Saab said:VPI H16.5 record cleaner thanks to a strong pound,i was able to order one for only £320 inc delivery,they are sold for 460 even on Ebay
Since we're talkin' cleaners too, my vote goes to the KAB EV-1, essentially a stripped-down and manual Nitty Gritty machine that you simply attach to your home Hoover (who needs an onboard vac motor to break down anyway?):

It takes me only about 1 minute per side and is a real joy to use. Cost? A whopping $150 (£80)!

For anyone spinnin' vinyl but not yet vacuum cleaning it, you cannot find a more cost effective upgrade!

TNT Audio seems to agree KAB EV-1 Review .
They're not distributed over here (but you find Nitty Gritty machines starting at what, 500 quid? And they are no more effective

Cheers, Dex