I get quite a bit of stuff now and then from the states and honkers, round when the post office was in disarray, they never seemed to submit to customs, but now I have had it 2 or 3 times.
yes royal mail take a cut of £10-13 when they submit to customs, you can't really argue if that's their rules, but I resent giving my cash to hm govt for them to waste on things I don't agree with like tony blairs pension, and the war and the queen.
I even got taxed for something I sent back and couldn't get my cash back, that is downright theft, and the country owes me.
sadly now royail mail is getting its act together, they and the couriers are the guardians of the excises rules.
I have a good mind to bang the door on the delivery person whilst grabbing my item next time, but I need to stay on good terms with the postman, so can't sadly. Tell the taxman to sod off until he starts spending my cash properly.
I have one on the way to try, so if its not good for my speakers I will sell it here.