Show us Your Kit!

michell gyro se
originlive silver 250
benz micro mc silver
creek o8se

cyrus cd7Q
cyrus aca7.5
cyrus apa7 x 2
cyrus icon x4

various cheap leads
Originally posted by lowrider
Nice room, but I would still dress the statue... :shame:
Jill remembers as she was growing up that the statue sported all manner of "modesty shields", from custom loin cloths to plastic shopping bags. :rolleyes: However, I'm not easily shocked, and prefer the fellow au naturel.

-=> Mike Hanson <=-
You will have to keep the kids away from your music room, too many indiscrete questions... :rolleyes:
Originally posted by lowrider
You will have to keep the kids away from your music room, too many indiscrete questions... :rolleyes:
Those are my favourite ones to tackle. It's that type of question that leads to the most significant learning. BTW, we're expecting our first child in early Februrary, and I'm really looking forward to the "Why?" phase. ;) Wish me luck!

-=> Mike Hanson <=-
I have 6 kids, believe me, they will ask questions that will embarass even you... ;)

Good luck with your kid... :D
sugden sdd1 transport
sugend sda1 dac...
audionote dac 1.1

audio innovations s200 phono/pre
audio innovations s1000 phono/pre
ear 834p deluxe
ear 834 line stage

world audio kel34
world audio k5881
world audio 6550
world audio 300b parallel single ended modified with black gates, paper in oils, russian military teflon caps -yey!!

world audio kls3s
proac studio 3s, same as the response 4s, only 3 drive units instead of 5
harbeth hl compact 7s.

nad 533,/rega planar 2 with ortofon 510 yuk, goldring 1042 not bad, ortofon mc15ii quite good, neutral fast, ortofon kontrapunkt b on trial, yey!
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Originally posted by boxsoft
I'm really looking forward to the "Why?" phase. Wish me luck!
As in "why did you have to go and do that:confused: " - don't worry, you'll get to ask that question a *lot*
Amp : Arcam AVR200 AV amp
Speakers : Mordaunt Short THX Select
DVD : Pioneer DV-757A
Guys - let's try and keep this thread to be just a "My Kit" thread otherwise with load of chit chat in reponse it starts to loose its usefulness as a reference.

I don't really have a good suggestion to be able to continue banter about someone's kit (or room decoration :D ) other than to start a new thread on the topic...


You are right, of course, but any comments out of context would look pretty dumb... :rolleyes:
Sony CDP-XE900E (CD Player)
Sony DVP-S525D (Multi Region DVD Player)
Sony MDS-JE640 (MD Deck)
Sony ST-SE500 (Tuner)
Sony PlayStation 2 (Modified 'Magic 3.1' 128-bit Console)
Nokia Mediamaster 9850 T (Digibox)

Marantz PM-66KIS (Stereo Amp)
Yamaha DSP-E492 (Processor)

Speakers: Mission Cinema 7
Mission 773e (Front Speakers)
Mission 77C1 (Centre Speaker)
Mission 77DS (Rear Speakers)
KEF PSW2000 (Active Subwoofer)

Straight Wire Chorus Analogue Interconnects (Entire System)
QED X-Tube XT300 with Airloc Plugs (fronts)
Cable Talk 3.1 (centre & rears)
QED Qunex SR75 Digital Coaxial
QED Qunex OT Digital Optical

Atacama Elegance 3 Equipment Stand
Cambridge Audio Multimedia Explorer M1 Enhanced Remote
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Another challenger for the most expensive system on this forum ...

... my E-bay £450 bargain special:

Marantz CD6000 OSE CD
Black Rhodim HARMONY Interconnect CD/Amp
Rega Elicit Amp (1992 vintage)
Rega Alya Loudspeakers
HQ 4mm Gold Plated Banana Plugs ;-)
QED Silver Anniversary Speaker cable (not bought Ebay)

Makes very, very nice noises indeed!

Plus, for my AV needs ... more E-bay goodies:

Hitachi 28 Widescreen
Toshiba SD110E DVD player
YAMAHA DSP-A590 Digital Sound Processing Amp
QED 79 Strand (not bought Ebay)
Legendary Rogers DB1 used as rear loudspeakers!!!
Very heavy spiked metal stands - unknown brand
Still looking for a good Centre speaker and maybe when we move a good sub-woofer!

DVD club ... Brilliant service!!

Bedroom system:

AWESOME Denon UD-M3 'Personal Component System' - the all in one mini system that replaced my Pink Triangle/Audiolab/Royd system 5 years ago without me even blinking. Magic, but hardly used these days.
Above usually used now with Beyer Dynamic DT231 Galactic headphones (not bought Ebay), since moving the Rogers speakers into AV system.

Listening room ... after last night I can't find it!! Is this my house?

Basically, big couch and chair, hi-fi/AV, french windows to garden and fresh air, Franny and Zooey (the two cats ... or my lap speakers!) and wife (sometimes!)

hi, new here

I'm new here so here's my system:

Onkyo automatic turntable
Marantz CD67 SE
cheap-ish but decent looking interconnect
Musical Fidelity E10
Ixos 603 OFC speaker cable
MB Quart 350 S standing

the speakers are standing on Ixos super spikes on a slab of pavement lying on the floor.
Heres todays version...

Meridian 588
Pro-ject Debut II

Arcam A22
Arcam P25

Spendor S6

CDP on a Townshend seismic sink
All on Atacama equinox rack

Trichord Power Conditioner 500va
RA Classic Powerkord Wattgate 320

Van Den Hul D102 Mk III interconnects
Silver Anniversary Bi-wire
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Upadted specs:

<B><U>Main System</U></B>

Sony CDP XE530 CD Player - with some blu-tac tweaking
Sony STE300 tuner
Compacks DVD4000 (£50 quid from Safeway, actualy a rather nice machine)
My PC (16-BIT Creative 128 Value sound card) 1GHZ DURON, 256MB RAM ETC
Project Debut II fitted with OM10 cartridge and stylus

Marantz PM6010 OSE

Eltax Monitor III'S
Senhiester HD495 Silver Headphones

14" Daweoo TV with philps CRT tube (yes its crap)
Toshiba V710UK Nicam VCR (connect to my PM6010OSE)
£20 interconnects for CDP/£15 for Tuner, £5 for dvd
FFRC Speaker Cable terminated with shark banana plugs

<B><U>Donwstairs System<b></U>

Marantz PM4000 amp
Goodmans crappy Multichanger CDP - Has a Sony DAC, maybe a Sanyo Transport, a cheapo output stage (the capacitors are tiny)
Sony somthing old 1984 reciever with digital selection (rare at the time)
Yamaha P220 Turntable with Ortofon OM style cartridge (branded Dual DN625E) my OM10 stylus works fine on it though
Amplifier: Densen Beat B-100
Speakers: Sonus Faber Concerto Grand Piano
Source: RME HDSP 9632
Cables: Tara Labs Prism Nexa, Van den Hul Mainsstream, Ixos Gamma 1002

Future Upgrades: New Integrated (ASR, Gryphon, Sim Audio, YBA...?)
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CD Transport/SACD Player: Sony SCD777ES
DAC: Chord DAC64
Digital int: Chord Signature
CD or DAC to Amp: Chord Anthem 1m
Tuner: NAD 4225 (forgot to add)
Amp: Cyrus 3i + PSX-R
Speakers: Cyrus CLS70
Speaker cable: Chord Oddessy bi-wire

POWER GENERATION: A big heavy computer UPS running all bits.
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