Originally posted by BlueMax
'Blind testing' whereby a panel of listeners do not know what product they are listening to is also scientific. It is one of the many techniques that may be used to get around the problem of 'Placebo Effect'. [/B]
Blue Max you are cj in a different skin
Blue max wrote ........
But sadly, there are some who will pay absurd sums to boost their fragile egos and with complete disregard to what such a sum can do to help the basic needs of fellow human beings.
You posted this twice now in the last 7 days, Do you feel the need to preach this all the Time?
You are right, a sum like that would help starving kids, battered wives, crime victims, war refugees.
A lot of wealthy people are that way, becasue the don't give it away, thats their part of human nature NOT yours, they'll burn in enternal damnation after they go, so why worry about THEIR faults.
Now your assuming they have fargile ego's, so your a Physcologist now, prehaps they just want to do spend there cash they way they want too, I'm not sticking up for them, yes some do have fargile ego's, but you can't tar them all with the same brush, righty or wronly it's their cash not ours
I feel you are the one who has the problem/chip on shoulder about those who have maybe more finanical substance than most of us.
This is a hifi forum not a first year medical grad's common room
I'll let you into a little secret BM, When I was making a comtable living from my previous venture, Each year we (former Business) used to give £5k a year to local worthy causes and estabished chariities (Glos Air ambulance,Winstons Wish, CLIC, Cancer reasearch and RNIB), not for tax reasons, but because When I had my motorcycle accident, the air abulance saved my life (Just 25 months in hospital), and at that point I was in a postion to 'give something back', each year we'd but 5 names in ahat and the staff that worked for pulled out which 5 th charity recieved the funds. It doesn;t make me anymore or less of a human being than the next man, and I wasn't looking for ego enhancement, I just felt, I was in a postion to repay the debt in a small way.
Now £5k is small drop in the ocean to what is required, but it went towards to right way, also penuts to what some guys spend on hifi or cars or boats or house etc.
Yes the worlds balance is wrong, but every one must do some thing about it together.
So you have a problem with those that spend on hifi, whoopee fucking doo, I have a problem with low life scum/drug dealers and pediophiles/ miscarriadges of justice, and those that bleet about idiocycratic melodrama's, that they need to feed to keep their own inadaquieces at bay.
There are those that nothing sort of spending obsence anounts of money, will surfice, good luck to em' Like the Murphy's I'm Not bitter. WM