Tannoy CPA 12 Cabinets

Sorry Frank/Nando. No further progress. The damping and acoustic foam have arrived so will stick them next Saturday.
Nice Dev.

I'm still contemplating my next cabs - this time I have managed to set aside enough money (I hope) to pay someone to make my new cabs for me. Trouble is I can't quite decide what I want!
Well yes, horns it could be. I've been thinking for ages about scaled down (15-20% smaller) GRF-R's as I have 12" drivers and my living room is not massive, and I don't want them to dominate the room so a bit smaller that standard size would be much preferable.

But then I picked up some corner Chatsworths and they looked ace in the room, albeit miles too small for the drivers and made of thin and flimsy ply. Made me think though that perhaps that triangular sort of profile might allow me to get away with big cabs more easily, and t'other half really liked the look of them - hence Canterburys as a bigger version (ish) of the Chatsworth.

Trouble is, if I went the Canterbury way I know I'd always have that nagging doubt of whether I should have plumped for the GRF!
Looking very good:-)

Ah yes well, GRF's doing the bass and horns for above 500 or 1000Hz is where I think it is at, at the moment... ;-)

I would go as far to say that nothing I've heard so far matches the startling directness and clarity of horns done well.

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