss larger screen for some movies, particullarly those with black bars stealing a lot of screen...

your room looks to be ripe for the addition of a projector and drop down screen. Have you not considered that?
merlin said:

your room looks to be ripe for the addition of a projector and drop down screen. Have you not considered that?

It does look like the solution, but I rarely watch movies at night, not to bother the neighbours, and during the day there is too much light in my living room for a projector, also I dont like things hanging from the ceiling... :rolleyes:

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