Show us Your Kit!

Small and simple, but I kinda like it that way.

(upgrade plan: trying a dac to 'squeeze' more music out of my Sqeezebox)




(Squeezebox Touch + dedicated PSU (google 'Best of Two Worlds'), Rega Brio-R, Diapason Micra mkIII)
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TT: Audio Grail Garrard 301 Grease bearing with Shindo Platter and bearing, Audio Grail Plinth, SME 312s Kondo wired tonearm, Koetsu Coralstone cartridge.


Koetsu, Audio Note and Head SUTs

Air Tight ATC-2 Pre Amp

Air Tight ATM300 Single ended with Western Electric 300bs

Tannoy 15" Reds in GRF rectangular enclosures / Tannoy ST-200 S.Tweeters


I don't suppose you could show us a picture of inside the supertweeter could you? I'd be very interested to see how they went about making the variable level control without messing up the slope of the filters.
Recent pic of my TT; some suspension alterations and altered aesthetic (also some bearing alterations that cannot be seen).


Oh, new armboard too.
Thanks Rob :).

Yes, the stand is physically built into the plinth and helps to both reinforce it and define separate areas within it. The stand also guarantees the turntable a rigid, stable and predictable support. The suspension has been developed in such a manner that it resists footfall shock and, despite being three floors up and on a suspended wooden floor, the deck is extremely stable and the speakers woofers do not suffer from the pumping that is often seen.
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Nice change Rob - a break or a replacement for the Rega?

I must come and darken your door again some time soon :)
Now I finally understand why there are so few women into hifi.

With the exception of a few tasteful- looking (and indisciminately so) systems such as Alco's above for eg, the majority I see are behemoth-laden lumps of 'man kit' overpowering decent, tasteful living-rooms. Interested as I am in hifi, blimey it seems the more costly it gets the more f'ugly business it all is. Add a huge black plastic flat-screen TV in the middle just to top it off (really, along with cruise ships the most vulgar items of design ever IMO) Im surprised wifey doesnt insist on a room exclusively for her shoes in recompense!

Kudos to those designers and buyers who realise hifi takes up room invariably in pride of house-space and as such are, like it or not, pieces of 'furniture'. Designers got this in the 50's and 60's. Come 1980 and.. oh dear never mind, its taken over the room!
Get a grip Captain "she" is far to busy washing up and hoovering to worry about the designs aspects of my cave :D

The internet is just for po*n, shopping, telling inanities of you're day to face(book)less others, and blokes nerding about hobbies. and funny animal stuff of course.

..and Jesus died, for this?

Its all wrong I tells ya.

Hifi needs 'a good womanising' I think. Look, Alco's speakers are very purty lovely things in a fine space, but look what they're on- I mean why can't the designers have simply made those (ugly, sorry Alco) black pillars white for eg?
I think the result of what you're suggesting is Bose. Most people think hi-fi should be heard but not seen.
Bose, B&O, and now we even have Linn doing 'lifestyle' systems.

They rarely deserve the scorn received IMO, and most are fine on the electronics front but compromised (sometimes) by the loudspeakers.
CD player addiction?

Despite already having a lovely modified Arcam Alpha 5 (see thread in DIY section) I couldn't resist this when it came up on ebay recently.

windows 7 screen shot

Yep, that's right it's a Creek CD60

So far I'm hugely impressed. The build quality is exemplary and the PCB layout looks superb. There are no fewer than 15 voltage regulators inside this thing!

And of course it has a much coveted TDA1541A S1 (single crown) DAC chip.

upload foto

upload foto

I'll report back with some listening impressions soon.
Wow, a really nice CD player! It even has a good transformer brand.

I think there is a lot to be said for those TDA1541 chips these days, even more than when they were current. They behave differently (less distortion) with digitally clipped signals than oversampling type converters.
Had this set up for a few years now. Don't listen to too many CDs any more as I stream Spotify and Internet Radio mostly.
