Stupid question about women...

I wouldnt worry about it dom, you arent alone. I couldnt score in a brothel with a golden tipped penis either.

And being nice aint my problem - i am a complete cúnt.
Women 'sense qualities in a man' points to a woman knowing what she want and how to find it but in the case of some men who have a hard time deciphering a woman's requirements the best advice on offer is that given by Bill S. Preston, Esq. and Ted "Theodore" Logan to "Be excellent to each other. " and "Party on, dudes.":)
Dom, we have been through all of this before. I can only say what others have said: she wasn't interested 3 years ago, she won't be interested now.

As for spoiling a good friendship, I do not believe in male female friendships. All the female friends I have are ex-lovers. I think she is just using you: she falls back on you the moment she is dumped (or something). You are just being her soft pillow and someone she can think of as being in her pocket: she can say to herself that she is wanted, and that she may have you when she chooses (which will probably be never: you are just an assurance).

In my experience I found out that when a woman breaks a relationship and she approaches a man complaining about that relationship, she is playing sex games. In fact, women play sex games for most of their lives. We do, too, but for most of sex sex games only consist of wanting a female. You say for her brain. I don't believe you. I have met really interesting girls, but if they do not attract me I do not find them interesting.

If you want to know if she wants you, just reject her: say you haven't got the time, do not answer to her phone calls, and call back two days after the first attempt to say you did not find the time to answer to her.

Women usually play hard to get. If a man is wise, he will play hard to get. This almost always works, unless the girl isn't really interested. At first she will be angry. Then she will think you do not find her attractive; finally, if she really fancies you, she will show interest.

As for your eyesight, there is only one problem: women do not always know it, but they give a host of signs when they are interested. Their eyes will be dilated, they will look you in the eye when saying an important (sexual) thing, they will play with their shoulders (a shoulder towards you and they look at you askance). But even the tone of her voice will betray them.

One last thing. Dom, you are in love. You will say you are not. But one has only to read your posts. And, believe me, she is not. Unless she fears you will not respond to her advances (and how could she fear it??) she would have made a pass at you long ago.

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