I feel Ju, would buy what ever he felt 'did it for him', Henry gets possesive of the term hifi

, presentaion over life, if your a vinyl lover that don't rock, buy an sacd you'll love it, if however you own a well tempered/avid/N/A then sacd will be as appealing as a stack of mana at a meals on wheels convention
Prehaps greg, you should audition the M/F trivista cd/sacd player, at current rates £2750 should see you right, and a 'nicer' sacd player I've yet to hear
The simple fact is the 2 big players are scared shitless one or other will jump first leaving the other high and dry, and the lack of titles is more than just a fad, and well who knows at the end of 2004, maybe will see sacdvda+++120% ultra blue ray speacials, blowing it all away

manufacturers, just gotta love em