Show us Your Kit!

Upgraded my rack, now fully wobbly and acrylic with cryogenically treated metalwork. Utterly awesome. Updated photos soon.
Finally got a digital camera together - here's a couple of pics:

Just an update and a few piccies of my current music maker:





2 channel

Marantz cd 6000 Ki Signature as transport on atacama statistage
QED signature Coaxial cable
Musical Fidelity Tri Vista 21 DAC on atacama statistage
Black Rhodium Oratorio I/C
Musical Fidelity A308 integrated amp
QED Genesis Biwire
B&W cdm9nt upgraded with aluminium phase plugs+HNE granite plinths


Pioneer DV444
Yamaha Rxv650 rdr with the MF plugged in via AV loop for front L+R
B&W cdm cnt centre
Mission m71 rear
QED qudos spkr cable all round

All on a lovely soundstyle rack

The the system has taken a major hike in performance, looks and build since i 1st entered the game. Not bad for a 21yr old skint graduate huh? 8)

Sounds great and don't wanna change a thing right now. However i still have a wishlist :oops:

Musical Fidelity A308cr cd player+power amp,
2 pairs B&W cdm 1nt for rears and rear surrounds,
A big Rel- Storm or stadium would so nicely( i do miss my strata III :cry: )
A decent universal dvd player with all the new tricks (can't keep up with those!)
43" Pioneer Plasma.

hal9001 said:

CD source
TEAC VRDS-10 with Trichord Clock 4 and Never Connected power supply upgrade
MIT digital reference cable
Chord DAC64

Chord Signature

McIntosh MA6900 (just replaced an MF Trivista 300)

Chord Odyssey cable

Vertex AQ Jaya mains conditioning x 2
Vertex AQ Roraima for DAC64
Vertex AQ Roraima+ for the amplifier
Vertex AQ Kinabalu

Next step :

Selling home cinema kit.
Upgrading power regulator + recapping CD.

Any suggestions on improving on the speaker cable ? Tried Vertex AQ Moncayo - good but damn expensive.


Lindemann D680 CD/SACD
Vertex AQ Roraima cable
Vertex AQ Super Kinabalu

Chord Signature

McIntosh MA6900
Vertex AQ Kinabalu
Vertex AQ Roraima+

Speaker Cable
MIT S1 Shotgun

Dali Helicon 400
Vertex AQ Mini Moncayo links

Vertex AQ Jaya mains conditioning x 2

All home cinema kit + TV sold. Now selling TEAC/Chord source.

Sorry for poor photo - must get some new lights (or perhaps draw the curtains for once!)

An update on my system which is now complete:

Wadia 6i (with wadiameister improvements:) and now on Stillpoints + Risers)
Perreaux 200i Classic on Pulsar Points
Revel M22 on Target Stands + Pulsar Points
Pagode E55
Slinkylinks Balanced Interconnects
Slinkylinks Speaker Cable

Also showing my Toshiba SD9500E DVD and Sony LCD.
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Elberoth, welcome to the ZeroGain. interesting room & kit project, look forward to your postings.

Tbear, I was curious to find out more about the ATC amp, and found this:
"The way it maintains musical tension is also extremely engaging, the drama and energy that the musician has felt is there in full effect. It has tremendous musical integrity and encourages you to listen and listen until you're totally exhausted."
how was it for you?
ditton said:
Tbear, I was curious to find out more about the ATC amp, and found this:
"The way it maintains musical tension is also extremely engaging, the drama and energy that the musician has felt is there in full effect. It has tremendous musical integrity and encourages you to listen and listen until you're totally exhausted."
how was it for you?
LOL. It certainly left an impression on supercapman last week :D

I think I would only add that it is an amplifier in the truest sense of the word. What you put in is what you get out.

With the ART v2, it's a match made in heaven. I can't stop dancing and grooving, even to things that normally leave me unmoved :D

And as for the Contour 1.1s... I can't think of a suitable superlative right now. Spellbinding perhaps?

It's like the musicians and singers are performing for me and me alone. I've never connected with the music like this before :cool:
technobear said:
Those watching the classifieds will have noticed that a few changes are afoot at technobear towers :)

Well, have out with it then! Can't tease us like that and then leave us hanging! How 'bout a nice in-depth post in the Reviews room? :cool:

wadia-miester said:

I take it you've switched to the 'Naim' algorythym' filter on the back then
I'm using the 'Lagrange' setting.

I found the 'Audionet' setting a bit dull by comparison.

So far this player is utterly unfazed by everything I've thrown at it. All the things I'd given up listening to because they sounded so ear-shredding. Like 'Burn' by Deep Purple.

F**k me! :eek: Oh boy! :techno:

Errm... sorry about that... Deep Purple just launched into 'Speed King' :D

Amazing! I can't keep still. I've been laughing and crying together at what I'm hearing here.

Must try some W.A.S.P :torkmada:
dunkyboy said:
Well, have out with it then! Can't tease us like that and then leave us hanging! How 'bout a nice in-depth post in the Reviews room? :cool:
Either this is one of the best CD players on the planet or I am stone deaf :D

Looks like I'll have to have another bake-off :rolleyes:
Chris, that cdp is gorgeous. I love Audionet stuff, very minimal but sleek styling. Does it come in silver:D how much can you get them for?


Ultrasonic said:
Does it come in silver:D
Yes :)

Ultrasonic said:
how much can you get them for?
Too much! They are pretty rare. I guess people are hanging on to them. The guy I bought mine from was only selling his to finance a bigger house for newly arrived sprog :D

There was an ex-dem one in silver at Audio-T, West Hampstead last time I looked. £1199 I think it was. Might not be mint at that price. Or they may just have had it a long while.
Quite a few changes to the system recently so time for a recap:

Panasonic DVD recorder Transport
Behringer DEQ2496
Pink Triangle Dacapo DA converter
Brinkmann Lagrange Turntable
Brinkmann 10.5 Tonearm
Brinkmann EMT Cartridge
Django transformer volume control preamp
Borbely audio 420 phono stage (mm/mc)
PMC MB2-A active speaker
2 * Bryston 3B-SST Amplifier customised
2 * Bryston 7B-SST Amplifier customised
2 * Bryston 10B crossover customised)
Townshend Seimic sink Stands for equipment rack and speakers
WNA Custom built cables

Next things to try are an S&B based TVC and stepup.

Let's have a picture of the new rig then.

Also, while you still have the previous speakers it would make an amusing picture to see all 6 PMC's in the lounge - 3 per side. :JPS:

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