The biggest hi-fi bargain

Saab said:
VPI H16.5 record cleaner thanks to a strong pound,i was able to order one for only £320 inc delivery,they are sold for 460 even on Ebay

Since we're talkin' cleaners too, my vote goes to the KAB EV-1, essentially a stripped-down and manual Nitty Gritty machine that you simply attach to your home Hoover (who needs an onboard vac motor to break down anyway?):


It takes me only about 1 minute per side and is a real joy to use. Cost? A whopping $150 (£80)! :D (well, shipping to UK or Europe add another £20)

For anyone spinnin' vinyl but not yet vacuum cleaning it, you cannot find a more cost effective upgrade! :p

TNT Audio seems to agree KAB EV-1 Review .

They're not distributed over here (but you find Nitty Gritty machines starting at what, 500 quid? And they are no more effective :confused: ) The KAB can be ordered direct from the following link: KAB EV-1

Cheers, Dex
a CD transport, Sony 711 modded by AudioSynthesis to be Transcend now with Ncode, to play into Dax Decade.
pjdowns said:
Personally, I would have to say the

Rega Ear - Headphone Amp.

I don't personally own one as yet but for the price it is the bargin of the century.

My mate got one for Christmas and, quite frankly I am stunned out how good this little box is for the money.

it is indeed good. Black Rhodium Concertos are bargain at the moment though imo. For any interconnect doubters, plant your ears here :)
Dexter said:
but you find Nitty Gritty machines starting at what, 500 quid?
The guy in Lisbon who's selling his P9 on eBay will also be selling his Nitty Gritty for a very reasonable price (about 250 Euros)....and I've got first refusal on it :)

michaelab said:
The guy in Lisbon who's selling his P9 on eBay will also be selling his Nitty Gritty for a very reasonable price (about 250 Euros)....and I've got first refusal on it :)

Well, he's just upped his opening bid on the P9 to 2400 Euros midway through the auction (no bids yet). Better pounce on his NG before he jacks that too! :eek:
Getting a brand new Denon DVD2900 for £450 - timed getting one just as the 3910 came out so got it as a clearance item - I can't use any of the new features on the 3910 so no point getting it.

the 2900 beats my Sony in every respect - excellent sacd sound and decent cd sound too and it plays films.

Although one of those KAB cleaners looks it could tempt some money off me.
Jackthebiscuit said:
Michaelab/Dexter - Can you post the link to the Rega P9 auction please, I cant locate it? Cheers JTB

Here 'tis, JTB:Rega P9 auction

It's a 10-day auction. The seller initially set the starting bid at 1600 Euros. No bids. Then yesterday he upped it to 2400, so I'm guessing that's the price he'd accept to pull the auction, since it's certainly not encouraging any bidders. :confused:

Cheers, Dex
Well, most bids would come in towards the end. €2400 is still a healthy discount on the Portuguese list price of €3700. Too rich for my blood though. He's somewhat hampered his chances of people finding his auction also by putting a space between P and 9 in the title so anyone searching for "Rega P9" wouldn't find it.

btw, here's the link for the auction.

Yes,Its 3,500€ here,I think I could get it for 3,000,I think the problem with high end turntables is they crash heavily in price,I would have thought 1,600-1,800 the right price for it,2400€ is too much.
I think he's pretty much convinced himself he can't go through with getting rid of it all so is looking for an unrealistic price knowing that it won't sell so he can say "Oh well, no one bought it so looks like I'll stick with it" - fooling himself into thinking the decision wasn't his.

For the biggest bargain, Im going to go with the Glasshouse 300B integrated valve amp.

This kit is available for around 700 pounds, or built up for around 900.

Its all point to point wired with no PCBs, is single ended 300B, was designed by Andy Grove, uses good quality components, looks great and is the best new valve amp I know at the price.

If I was starting from scratch, I'd probably buy one.


If I can include DIY, then I'd say on equal standing:

Zero Oversampling TDA1543 DAC with battery supply
Gaincard Clones reasonably well done
My "Afterburner" Speaker design when shopping around for best prices

All the above as system, wired with CAT5 Solid core cable and a cheap Player as transport, with a bitaccurate digital output.

It should be possible to put the lot together for well < £ 500....

If it is commercially only then a good affordable Speaker like the various EPOS 11/12/14 and maybe Creek Amp's, certain now discontinued Cabridge Audio DAC's, Technics SL-1210 Turntable with Denon DL-103 pickup, Rega RB-300 and OL Modded Rega Tonearm, original, old series Play Station as CD Player.

Personal greatest Bargains? A pair of Speakers with Goodmans Axiom 201 Fullrangers for £ 18 at the local cash converters, a pair of 6.5" Alnico Magnet Victor (JVC) Fullrange driver equipped Speakers at the same place for £ 5. SME Series II Tonearm non-improved, metal knifeedge bearings head(shell)less for £ 15. A bunch of SACD's for free from Mobile Fidelities Rep at the last HiFi show for free. Marantz CD-Player with TDA1541 DAC for free on the roadside.... Converting affordable integrated Amp's (eg Marantz PM-66) to external Battery supplies using salvaged UPS's...

Ciao T
Nos Dac

Best bargain ever: TDA1543 Non_OS DAC - £71 plus £13 postage direct from Taiwan. Absolutely sensational detail and PRAT from cds and the Squeezebox.

Second best bargain ever: the Squeezebox.

After that, Apple Powermac G5! :-)

Marantz CD 6000KI - kept my upgraditus at bay for 4 blissful years!! Now that can't be bad :D


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