avanzato said:
So if you suspect it's going to 'land in deep water' why do you still want to do it?
...because I've known her for a very long time and saw how she'd turned her life around last time. She's now just a tad jaded about the whole thing this time around, and I'm worried she's gonna totally fold.
avanzato said:
Has she talked to you about her bloke or are you trying to single handedly 'fix things' even if she doesn't want you to?
She let me in on the situation almost as soon as it blew up, a few weeks back. Almost since day 1 of knowing her we've had a very trusting and open verbal relationship. She rang me up last night to let me in a bit more on the current state of play re bloke and it's a big mess.
Either way, I think I've sussed this one out in my mind.
Garyi - would you believe it's the SAME woman that you gave me advice on in 2003? Yep. Afraid so. Sounds totally sad but you'd realise why she has this effect on me (and others) if you met her a couple of times.
I can tell you this though, the weird thing is I've never actually consciously considered "getting into her pants" per se. It'd probably be a totally amazing experience, but (yeah, OK, so it's twee) I'm more sold on her mental and spiritual sides - there's definitely chemistry there.
This thing ALWAYS goes in cycles though; I think I've got myself sorted again now. Until the next time! Suspect I'd only ever be seen as the "provider" anyway if I'm really brutally honest, so I guess the hunt goes on.
I could ring her bloke's scrawny insensitive neck though - if he's reached the age he is and doesn't feel he's "played the field" who does he want to be? Gene Simmons??? Tosser.