Show us Your Kit!


Pro-ject Perspective
Lyra Dorian
Loricraft Missing Link
Avondale Audio AAA5+
Sansui TU-717 Tuner

Manley Stingray

Klipsch Heresy II

Zanash's solid silver interconnects
Naca 5 black speaker cable

Other Stuff

Moth Record Cleaning Machine
Yamaha AVS-70 Home cinema in a box, don't watch enough films to make anything else worthwhile
Toshiba S-220e DVD
Panasonic Telly
Main system:

Well Tempered Reference Turntable
Well Tempered reference Arm
Dynavector XV-1s cartridge
Dynavector P300 Phono-stage inside a ...
Dynavector L300 Pre-amplifier
Dynavector HX1.2 Power Aplifier
Shahinian Obelisks
Micromega Pro transport and Pro DAC

Supported on Hutter Racktime tables
Interconnects are home brew with bullet plugs, or proper 75Ohm for digital. Speaker cable is Kimber 4TC

Upgrades to come: a new house! Then I can go mad ...


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This is my first ever system that I am still putting together, it's not quite up to the standard of the systems I've seen so far but its good for me.

Source > Cyrus DVD8
Amp > Cyrus 8
Speakers > Mission 782SE
Speaker Cable > Nordost Flatline Gold
IC > Merlin Vivaldi
TV > Pioneer PDP-434HDE
Video IC > IXOS KHV704 Component Video
Power Cables x 2 > Merlin Tarantula
Headphone Amp > Rega Ear
Headphones > Beyerdynamic DT531

Next bits to get.

PSX-Rs for DVD8 and Amp
Q-DAC for DVD8
Cyrus Smartpower for Bi-Amping
Cyrus Tri-Arbour Rack


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System 1 (Office)
Teac VRDS T1 (transport) (with Never Connect and Trichord Clock 4)
Wadia 15 DAC (ex-WM modified :D )
Densen Beat B 100 (amp) (modded with Black silk vol. pot)
Linn Kaber (speakers) (early models with Ku-Stones, SPK0015/1 and 3R9 tweeter/HF upgrades)
Townshend Isolda DCT (speaker cable) (single run with jumpers of same)
OmigaAudio "Omiga-Liberator" Digi interconnect & Zsquared Au/Au.
Analogue Interconnects include Zsquared Au/Au alloy & Omiga Audio "Omiga-Mosquito".
Philips CDR 870 (cdr)
Philips DCC 600 (dcc)
AR T-04 (tuner)
Rotel RB-960BX (cass)
MF X-CANS (Mk1) (headphone amp)
Audio Technica ATH-610 (headphones)
Lynwood Power conditioner, modded running CDT and DAC, AZ Tsunami power chord in, Eupen GNLM 05/2.5 's out
Densen runs an AZ Tsunami power lead.

System 2 (little use)
Townshend Avalon / Rega RB250 (broken!!) / Nagaoka MP11 Gold SB (TT)
Marantz CD67SE (cdp)
Sony TCK-630ES (cass)
Arcam Delta 80 (tuner)
Audiolab 8000 LX (amp)
Castle Durham (speakers) (c.1990)
Gale XL-315 (speaker cable)
Cable Talk Monitor 3 (Interconnect)
Sennheiser HD580 (headphones)

System 3 (AV :rolleyes: )
28" Matsui widescreen (tele)
Aiwa FX2800 Hi-Fi (video)
NAD T 550 dvd (dvd) (does cd duties)
Philips CDR-760 (cdr)
Denon Tu-260L Mk2 (tuner)
Arcam Alpha AV50 (AV amp)
Arcam Alpha 9P (running as Power for Main fronts)
Kef Q55 and Q95 centre (spkrs)
Gale XL-315 biwired (and XL315 single wired on centre)
Sonic Link Violet (with bullets), QED Qnect 4S and Qunect 2 for dvd to amp, various Cambridge Audio and Cable Talk for rest.
Sennheiser HD490 (headphones)

Mordaunt Short System 442 (speakers) (rebuild project)
Rotel RDC-965BX (cdp)
Philips CD373 (cdp)
Denon PMA-450 (amp)
Cambridge Audio A1 (amp) (broken)
Wharfedale Diamond 4 (speakers)
Ruark Broadsword (speakers)
Rogers LS4a (speakers)
Chord Co. Odyssey (speaker cable)
Cable Talk 3 (speaker cable)
Cable Talk 4.1 (speaker cable)
Gale XL-315 (speaker cable)
Ortophon SPK200 (bi-wire speaker cable)
Denon DR-M10 (cass)

plus some more I can't remember...........
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OK, here is my developing system

