For music:
- Squeezebox Touch powered by a Welbourne labs psu
- Meridian 568.2 AV processor acting as a stereo DAC and pre-amp
- Canary CA-608 valve amp
- Impulse Ta'us horn loaded 3 way speakers
- Stillpoints under the Bel Canto and Meridian 568.2
- Power and speaker cables are from Coherent Systems, you wouldn't believe how much difference the power cables made. The digital interconnect (coax) is from Zanash. Balanced cables from the Meridian to the Bel Canto are neutric terminated from Audio Technica.
I have my whole CD collection cut to FLAC using EAC and powerDB. It's fully backed up to a several independent drives.
The Touch can run it's own server, but I actually find it sounds and responds better when the music files are hosted by my laptop and at the moment, my music is being hosted by an old PC.
For AV
- Panasonic PTAE1000 projector 1080p) connected to a UPS (just in case)
- Sony PS3 for games, BD, DVDs and TV. The PS3 now has a 640GB HD
- Sony PlayTV add on for the PS3, adding PVR capability
- Meridian 568.2 AV processor (firmware version 2.5b)
- Rotel RB971 mk2 power amp powering the rear speakers
- Kef 3001 rear speakers
- Boggo 3.5m HDMI cables between the PS3 and AE1000. Wireworld Supernova5 toslink between the PS3 and processor. QED speaker cables to the Kef 3001s. Zanash cable from the 568.2 to the RB971.
The PS3, processor, Rotel amp and my headphone amp are all sat on a Quadraspire 4 tier stand which nicely tidies things up.
All the above (stereo and AV) is controlled using a Marantz RC2000 learning remote control.
Headphone system (sited at my PC)
- Little Dot iv valve headphone amp. Connected using a Zanash stereo interconnect cable. This is being driven by the unbalanced pre-outs from the 568.2, meaning that the 568.2 is acting as a the DAC and volume control. Very nice it is too.
- Sennheiser HD600s with some 540 Refs as backup.
Where next:
Not sure. I've heard a lot of kit over the years. Taking into account my room, I'm not convinced that any speakers I've ever heard would work better in there (regardless of cost).
I've also heard a variety of sources, a potential might be a Meridian 861v4, but they're several K, even s/h.
The only other step that comes to mind would probably be a seriously expensive 300b amp, and as I've never seen one that is fully enclosed (to keep out the prying fingers of my son), I don't see anything changing for quite a while now.