Sonic Impact T-Amp

I got my dac direct from derek, £122 was the final bill. Derek provides a UK power supply that does the job although you really need to get a better one to get the full benefits.
Right! We have battery powered DACs, amps and high efficiency speakers. Still missing is a sensibly priced battery powered CDP.

Any good modders in this forum?!
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So are we still interested in organising a power buy? It seems that distributor in the US has them in stock now so... I will drop them an email and see if they are willing to give some sort of discount for a large buy.

Or Stumblin if you are still willing to make this happen, please do!

Surely the Ipod is a good portable music player using uncompressed files? The hard thing is speakers that sound good and are portable, can someone invent electrostatics you can roll up please?

EDIT: Oh okay I take it bck the partsexpress place is out of stock again! I'll still send an email.
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At TNT-Audio Addicts forum, group buys for over 400 T-Amps were placed many weeks ago. Deliveries have at last started last week. But there is still a substantial back order.

Couple of other US retailers to consider are:
PCMall $19.99
Thinkgeek $29.99 + Airborne Express Intl $27.97; UPS Express $29.02

Best volume discounts tend to be direct from the manufacturer. Cos they have higher margins to play with.

Just imported a Monarchy Audio DIP Upsampler for £160.64p. Free shipping to UK. :)
Price from Wollaton Audio, the UK Distributor, is £399 plus delivery charges. :eek:
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Hello Simon,

Thank you for your interest in Parts Express. We are able to give you a quantity price when you purchase 20 or more of the Sonic Impact T-amp (300-952), the cost per unit would be $26.99.

I have included the estimated shipping charges below for the 20 Sonic Impact T-amps shipping to the UK:

USPS International Airmail - $ 97.60 (estimated 1-2 week delivery)
USPS Economy Surface - $ 64.75 (estimated 4-8 week delivery)

The website still says 'Stock Due 4/5/2005' So I think they mean they can offer that price and quantity when they are in stock.

I work that out at about £25 per person who wants an amp to get it right to their door + a little bit for my efforts.

When they come back in stock at Parts Express I am happy to take payments on paypal, order them and ship them out to each of you using GPO Standard Parcel service.

I also emailed PCMall but stil lawaiting a quote. If somewhere else has them in stock sooner then let me know, otherwise I will mention this again nearer the time and we can see who is still interested.
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If the US dealer send it with their name and invoice price on the documentation, it will almost certainly be charged import duty, VAT (on invoice vale + Shipping + Import duty). Then the carrier will charge £20 and more as admin fees.

If you can explain to the dealer he might 'co-operate' with documenation. ;)
Another alternative is to get a friend in the US to take delivery and get him to send you the goods with postage only shown on the documentaion.
Ahhh yes I forgot about tax. The standard way is to send something as a 'Gift' is it not? Also when I was looking at importing another amp I was told if I got them to obtain a 'GSP certificate' then I would not get much tax.
Tenson, unfortunatly being marked as gift now means nothing, anything over the threshold will be taxed (last time i checked it was 31 quid and above). The only way around it is if you can prove you lived in the country of origin and owned the equipment before moving to the UK, slightly awkward for UK citizens;)
On very rare occasions people may get away with import, i have on some lower cost items (but still priced above the threshold).
Sometimes the item will be delivered with no extra bill, but invariably a bill will show within the next few weeks.
To tell people you can get away with it is folly and misleading.
The parcel I got a few days ago was sent using USPS Global Express Mail (3-5 days). Upto USD100 standard insurance cover. The mailing label did not have value shown. Just postage. USD38.75 for 4 lbs 8 oz.

If anything need to be filled in the forms, safest way is for the sender to use personal name, gift, no commercial value and no additonal insurance. Ask the sender not to include invoice with the parcel.

There is always the risk of a parcel getting lost but it is very very rare.
USPS has a tracking facility on the net
I don't post my tracking number in an open forum. If you want to see what went on step-by-step, PM me.
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penance said:
Tenson, unfortunatly being marked as gift now means nothing, anything over the threshold will be taxed (last time i checked it was 31 quid and above). The only way around it is if you can prove you lived in the country of origin and owned the equipment before moving to the UK, slightly awkward for UK citizens;)
On very rare occasions people may get away with import, i have on some lower cost items (but still priced above the threshold).
Sometimes the item will be delivered with no extra bill, but invariably a bill will show within the next few weeks.
To tell people you can get away with it is folly and misleading.

Many people who imported those excellent NOS-DACs did not pay import duties, VAT, etc.

Nothing I imported privately in the last 3 years or so got done.
I guess it is a bit like running a business. Some get it all wrong and go bankrupt whist some others doing the same business make millions :p

Such remarks by Penance will bring shame on Bristolians and Bristol. A place with a chequered history of smuggling :D
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So has anyone got a T-amp yet?

I've just tacked one onto my order from Spectrum Audio not for the 'awesome' audio qualities it may have but cos I need a small desktop amp. After I ordered the guy who runs the shop (Wolfgang) said that it's a great combo with the drivers I originally went there for. My Chipamp kits arrived today as well so I'm gonna be busy over the next few days/weeks.

God knows what your problem is, but just spit it out eh!
You need to check your history aswell. Do you really think that by mentioning Bristol i would be upset??
Your a very strange little man.
Penance, I have bought around 10 things from overseas, all over the £31 threshold, and have only been charged duty for the last one, i reckon it's the luck of the draw, best thing to do is be take duty costs into equation when ordering, and if you don't get charged it's a bonus
Exactly AK, it is just how your luck lies, my point is that people should not be told they can get away with it. Some will and some wont, but if you get charged you have no option but to pay
My Two Tamps arrived from parts charge was made [other than the original cost approx $50]

They sound suprisingly good and loud enough to drive some 8ohm speakers striped down form.......lots of work to go yet !
Mine's shipped from PartsExpress and I'm waiting for delivery....

What I'm wondering is - will it be wise and safe to use a 15v adaptor from Maplin or should I stick to the standard 12v as I'm not keen on buying a pricey 13.8v unit ?

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