TT = Project Debut II (Piano Black)
AMP = MF X-A200R
Headphone AMP = MF X-Cans V2
Phono AMP = Project Phono Box
Speakers = Yamaha NS200
Headphones = Grado SR80
Interconnects = QED Qunex2
Speaker Cable = QED Silver Anniv BiWire

Main system:

Naim CD5, stock power/interconnect leads, RDC platform
Naim Flatcap PSU
Rega Planar 3 (P3 motor upgrade), RB300, tungsten weight, Ortofon 540 MM cart)
Technics ST-GT1000 DAB/FM/MW tuner, Eupen 05/04 power cable, Chord Chrysalis i/c (this tuner needs all the help it can get!)
Sony JB940 MD
Nakamichi DR2 cassette
Pioneer PDR609 CD rewriter (£80!!)
(enough recorders anyone?)
Naim 72/180
Naim NACA5 speaker cable
Dynaudio Audience 52/Sound Organisation Z522 stands
Black Rhodium 4 way power strip (effects now negated by 3 metre 1 gang)
RA Silencer
Target racks
Milty Zerostat anti-static gun
Knosti Disco Antistat record cleaner
Goldring Ecstatic II brush
Discwasher stylus brush
Nakamichi tape head demagnetizer

...and a cuddly toy (Naim-black fluffy dice!)

Apologies for crap photo; a) digicam is SHOD b) I was pissed when I took this ;)
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And my bedroom system


Bedroom system:
NAD 533 TT/Ortofon 530 cart
Rega Planet (original), with mains lead hacked and a YellO power cord on the end
Sony MDS-J530 MD (£70 :) )
Philips DCC730 Digital Compact Cassette :shock:
NAD 4225 tuner (£12 - nicely!!)
Akai CR81D 8track cartridge recorder
Akai timer
Rega Mira 2000/RA Yello
Rega Elas/Naim NACA5
Rega Couple on CD, Black Rhodium on tuner, Cambride Audio tape solutions on MD, Chord (Calypso?) on DCC
JPW rack :oops:
Milty Permaclean vinyl cleaner (intend to get KAB record cleaner soon)
Onzo Zerodust stylus goo thingy

...and ANOTHER cuddly toy - more fluffy dice!!!


AV bits (off of bedroom system currently)
Philips 804 NICAM VHS
Pioneer DVD-656A (so far so good - VERY nice machine!)
Pioneer CLD-S1750 Laserdisc
Pioneer CT447 cassette
Sony KVM25F2U TV
Puke (aka Pace) cable box
Playstation 1/Namco arcade joystick plugin thingy
Yamaha E800 DD/DTS/DPL processor
Paradigm CC170 centre
Rega Kyte/Acoustic Solutions stands for rears
Gale/Cambridge interconnects


Rega EAR/Beyer HD930? headphones/Rega Ear as modelled by Jessica (thanks Ebay :))

Kitchen system
Ilockyer's Aiwa midi (bust CD)
Technics SL P2 CDP from 1985
Aiwa turntable/Vivanco phono stage/line switchbox

Festival system
Panasonic CD portable
Ross active speakers

Bathroom system
Sony boombox (on long extension lead with NO RCD :yikes: )

Spare (mostly on loan to mates)
Sennheiser HD432 headphones (Ilockyer's system)
Sennheiser HD580 Precision headphones (on bass amp)
Kenwood graphic EQ (bought for spectrum analyser)
Audiolab 8000A
Technics SL5 linear tracking TT
Ariston speakers (don't ask!)
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Roksan Xerxes/XPS2
Roksan Artemiz
Dynavector DV17D2

Trichord Dino
Trichord Dino +

Marantz DR6000 CD Recorder

Sansui TU517 Analog Tuner

Lavardin IS Reference

Yamaha NS1000M on Target R's

Clearaudio Titan and various DIY ICs. Furukawa BSP20 PC-OCC Speaker cable.

Headsave mint portable headphone amp and Sennheiser HD580s

Stands unique reference wall shelf

About 1500 records

About 100 cds
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Suppose I'd better post here aswell then...

Transport: Teac VRDS T1 with Trichord Clock 4 and Never Connected PSU.

