I'd prefer 10pt The thread view certainly looks bigger to me, but I could be wrong. Am I being ungrateful enough? -- Ian
Actually I prefer it how it is, 10 point is way too small, some of us use high resolutions and dont have the eyes of an eagle, you know
I'd like to see the usernames in dingbat 14pt the same colour as the background Seriously Michael it's looking quite nice now as is
I think there is more space between the threads in the thread view because of other things that have to fit in there. I'll leave the usernames as 12pt as a compromise. Michael
I think massive is an exaggeration considering you're wasting your bandwidth with all the ones I'm not using.... It will be interesting to see what TonyL comes up with should he upgrade, the 'look and feel' of PFM aligns better with my personal taste than ZG. Regardless my subjective impression is that the new version here is slower than the old, I guess you could prove me wrong with actual numbers? Paul
IMHO vBulletin have put it's users in quite an awkward position with the v3 upgrade. This is a huge change to the software, and predictably it has bloated to a quite absurd extent – the .php and image files that make up the system has bulked up from 1.5Mb to a whopping 5.4Mb. It adds a load of features that many such as myself actively do not want (and a few that I really do). With the new features comes a lot of additional complexity behind the scenes. This is also not a easy upgrade to carry out, the whole look and feel is so radically different, and in my opinion the default skin (you get but one) is so truly gross that I wouldn't be seen dead running it – this forces you to develop your own skin immediately (including a new button set as the supplied blue ones look like they were done by a baboon on acid who had watched way too much TV involving Linda Barker - I'm convinced the damn things are made out of MDF). The amount of work Michael has put in getting this place to look like the ZG we all know and love should not be underestimated, a serious amount of effort has gone into this, and I'm genuinely amazed at how successfully he has pulled it off in such a short time. Respect! My main concern is how long vBulletin intend to support v2.x – ideally I'd like not to be forced to upgrade, though I'm actually doing some of the preparation work now so I'll have for example a full set of 'non-shite' buttons and icons etc ready for when I may need them. But I'm not going to rush into it until I fully understand the speed and bandwidth aspects. I suspect the new ZG is slower – I always used to think ZG felt faster than pfm, now I feel it's a little slower, especially when waiting for the 'full' post reply page to come up etc. I'm learning a lot from ZG with regards to this upgrade, every tweak and improvement Michael is doing is being very carefully noted I'm going to take pfm to v2.3.5 first – I'm not even at the latest v2 level! That's easy – it only takes 10 minutes or so. I'll probably wait until the next v3 point release and make a final decision at that point… Tony.
It seems quite appropriate that the true flat earthers dont like the new forum and prefer the old stuff I think the new software is great, I really like some of the new features, there are also some excellent new features if you are a mod/admin that will likely come in useful. I havent noticed the new software being any slower.
I'd say I have noticed no difference. Maybe it is a split second slower (but only maybe), but frankly, who cares? Hardly worth getting upset over IMO. FWIW, I prefer v3 to v2, for the average user, its features are better and certainly worth having.
I think it probably is a tad slower, afterall the pages are bigger so that would follow. However, my subjective impression is that it's not noticably slower. IMO it's worth it Michael.
I'm hardly getting upset. Part of the subjective slowness may be that it works the client harder and I often use a 5 year old Toshiba notebook for browsing. Paul
There's no way I'm even going to think about switching forum software. I evaluated the alternatives when I started ZG and vBulletin won hands down against competition like phpBB and Invision and I doubt the situation has changed, especially with the release of vB3 Michael.