Mighty Rearranger
Originally posted by Robbo
BTW, what system do you run?
Robbo he doesn't, maybe UE could help us with this one

Originally posted by Robbo
BTW, what system do you run?
Originally posted by Son of Sam
Okay, to get this one out of the way:
I have a custom-build turntable with modified SME309 tonearm, Dynavector Karat 17D2MkII cartridge, custom-build valve-preamp, custom-build push-pull valve monoblocks, custom-build transmission line speakers, custom-build rack, and all mains and signal cabling is Experience Filtration.
I have a custom-build turntable with modified SME309 tonearm, Dynavector Karat 17D2MkII cartridge, custom-build valve-preamp, custom-build push-pull valve monoblocks, custom-build transmission line speakers, custom-build rack, and all mains and signal cabling is Experience Filtration.
...dear oh dear, the apathetic consumer society, mediocrity abound...
Well, you do have a point there. The great thing about ZG is that it contains a varied assortment of hi-fi nuts and raisins that stand (well, mostly stagger) in direct antithesis to the concerns that he expresses about the industry in general.Originally posted by Robbo
He seems to be making equally sweeping judgements about the posters on this forum without taking any time to get to know the people here.
If you want to change the world, you start from where you are.Originally posted by sideshowbob
Stating all this doesn't make me apathetic, just realistic. If you want to change the world, the hi-fi business isn't the place to start.
Isn't it odd that not ONE person has either 1) Agreed with me or, 2) Taken on board what I've said and genuinely considered whether it is true or not and what the wider implications are - most replies are merely hifi rhetoric.
I know very few people who keep hifi components for longer than 3 or 4 years
If they've got a corporate mentality they are, to all intents and purposes, corporations.Originally posted by Son of Sam
What large corporates are you talking about 7_V? Even the largest specialist hifi companies are relative small fry in todays world. All they have (and this is a large part of my point) is a CORPORATE MENTALITY.
I don't accept medicrity and I don't know anyone here who does. As for there being no innovation, if this ain't innovation then what the f**k is?Most of the true innovation has already happened and most people simply regurgitate. The cream DOES NOT rise to the top, that's why I am debating this subject! Mediocrity has become standard and most people accept it.
I'm not sure that you've read any of the posts at all. It's very difficult to have a discussion with someone who only listens to himself.I think the problem here MO is that members THINK they know the score. I haven't read ONE post which manages to disprove anything I'm saying