DAC: Derek Shek NOS DAC

Amplifier: DIY using LC Audio ZAPPulse 2.2SE modules

Speakers: Dynaudio Contour 1.3MkII on Dynaudio Stand2 stands

- Apogee Wyde-Eye digital cable with Eichmann Bullet plugs
- Musical Fidelity NuVista with Bullet Plugs (DAC -> Amp)

Speaker cable: Dynaudio OCOS

Rack: Homebrew ripoff of the IsoBlue stuff :)

At The House of Badchamp currently:


Audionote CDT-2
Denon TU-260L


Music First TVC Passive Pre :)
Audion 300b Silver Night PSE (Svetlana tubes)


Von Schweikert VR-1 on
Custom-made IF Designs Tallis

In between bits

Speaker - Goertz MI-2
Digi i/c - AZ MC2
Pre-power - Goertz TQ-1
Dac to Pre - Siltech (low end 424 I think)
Tuner - pre - Goertz Sapphire
Z squared, Xindak and AZ Tsunami power cables

Lynwood Mega Mains thingy (for sale)
Conrad Johnson PV-10AL (for sale)
Micromega Drive 2 (for sale)
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Whoops forgot me future plans:

Upgrade pre (PV-10 definitely a bit out of its league now) could well be going passive

Listen to loads of music:D
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Here is my current first tream choice.

Front ends.

Turntable---------------------------Avid Acutus
Tonearm--------------------------- SME V
Cartridge---------------------------Ortofon Jubilee.

CD Transport-----------------------Tag
DAC---------------------------------Chord Dac64


Phono Stage----------------------Audio Innovations P2
Pre-amp----------------------------Audio Synthesis Passive pre
Power amp------------------------Border Patrol single ended

Loudspeakers---------------------Living Voice Avatars OBX


Tonearm to phonostage-------Audionote Silver
Phonostage to Preamp--------Townshend DCT
Transport to Dac-----------------LAT DI-20 Mark II (XLR)
DAC to Preamp-------------------Townshend DCT
Preamp to Power amp----------Townshend DCT
Speakers--------------------------Goertz M2/M1
Mains cables----------------------Russ Andrews/TCI
Mains blocks----------------------Russ Andrews/TCI

Turntable stand------------------Origin Live
Equipment Stand----------------Clearlight Audio
Equipment Stand----------------Standesign
Equipment Stand----------------Appollo

Others Items to play with include

SJS Electroacoustic Model one pre, Nakamichi Cassette deck, Pioneer cd writer, Sony Minidisc, NVA passive pre, Pioneer DVD player, VPI 16.5 Record cleaning Machine, EAR 835P Phonostage, Townshend Rock Reference Turntable, 2 x Elite Rock II turntable, Voyd Ref 0.5 Turntable, Voyd Turntable, Technics Sp10 MkII, Garrard 401 turntable, 4 x Technics SL1210 turntables, Audionote M2 pre amp, Audionote J loudspeakers, Snell K Loudspeakers, ECA Lecturn amp, Audio Innovations Series 1000 amps, Audio Innovations first Audio monoblocks, Audio innovations First Audio stereo, Audio Innovations series 500, Edison 12 power amp, Sump power amp, Croft Series V power amp, Finestra pre amp, Pioneer A300 precision amp, Horning Agathon Loudspeakers, Helius Cyalene arm, Wilson Benesch Act1 tonearm, Origin Live Rega RB600 arm, Quad II power amps, other Quad bits and bobs, various moth arms, Loads of cables, a few catridges, a few reel to reel tape decks and various other items which I have about the house. There are items I have forgotton about.

Plus over 15000 records and cds and still growing.

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Hifi System

Meridian 206B CD
Exposure X
Mission 753's

All power cables Russ Andrews Yello power cables
Interconnect and speaker cable kimber cable

AV system

Toshiba SD210E DVD
Onkyo TX-DS595 Amp
Kef KHT 2005 Sub Sat Speakers
Fujitsu PDS 4229E 42" Plasma Screen
Sky+ Box

All power cables Russ Andrews Yello power cables
Interconnect (svideo etc) and speaker cable kimber cable

The aural panoply at Zanash Villas.
Currently not seeing front line action*


Michell Gyrodec, Qc psu
Logic Datum S [inc Van De Hul solid silver phono cable]
AudioTechnica AT OC9
ISO Phono pre
Origin Live Skyline platform TT support

Pioneer something completely rebuilt with ADC ALT1* AR P77*

Pre amp

Quad 77
Quad2 pre*

Power amp

Quad 707
Quad II [running EL 34's bastardised by Croft]

