Another challenger for the most expensive system on this forum ...
... my E-bay £450 bargain special:
Marantz CD6000 OSE CD
Black Rhodim HARMONY Interconnect CD/Amp
Rega Elicit Amp (1992 vintage)
Rega Alya Loudspeakers
HQ 4mm Gold Plated Banana Plugs ;-)
QED Silver Anniversary Speaker cable (not bought Ebay)
Makes very, very nice noises indeed!
Plus, for my AV needs ... more E-bay goodies:
Hitachi 28 Widescreen
Toshiba SD110E DVD player
YAMAHA DSP-A590 Digital Sound Processing Amp
QED 79 Strand (not bought Ebay)
Legendary Rogers DB1 used as rear loudspeakers!!!
Very heavy spiked metal stands - unknown brand
Still looking for a good Centre speaker and maybe when we move a good sub-woofer!
DVD club ... Brilliant service!!
Bedroom system:
AWESOME Denon UD-M3 'Personal Component System' - the all in one mini system that replaced my Pink Triangle/Audiolab/Royd system 5 years ago without me even blinking. Magic, but hardly used these days.
Above usually used now with Beyer Dynamic DT231 Galactic headphones (not bought Ebay), since moving the Rogers speakers into AV system.
Listening room ... after last night I can't find it!! Is this my house?
Basically, big couch and chair, hi-fi/AV, french windows to garden and fresh air, Franny and Zooey (the two cats ... or my lap speakers!) and wife (sometimes!)