So the mains then

Originally posted by merlin
Ah so when I noticed a dramatic reduction in drive, dynamics and presence when someone changed the mains lead on a Theta CD player, without me seeing would constitute be scientifically proven:confused:

That is NOT quite what I said about 'placebo effect' and 'blind testing'. But don't balme me! I did not invent either of them!

Blind testing require a panel of listners among other things.
Do some research and you will know.
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why didn't you just edit it then, instead of raising your tally needlessly? :MILD:
Originally posted by BlueMax
Who the hell is this 'cj' person?!
It surely ain't me. So take it easy.

Maxy, you know this cj

From the HFC forum.......

"Thank you CJ, the BIG DUDE of the Dacside Brotherhood and Clan for giving me food for thought and leads for further research.

I am being ââ'¬Å"convert-ilatedââ'¬Â. Resistance seems futile! "

you can see him from the rear view mirror of your CBR900RRW :)

I also notice your dislike for russ adrews on HFC as well, almost word for word

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2003 1:03 am Post subject:


Paying absurd sums of money for hi-fi, car or whatever may help to compensate for certain psychological need in a person. For example, to prop up self esteem, the need to prove to themselves and show to the world they are something, etc. Such people tend to be too wrapped up in themselves to have any moral considerations such as what some of that money could do to meet basic needs of their fellow human beings.
Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2003 11:42 am Post subject:


I personally wil not buy an £8,000 speaker cable even if I won the Lotto.
The whole idea is vulgar and repulsive.

But sadly, there are many who would pay absurd sums to boost their fragile egos and with complete disregard to what such a sum can do to help the basic needs of fellow human beings.

Us Brits are soooo tolerant. We huff and puff and whinge and moan a lot but then go ahead and pay!

Be it hi-fi, car, motorbike, white goods, petrol or whatever?

So is it a wonder that the 'Rip Off Britain' merchants are having a field day?

And look at the prices for IEC plugs:

Wattgate 320 is USD 20.00 = UKP 12.50
RA price is UKP 20.00

Wattgate 320 is USD 78.00 = UKP 48.75
RA price is UKP 70.00

'Perceived Value' is a technique used in marketing to extract money from customers.
Hype, hype and more hype is the order of the day with some hi-fi retailers in the UK.

You seem some what bitter Max?, 160 posts in 6 weeks, lot of time on your hands?.
Time to give the fireblade a good thrashing and get it out your system, 6.30am saturday morning, 115mph slow right hander, sure beats the hell out of asprins and helps ease those frustation blues :) BTW I don't own any R/A products in case you wondered. WM
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Originally posted by BlueMax
That is not quite what I said about 'placebo effect' and 'blind testing'. But don't balme me! I did not invent either of them!
Do some research and you will know.

So hang on here:eek: If a component is changed in the replay chain without my knowledge, and I notice unsubtle changes in the systems presentation, you are saying this does not constitute a valid test as to the performance of said product:confused:

Utterly ridiculous IMO, and just another example of this blinkered approach from the recent HFC refugee. The reason I do not post over at HFC is because of immature and misguided attitudes such as this. I guess my earlier comments re the Sevenoaks brigade were closer to the truth than some thought.

In fact Max, you share an amazingly similar persona to the renowned CJ:D He too endlessly states that he has no need to improve his system in any way, he's happy, and laughs at anything that is presented as an advance:rolleyes: I think WM has hit the nail on the head here, a bitterness seems to ooze from your keyboard:(

This forum is a friendly and informative place. Please try not to bring HFC negative vibes over here. Thankyou
Merlin -

I agree with you 100%. Listen with your ears, and decide whether the improvement you may/may not hear is worth the asking price.

Exactly what I do too!

The fact that we get different answers to our same question is just different people putting different values on what they hear.

NB Have you got your subs finished and working yet? let us know what theyre like when theyre done?


thanks for asking:) I have literally just screwed the last hex bolt into the final box:D

So they are ready, I now need someone to help me move them into the other room, my guess is 120lbs per cabinet:eek:

Stupid thing is, they have been completed just as most of my system has been sold:( I have no power amp, no CD playerand no suitable cables, so I may have to wait until the replacements turn up next week:(

I will run a check over the weekend to see that they are working, but the real listening will start in earnest next week. The neighbours move out on Friday I believe:D
wow, didnt realize you were changing everything.

What else is being changed?

Originally posted by merlin
So hang on here If a component is changed in the replay chain without my knowledge, and I notice unsubtle changes in the systems presentation, you are saying this does not constitute a valid test as to the performance of said product
Where did you get that from?! Nothing to do with 'blind testing' or what I said.
Read my post 19th September 2003 22:01
Also read ââ'¬Å"Structured Lab & Listening Testsââ'¬Â on page 59 of October issue of HFC.

Originally posted by merlin
This forum is a friendly and informative place. Please try not to bring HFC negative vibes over here. Thankyou
If you mis-represent what was stated, do not understand nor is prepared to do some research and find out more, for what ever reason, then there no pointing in surreptitiously blaming others for it!
BlueMax, WM and merlin - take a chill pill please before I have to do as robs requested and move this thread (or at least part of it) to the Kindergarten :(

Originally posted by merlin
Stupid thing is, they have been completed just as most of my system has been sold:( I have no power amp, no CD playerand no suitable cables, so I may have to wait until the replacements turn up next week:(
I can only assume this is a hoax post....I'm sure I read something like this....
I spent months of tweaking to get the response I wanted, added some groove courtesy of Teac and Shunyata, and was able to give up the box shifting for the first time in 20 years.
only a couple of months ago.

:D :D :D :ffrc: :ffrc: :ffrc:
Originally posted by GrahamN
I can only assume this is a hoax post....I'm sure I read something like this....

only a couple of months ago.

:D :D :D :ffrc: :ffrc: :ffrc:

Sadly it's known as downsizing I believe, freeing up some cash for house purchase:(

So please go easy on those that enjoy our music but not the luxury of 50K equity in glorious Surrey.

Rest assured that the core components, as mentioned by your good self, remain intact in the new arrangement. And if you can make money out of your hobby rather than spending it, it seems rather silly not to do so old bean;)

(income stream in leafy Surrey looking a bit dubious ATM too :( )

Hang with these case seriously be talking about downSIZEing :D (OK so it's misspelled but the caps don't look right otherwise)
Crickey Graham, no concerts tonite :eek:, the most posts in this section for eon's, or has next doors industrial grade ear plugs you gave em' fallen out? after Mahlar's last blast on the riciter scale , any way good to see you still have the cutting edge humour and razor sharpe whit in operation :) WM
Originally posted by GrahamN
Hang with these case seriously be talking about downSIZEing :D (OK so it's misspelled but the caps don't look right otherwise)

I meant "downsizing" (it is spelt right in this instance:D ) in Corporate America terminology;)

And don't forget, I have been reduced to buying the bits and building them up with my mates:( Anyway, I had to do something about not having sufficient dynamics to keep your good self happy:D