CD Player

Quad 77 [bus only]
Denon dcd920 heavily tweaked
Sony something* now a toploader! heavily tweaked


MF X-DAC new psu and heavily tweaked


Quad 77 with loft omni aeriel
Denon Tu 260L*
Denon Tu 450L*
Hitachi 5500fe mkII*


Martin Logan Aerius i's
Ruark Broadswords*
Castle Stirlings*
Chartwell PM110*

Cassette deck

Sony KA6ES drednought of cassette decks


Sony mj520se absolute dog ! now heavily tweaked

Stands and supports

TNT Flexy on oversized TNT Sandbox carries all frontline gear

IC's, Powercables and Speaker cables

Quad gear is all buss linked
QED QuinexII* and its bad
Audioquest ruby* Currently waiting RCA plugs

All IC's to my own design [mostly Zero cost varients] now being replaced with solid silver versions.

Eupen power cord*
TNT TTS my version of the power cord [ten pairs]
TNT Merlino

Cat5 18/27*
U Byte2*
Home brew Enammeled 22gauge copper twisted plaited multiple pairs and very good it sounds !

Lynwood Mega mains conditioner

There probably some other gear tucked away

AMP:Conrad Johnson PV10 pre Bel Canto Evo 200.2 power

CD PLAYER:Micromega Drive/Dac.Cal Audio Lab "Alpha" DAC

Turntable:VPI soutmaster /ZYX cart,sonnneteer sedly stage.

SPEAKERS:Totem Model 1 sigs :800ASW

RACK:Artesania Audio (spain)

CABLES:Audioquest midnight 3,Audioquest Diamonds eichmann silver bullets interconnects,VDH 110 ohm AES/EBU.2 Shunyata sidewinder,

A/V:Panasonic PW6 plasma,Loewe xelos tv,loewe xemix dvd player,yammy av amp,KEF eggs
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My kit

Source : Lp12, Cirkus, Lingo, Ittok LVIII and Denon DL-304 on Mana Phase 2
Phono Stage : Black Cube SE
Interconnect: TCI Cobra
Amp : Sugden A21a on Mana phase 1
Speaker Cable : Van den Hul CS122 (lows)
DNM Reson (highs)
Speakers : Totem Arros on Mana sound Bases

Sundries: Toshiba Aurex PCX-60AD cassette
My system

Audio Setup
Amp Yamaha DSP AX1
DAC Tag Mclarren DAC20,
DVD / CD Transport Pioneer DV-717
Tuner Sony ST-S370 RDS
Tape Deck Denon DRM-510
Turntable Garrard Zero 100 SB (needs repair though, so if anyone can recommend someone to take a look at it please PM me.)

Visual Setup
VCR Panasonic NV-FJ630
Digital TV Box Some Telewest Pace crap.
TV Sony KV29F1U

Front Mordaunt Short 908's (bi-wire jumper replaced with speaker cable)
Center JPW Monitor Gold
Rear JPW Monitor Gold

Main Speaker Mordaunt Short Silver Flatline
Center / Rear QED 79
CD to Dac Ixos Home Theatre Gold
Dac to Amp QED Qunex1
Amp to tv & dvd s-vhs Prowire x 2
TV to Sat Prowire Scart

Other bits
Mains Filter RA Purifierblock 8-way with powerKord
Silencer RA Silencer, to try and shut up the Fridge!

I'm sure I've missed something out, so let me know if I have!

Future upgrades
In the throws of making an AV table to carry all my equipment in a tidyier manor.

Mordaunt Short Center & Rear speakers
Pre-amp to improve my stereo sound.
That'll be all I can afford this year!

Anyway here's an old! picy
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Here we come Again...

Tagmclaren T32 DAB Tuner:


Tagmclaren AV 32 Processor

Tagmclaren CDT 20 Transport:

Sony Mds-JB940 Minidisc:

Belcanto Evo 200.2 Power Amp:

B&W Nautilus 805 Signature Speakers:

Sony RDR-GX3 DVD Recorder:

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Here we go again...

Source: Arcam CD72T

Amp: NAD C350

Speakers: KEF Cresta 2 (due for iminent upgrade) on Atacama Nexus 6 stands

Interconnect: Van del Hul D102-III with Bullet Plugs

Speaker Cable: FFRC

Power Cord: RA YellO for CDP only
Me system:

CDP - Meridian 507
Amp - Primare A30.1
Speakers - Dynaudio Contour 1.8 MkII
IC - Van den Hul D102 MkIII
SC - Ixos 613

Simple does it!