Show us Your Kit!

linn lp12/ittok/dl160
meridian 200
meridian 203
creek t43
linn lk1
linn dirak
linn lk280
linn lk280
martin logan aerius i
monster reference/chord/linn cables

They sound good too, helped no doubt by the strategically placed piece of white fluff between them... N1 Ali, bet the dyson out dude...
Few upgrades to the kit, so the current state of affairs is:

CDP - Wadia 850; pink triangle cordinal

Preamp - Sugden masterclass pre

Power amp - Sugden masterclass stereo power

Speakers - Cura CA30s

Subwoofer - Velodyne CHT-8 (currently unused)

ICs- VdH bay; JPS Labs Superconductor FX balanced; Zanash's gold-silver single ended and Solid Silver balanced cables

Speaker cables - VdH d352
Update: recently added a turntable after a gap of some years and the discovery of a load of old jazz albums in a friend's loft...:D :D :D

Thorens TD160/Origin Live DC motor/Regar RB250/Goldring 1012
Cambridge Audio Azure 640 phono stage

[Rest of system

Pioneer DV575 disc player
Monarchy Audio DIP Classic
Monarchy Audio M22C dac
Bent Audio NOH TVC pre-amp
Bryston 3B SST power amp
Wilson Benesch Orator speakers
DIY VHAudio-based wiring (silver interconnects, Cat5 style speaker cables, Flavor 2 PC on Bryston)
Beyer DT531 headphones/Rega Ear headamp]


hal9001 said:

Lindemann D680 CD/SACD
Vertex AQ Roraima cable
Vertex AQ Super Kinabalu

Chord Signature

McIntosh MA6900
Vertex AQ Kinabalu
Vertex AQ Roraima+

Speaker Cable
MIT S1 Shotgun

Dali Helicon 400
Vertex AQ Mini Moncayo links

Vertex AQ Jaya mains conditioning x 2

All home cinema kit + TV sold. Now selling TEAC/Chord source.

Now updated

Vertex AQ Silver Solfonn

McIntosh MA2275
Vertex AQ Super Kinabalu

Pics here




God, i love those McIntosh`s.. droool. nice kit m8.

mine updated:

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Good to see some lovely systems displayed on this site and I am currently looking to try and contact Yamaha NS1000M owners....any out there? What are you using with it from source to amps etc......what results have you had? Love to know.

p.s. to yahoodie -elbow...I had a pair of Royd Cornistons with a Nait 1(green LED) way back.....lovely memories !
Micro DDX1000
Lyra Argo
Accuphase T101 (FM)
Revox B77 open reel
Naim CD5i with ALW super regs and twin PSU

WAD Pre II, Phono II & PSU II
WAD Kat 6550

Impulse H2s

NVA LS1 speaker cable
Chord Siver Siren Interconnects
DEQ2496 when needed.
Dedicated mains spur to Olson 12 way block

a few pics:





Nice pics, Rob :)

I recognized your blue/green SO tables right away:D

I see there have been quite some changes since the flatresponse days...

best regards,
great system there rob.
those impulse h2's are gorgeous (defo loudspeaker porn!!) and would love a pair of them as part of a second system eventually
Some new pics of my custom designed, dedicated listening room. There is still a lot of work to do (e.g ceiling, ceiling diffusors, lightning, front wall absorbers etc).



And the latest RT-60 graph. Black trace is our target curve, blue one is base curve (empty room, no acoustic treatment, no floor), red curve shows how the room responded after ACS diffusors, wooden floor and sand stone were added. Green curve is the most recent one. It is still not perfect, but we are working on it.

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my kit

im new to this forum but looks great some good kit out there.
my system comprises of michell giyro dec
rb 300 arm
ortofon mc30 supreme
qc power supply
naim pre amp with mc card
and snaps power supply
unison research simply 4 amp
with border patrol supply
all on a quadraspire table 34mm thick
shelves beech
my speakers are living voice auditorium
with kimber 8pr cable


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Here's mine:


CD: Audio Synthesis Transcend + DAX Decade BG balanced
DVD: Philips 963SA SDI with Trichord Clock 4 + Crystalio video processor
Pre/Pro: Proceed AVP 2
Amps: Bel Canto eVo 2 + eVo 6 gen II (bridged)
Speakers: PMC TB2S+ fronts, DB1S+ rears , Paradigm Reference Servo 15 x 2
Display: Barco 808s CRT projector
Rack: Ikea Corras on Auralex Gramma platforms
Acoustic treatment: Auralex 2" wedges and DST LENRD bass traps
Cables: Belden, Canare, Cardas, Nordost, Townshend

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