"Stereo SACD's dead in the water"

DSD and PCM are surely equivalent in that lossless conversion can be performed. They're just different representations of information.

CD has a lower information rate than SACD or DVD-A, the question is whether that matters.

I don't see a future for either SACD or DVD-A, the mass market wants pictures if they're going to be asked to pay a premium.

Originally posted by GrahamN
Personal preferences are clearly important here - but I am now convinced that WM's are so far to the PRATtist end he's as blinkered as his betes noires, the rabid-Naimies. Last time I heard his system the PRAT and dynamics may have been good, but judged by the more roundy values of tonal balance and stage presence it was quite vile - so far from being "hi-fi" it was "no-fi" (it was a pretty good PA system though ;) ).

Graham vs The Wadia Meister, every one take their seats for this epic battle between two Titans, one standing in defense of culture , the other the sworn protector of innovation and the individual Satanic rites.

Let battle commence:JOEL:
Originally posted by merlin
Graham vs The Wadia Meister, every one take their seats for this epic battle between two Titans, one standing in defense of culture , the other the sworn protector of innovation and the individual Satanic rites.

Let battle commence:JOEL:

You forgot the ability to keep a tune too :) mind you, To have a fly on the wall documentary running when Graham, realises how average the 861 is in more than a few areas, should prove most enlightening :cool: Oh, I'll need to have the walls reinforced, as the listening rooms only good for 116db, (this the Grahams average reflection period volume level)
Although, Graham did spot the pracialy inept mistake on my part, on his last vist, the right bank of amps, had been used for a/v the night before And I had not switch them back into mono, so it unbalnced the system due to the left hand bank running in mono & the right in stereo :o Both Titain & Graham Did pick up on this, where as I was putting it down to clock & caps running in :rolleyes:
Looks like I need to join the Mick parry school of humble pie :) Wm
Originally posted by merlin
Graham vs The Wadia Meister, every one take their seats for this epic battle between two Titans, one standing in defense of culture , the other the sworn protector of innovation and the individual Satanic rites.

Let battle commence:JOEL:

No battle required - there's too much music to listen to (even beyond John Lord's concerto for Rock group and orch). And I'm still quite happy with what the 861 does.
[edit to add]
I'm quite happy (and have been for quite a while) to recognise the fact that I don't hear what all the PRAT-merchants do. I just get increasingly ticked off the way WM expounds on what is and is not music (basically his likes=music, his dislikes=hi-fi) when he's just as narrow-tracked as the rest of the Naim/Linn crowd.

Glad the patently broken nature of what I heard wasn't permanent. I'm just staggered you didn't hear it (even when it was pointed out). And there was I thinking you'd inverted or otherwise screwed the phase to one driver somewhere in one of your surgeries :rolleyes: .

One of the benefits of real music is that the 116dB (or whatever - I'm sure you exaggerate :eek: I doubt it gets much above 110 :) ) are only the highlights that counterpoint the subtlety, nuance and delicacy of the other 95% of what's going on (often down near the threshold of hearing)! ;).
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A personal comment on all this.

My policy is just to wait and see who wins. Either SACD or DVD-a are sure to be better than CD.

I listened to SACD and liked it - more space, more resolution in timbres, more flowing and credibility of sound.

Most 'classic' lovers seem to prefer SACD to DVD-A; this may be a fad.

As I am quite pleased with my CDP (Meridian 24bits) I'll just wait, see who wins, and wait again until the prices become reasonable.

I don't think I will go multichannel, though. That's because I just love my amp (a two channel thing) and because I cannot possibly afford two extra speakers to match my present pair.

As I said, I evaluate a source only with reference to true acoustic sound. I use records I know well of instruments I know quite well. I don't care for names - prat, boogie factor, round or flat, whatever. I just listen to the music and - of course - its medium, that is sound.
My concession is I should reinvestigate what the better CD machines have to offer - I have been sufficiently convinced to do this from yours and WM's comments.


Although we run £5K+ players, neither of us spent anywhere near that amount on them. There are many secondhand bargains around at the moment both in the UK, and even more so in the US from places like audiogon. £2-3K on a s/h player should enable you to get a top notch setup.

As you are not too far away, you are welcome to pop over to listen to my humble little disc spinner if you like.

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