Show us Your Kit!

System Overview
Rega P3-24/Custom Plinth/Audiomods Classic arm/Clearaudio Maestro Ebony MM
Thorens 160 Super/Custom Plinth/Rega RB301/Goldring 1042
McIntosh MCD500 cd/sacd player... Naim Unitiserve Music Server... McIntosh C500P Controller/Preamp... McIntosh MC501 monoblocks... Von Schweikert VR5 Anniversaries... VSA MB/Acoustic Zen Silver Ref XLRs... Verbatim biwires... Lessloss PCs... Acoustimac Corner Bass Traps...








There are some amazing setups in here which would be ideal to port over to use the new Showcase section - just click that link and click the orange "create item" button in the top right of the page. You can then upload some pics and post the specs of your system and it'll appear on it's own page with a linked comments thread.
Just come from the Groovehandle and pleased to be one of the first members of this new Forum. Congratulations on setting it up so quickly and good luck.

As a first post it is perhaps worth listing my kit:

Naim CDSII/XPS/Nac 52/Supercap/Nap 250/KEFKIT 3

How about others doing likewise until the ideas start coming for new threads.

By the way anyone interested in discussing 70s KEF speakers or drive units (or just speakers of any kind) are welcome at:


hi Terry concerning Kef speakers I take it you may be taking about the 104 which I have a pair which have been upgraded the tweeters are now scanspeak D2905/950000.The mid/bass units are now manacor sph-210 all inner wiring redone and the crossovers where replaced in 1991 with a crossover which is bi-wired I also have 2 sets of the 103.Thats the 103/3 and the 103/4
New member...

Classe Sigma 2200i Integrated Amp
PS Audio Directstream DAC
Aurender N100H Music Server
Bel Canto CD2 CD Player with VBS1 Power Supply
Ps Audio P3 Power Plant
Oppo BDP-103 Blue-Ray Player
Wilson Audio Sophia 2 Speakers

Edge i3 Integrated Amp
Sony HAPZ1 Music Player
Auralic Vega DAC
McIntosh MR-7803 Tuner
Martin Logan Aerius i Speakers
KEF LS50 Speakers
Had various set-ups over the years but now have:

Sitting room:
Linn LP12/Lingo, Ittok LVII, Clearaudio Davinci MC
Marantz SA-10 SACD player
Boulder 1010 pre (has phono input)
Boulder 860 power
Triangle Magellan Cello spkrs
Mainly Boulder (balanced) interconnects
Recently attached a Bluesound Vault 2 ripper/server and use this for copying CDs and accessing Qobuz, using the Marantz Co-ax input
Also have a number of Chromecast Audio units around the place for simple multi-room.

Just wanted to see my faithful 1962 Garrard 301 + SME 3012 II working again so have them in Loricraft plinth with Denon DL-103 and GSP Fanfare
- simple Rotel R-06 amp
- Kef Q1 speakers and sub
- MF Nuvista CD player (first version)
- Pioneer CDR 609 CD recorder.

What a mixture! Still it's all good fun and I love sharing the music with mates, who love the main system and want one.
Hi every one i'm new. Here as you can see i have a caspian roksan system from 18 years ago with ruark prologue one speakers cable talk monitor ,van den hul and banana plugs and cord rumour cables.
I have just got a logitech sqeesebox touch.and now i am thinking of a dac.Any suggestions on a dac and improving system will be welcome.
Pass Labs INT-30A Integrated Amplifier
PS Audio Directstream DAC w/Bridge II
PS Audio Directstream Memory Player
Aurender N10 Music Server
Lumin U1 Network Transport
PS Audio P3 Power Plant
Focal Sopra No.1 Speakers
Definitive Technology PF15TL Subwoofer
Audioquest CV-8 Speaker Cables
Shunyata Venom USB Cable
Transparent RAES1 Digital Cable
Morrow Audio XLR Interconnects
PS Audio Statement Power Cords
WAudio Power Cords

Esoteric I-03 Integrated Amplifier
Esoteric N-05 Network Streamer/Player
Esoteric K-07X SACD Player
Sony HAPZ1ES Digital Audio Player w/ 2TB SSD
KEF LS50 Speaker
Wireworld USB Cable
Audioquest CV-8 Speaker Cables

Don't want to pour cold water on the tread but posters need to take into account publicly listing their gear on a web site combined with the hidden power of sophisticated web searches can see you lose all your gear. I'm ringing this alarm bell because that's exactly how I lost an entire high end system, huge recording collection and just about everything else. Insurance covered some of it but I wasn't able to replace a collection of privately made reel to reel recordings of US jazz and blues.
So, feel free to display your Audio Research, Wilson etc etc but be very careful not to leave anything like a web track that can be traced back to your nest as I so stupidly did.

I Do actually have this for sale, but after using it recently, im in two minds to keep it or not
As i am new to this and with my recent ventures in clearing out a house, i am slowly getting knowledge of the kit.

