Sonic Impact T-Amp

You have to go by the data sheet for the chip...says no more than 13.2v. Mine is quite happy at 12v...
My amp arrived yesterday and the bag o' bits from Maplin just turned up as well.
I'm not sure yet whether to just bang it into the new case or to mod it first, reading DIYaudio it appears you need to rebuild the whole thing.
I'll probably just stick to 'sorting' the bass roll off reported on DIYaudio, it seems to be relatively easy by replacing a couple of caps, I might manage that if I can remember how to work the soldering iron. :eek:
For power I was just going to use a 12v regulated plug-in thing unless there's a better suggestion out there.
just bought one on a whim

but how do I connect anything to it?
I can manage the input(got a phono to mini jack from maplins) but what sort of speaker cable of decent quality would you try
also where to get the 12v supply and which?
I've got 94 db speakers so am not expecting driving trouble and could even use rechargeable batteries or is that bonkers?
There are lots of intresting cable about .....I'm selling some on ebay several sorts look for XL 315 or XLl189. Maplins do some good ones or Richer sounds ...where are you ?

Maplins do suitable 12v power supplies but you need to check that the loaded psu is not putting out more than 13.2v.

Do you have just the one amp ?

make certain you get just normal speaker cable [2 core] don't go to exotic, a decent signal from a cd player will be stunning. If you can swap out the vol pot and get a decent conductive plastic type you will be rewarded with fab sound.

Rechargables work ...but I find a regulated 12v 1 or 2 amp mains psu the best.
zanash said:
If you can swap out the vol pot and get a decent conductive plastic type you will be rewarded with fab sound.
I'm a bit(lot) of a diy duffer
how do I do this?
will try maplins for some skinny 2wire cable
i have ordered one through a group buy on Talkaudio

I shall let you know of results. It will be powering some Rogers. Certainly not enough guts for my 85db, 4 ohm vaessens ;)
there have been some on ebay for £40 recently...
the amp hasn't arrived yet. Just ordered some AE 300s too. May give it a go with them whilst i wait for AE to run out ;) ;)
penance said:
BM, God knows what your problem is, but just spit it out eh!
Your a very strange little man.
penance said:
Exactly AK, it is just how your luck lies, my point is that people should not be told they can get away with it. Some will and some wont, but if you get charged you have no option but to pay
I have imported many hi-fi and other items from the US in the last few years.
My latest purchase (over 2 months ago) from US is a Monarchy Audio DIP Upsampler. Brand new less than half price charged by UK distributor. Did not have to pay import duty, VAT or charges by the carrier. :-)

Nothing to do with 'luck'. or 'getting away with it'
But everything to do with knowing the rules and doing what can be done without breaking the rules.

No point in calling others "Your a very strange little man" if you don't know what to do. Such behaviour only shows that you are not only ignorant but also rude.

If anyone is genuinely interested and want to know correct procedure to follow when importing stuff from US, email me.
I have to say that I have only ever been taxed once in ten years bringing stuff into the UK by post. I average about two items a month at the moment. My last two pairs of t-amps came through without any problem taxes at all. Just do it !
I bought a digital camera from the US last year, although the seller put it down as birthday gift and declared a value of US$30, I was charged import duty of a few pounds which I didn't mind, but the damned courier charged me 10 pounds plus VAT handling charge! I was annoyed and called the courier, but was told the handling charge was standard. Since then, I found that Parcel Force also charged about 10 pounds if import duty is to be paid.

I get quite a bit of stuff now and then from the states and honkers, round when the post office was in disarray, they never seemed to submit to customs, but now I have had it 2 or 3 times.

yes royal mail take a cut of £10-13 when they submit to customs, you can't really argue if that's their rules, but I resent giving my cash to hm govt for them to waste on things I don't agree with like tony blairs pension, and the war and the queen.

I even got taxed for something I sent back and couldn't get my cash back, that is downright theft, and the country owes me.

sadly now royail mail is getting its act together, they and the couriers are the guardians of the excises rules.

I have a good mind to bang the door on the delivery person whilst grabbing my item next time, but I need to stay on good terms with the postman, so can't sadly. Tell the taxman to sod off until he starts spending my cash properly.

I have one on the way to try, so if its not good for my speakers I will sell it here.
It is important that the SENDER use the appropriate delivery service and fill in the correct documentation.

Otherwise, almost inevitably, one will end up paying import duty, VAT and admin charges by the carrier.
finally used it

but not properly!
ipod shuffle/T-amp/aegis-compacts
for a 'do' in garden(marquee)
Fantastic sound
Has anyone put it into thier main kit yet?
and the sound?
are they modified at all?
I found speaker cable a bit tricky(flatline squidged up and jammed in)

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