Leak stereo 20

JBL xpl140 x2 speakers

EAR 834L preamplifier

Marantz cd-67se cd player

Pioneer pdr-509 cd recorder


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Here's mine

Listening room

listening room.jpg



In racks:

Left Rack
Turntable AEG TRS9000 with AT33 cartridge
Connector panel for spare ins and outs
Mains sequencer
Selector switch
Squeezebox Touch
Meridian 206 CD player
Meridian 501 preamp
Sony SQD2020 Quadraphonic Decoder

Right Rack
Turntable EMT 948 with TSD15 cartridge
Stereo Type 1 PPM (DIY)
Headphone driver and tone controls & mono switch (DIY)
Behringer DEQ2496 equaliser
Behringer DCX 2496 crossover
Behringer A500 power amps, x 3
Mains voltage and current metering (DIY)

Loudspeakers are B&W 801f with original crossovers removed and now active using DCX2496 crossover.
Equaliser has Simon's Behringermods analogue input mods as I did use the item as an ADC for live recordings.
Racks are DIY 19" rackmounts.

Here's mine

Listening room

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View attachment 1243

In racks:

Left Rack
Turntable AEG TRS9000 with AT33 cartridge
Connector panel for spare ins and outs
Mains sequencer
Selector switch
Squeezebox Touch
Meridian 206 CD player
Meridian 501 preamp
Sony SQD2020 Quadraphonic Decoder

Right Rack
Turntable EMT 948 with TSD15 cartridge
Stereo Type 1 PPM (DIY)
Headphone driver and tone controls & mono switch (DIY)
Behringer DEQ2496 equaliser
Behringer DCX 2496 crossover
Behringer A500 power amps, x 3
Mains voltage and current metering (DIY)

Loudspeakers are B&W 801f with original crossovers removed and now active using DCX2496 crossover.
Equaliser has Simon's Behringermods analogue input mods as I did use the item as an ADC for live recordings.
Racks are DIY 19" rackmounts.

Beautiful setup. Love those speakers.
Hi, guys,
I'm a newbie here and am so excited to see fancy gears you have. Mind blowing stuff. Those systems must sound like an opera house or a live concert local bar. Here are my stuff: (by the way, I live in USA.)

in mid-'80s to mid-'90s (purchase time)
NAD receiver ($500, out of order - natural cause - one channel goes away often - that bothers me so bad - stopped using it)
NAD CD player ($350, I broke it - a hard elbow hit to CD tray, when drunken - Ouch! wondering if it can be repaired now. It sounded great before broke.)
KEF C10 speakers ($250/pair, still sounding great, better than anything under today's $500/pair speakers)
Thoren turntable ($500, lowest priced one in '86, working still great - love its simple wood frame - looking for new rubber drive bands - with Shure V15 III cartridge! buy a Shure always!)

after 2000.
- for my study room - mostly background music purpose
Sherwood receiver ($50 at a mega washing machine/refrigerator warehouse, working good, no complain for the money)
Panasonic DVD, blur-ray, CD player ($150 at a Costco store, plays everything, reasonable sound for music CD)
Bose speakers ($220/pair, ok just in a pinch. not so good musically as many magazines praise.)

- for my bed room
Yamaha AV system all in one box ($300 at a household stuff warehouse, ok just to watch movies, music sound isn't good, or I don't know its usage well enough.)
Panasonic VHS, DVD, CD player ($250 at a Costco store, the last working VHS player at home, try not brake it, ok to play anything except for blue-ray media).

I'm thinking to buy nowadays, so to speak, a beginning high-end audio stuff like every component costs $1000. So, $4000 for amp, CD player and 2 speakers. I have an eye on Marantz amp and CD player, and B&W speakers (welcome any advise). I'd better do house cleaning for a space before buying any audio stuff, though.
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If you're thinking of new equipment, these days I would think in terms of active 'speakers, and ripping your CDs to a hard-drive and streaming.

You'll get far more for your money that way, and modern equipment just isn't expensive unless you want to pay the Audiophile Tax. Loudspeakers like the Kali LP-6 or the slightly larger LP-8 are superb, and have been very favourably reviewed.
Kali LP-6 Review: Studio Monitor | Audio Science Review (ASR) Forum

At around $200 a pair, exceptional performance.

There are also others from Yamaha, Behringer, etc etc at a few hundred dollars a pair, that are sold more as semi-pro monitors rather than home HiFi, so you're not paying the Audiophile Tax.

As to a streamer, probably the best value for money is the Logitech Squeezebox Touch, which although discontinued, is still available used, and has the great benefit that the software is now maintained by an army of enthusiasts, unlike so much stuff that goes obsolete as soon as the manufacturer moves on to the next Big Thing.

Good luck with your quest.

I see there is that way. I play the electric guitar thru a tubed amp. A fairly old school way. Best of bests comes out for me. My brother has turned to computer music a decade ago and claims he can play the guitar thru any tubed or solid state amp which has reached the market by clicking a few icons on the monitor. No need to buy a guitar amp anymore. That makes sense in audio, too. I don't have to think of the difference between $1k amp and $8k one. Those powered monitor speakers look cool at local guitar shops. Maybe it is time that I go for a digital way. Thanks.
me again. looked into the digital way. JBL 5" monitor speakers ($300) , Focusrite 2i2 audio interface ($160) plus a good desktop PC (which I already have) = under $500. check out 300 CDs from local libraries and rip 'em into hard disk. music is all mine at my finger tips. seems to be a way to go. speakers need to be near field in front of me - one restriction. I'll try it this time.